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Optically-Stimulated Luminescence is a dating technique that is used to find out

-- The last time quartz or feldspar sediment was exposed to light.

National Highways Grid proposed by the NHAI will be, the Grid will improve
connectivity between coastal areas and state capitals thus facilitating cargo
movement. It will help the government re-designate the National Highways for easy
The Fourth Buddhist Council was held at Kundalvana, Kashmir in 72 AD under
the patronage of Kushan king Kanishka. The president of this council was
Vasumitra. This council distinctly divided the Buddhism into 2 sects Mahayana and
Einstein Ring was discovered recently by an Institute of Chile. "Einstein Ring",
first predicted by Einstein's theory of General Relativity, is a rarely observed,
astronomical phenomenon that occurs when two distant galaxies are perfectly
aligned, millions of light years apart.
Microsoft Asia announced the launch of its Malware Infection Index 2016. The
region is especially vulnerable with emerging markets most at risk of malware
threats. The image below clearly shows that countries like Pakistan and some
ASEAN nations are most affected. India is less severely affected.
SAMOA was an outcome document of the Third International Conference on Small
Island Developing States (SIDS), the 'SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA)
India Nuclear Insurance Pool (INIP). It was launched as per the mandatory
provision under the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act (CLND), 2010. The pool
provides capacity for insurance coverage to operators and suppliers for any nuclear
liability towards third party.
Bhimbetka owes its name to the characters of the longest epic in the world, the
Mahabharata. It is believed that when the five brothers, called Pandavas, were
banished from their kingdom. Animals such as bison, tiger, rhinoceros, wild boar,
elephants, monkeys, antelopes, lizards, peacocks etc. have been abundantly
depicted in the rock shelters. Popular religious and ritual symbols also occur
All the edicts of Asoka engraved in the Kharoshthi and Brahmi scripts are in the
Prakrit language. Originally the language employed in the inscriptions was Prakrit
and Sanskrit was adopted in the inscriptions only at a later period(During Guptas).
The Future We Want document was a result of --- Earth Summit 2012 at Rio
The Changthangi or Pashmina goat inhabits the plateaus in Tibet and neighbouring
areas of Ladakh in Jammu & Kashmir. They are raised for ultra-fine cashmere wool.
Kuji Mendha sheep are fast breeders giving multiple birth. Sheep in other parts of
Odisha are not known for giving multiple birth. This characteristic makes them
distinctive from other species.
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has suggested
that it will propose for the funding of foam industries to shift to cyclopentane. It has
zero ozone depletion potential and low global warming potential.
Directorate of Enforcement enforces the Foreign Exchange Management
Act,1999 (FEMA) and Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA).
Himalayan monal is also known as the Impeyan monal or pheasant is state bird of
Uttarakhand and national bird of Nepal, where it is known as Danphe.
One of the important crafts of Uttar Pradesh is Chikankari, which entails delicate
and traditional hand embroidery. This form of handicrafts is mainly practiced in
Lucknow. It is done on fabrics like chiffon, muslin, organza, organdie and silk.
Yaws is a chronic infection that affects mainly the skin, bone and cartilage. It affects
mainly children before the age of 15 years. Recently, India received the official
citation from WHO and UNICEF for being YAWS-free.
To strengthen the surveillance of financial markets, the G20 leaders decided in April
2009 to expand the membership of the former Financial Stability Forum (FSF)
and renamed it the Financial Stability Board (FSB). The new membership
includes all G20 countries, Hong Kong SAR, Singapore, Spain, and the European
Commission. Statement 2: FSB will report any possible threats to the stability of the
global financial system to the G20 finance ministers, the IMF and central bank
governors. The FSF was made an observer of the IMFC in 1999. FSB is not a member
organ of the IMFC.
Fiscal Monitor report was published in April 2016 by International Monetary Fund.
The main mineral constituents of the continental mass are silica and alumina. The
oceanic crust mainly consists of silica and magnesium. Both oceanic crust and
continental crust are less dense than the mantle, but oceanic crust is denser than
continental crust. This is partly why the continents are at a higher elevation than
the ocean floor.
The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
established the GTI. It was started in 1998, much after many important global
agreements, conventions and treaties were negotiated and signed, for e.g. CBD in
the early 1990s.
LISA Pathfinder, a mission led by the European Space Agency (ESA), it successfully
tested a key technology needed to build a space-based observatory for detecting
gravitational waves.
Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae bacteria. It
usually affects the skin and peripheral nerves, but has a wide range of clinical
manifestations. The National Leprosy Eradication Programme is being continued
with Govt. of India funds from January 2005 onwards. Additional support for the
programme is continued to be received from the WHO and ILEP organizations. MDT
is to be supplied free of cost as of now by NOVARTIS through WHO.
A natural area designated to protect the ecological integrity of one or more
ecosystems for present and future generations. It is the Wildlife sanctuary that aims
at the conservation of particular set of species. No human settlements are even
allowed in the core region of a national park. National parks conserve the ecological
aspects of the environment, not its cultural and social aspects.
Nadir Shahs invasion and the conquest of Delhi in 1739 resulted in the migration of
Mughal artists to the hills to escape the uncertainties of the plains.Here they found
ready patrons which led to the founding of the Kangra school of painting.
CCTNS Make the Police functioning citizen friendly and more transparent by
automating the functioning of Police Stations. Facilitate Interaction and sharing of
Information among Police Stations, Districts, State/UT headquarters and other Police
Agencies. Keep track of the progress of Cases, including in Courts
ECOLEX is the most comprehensive global source of national and international
environmental and natural resources law and policy.
Tribes Koya : Odisha and Baigas : Madhya Pradesh
Nuclear Command Authority (NCA) (Executive team headed by NSA and Political
team headed by PM) . It authorizes SFC headed by CInC Air Marshal.
Global Financial Development Report by World Bank.
Vishnu as Narasimha, the man-lion, a work of the Rashtrakuta period, has been
shown in Ellora caves
Bewar is a term used for shifting agriculture.
Project Alloy of Intel Corporation is a Device that creates merged reality.
Under Lord Hastings(GovernorGeneral from 1813 to 1823) a new policy of
paramountcy was initiated. Now the Company claimed that its authority was
paramount orsupreme, hence its power was greater than that of Indian states. In
order to protect its interestsit was justified in annexing or threatening to annex any
Indian kingdom.
Mulching :
Under the method the bare ground between plantsis covered with a layer of organic
matter like straw. Mulches conserve moisture by reducing the amount of soil water
lost through evaporation. Mulches alter the structure of the soil which usually
increases root growth due to the increase of organic matter in soil.
In 2010, forests covered about 31 percent of the worlds total land area.
Permanent Residency Status
Government approved the scheme to grant Permanent Residency Status (PRS) to
foreign investors (except Pakistan) who invest a stipulated minimum amount in the
Many advanced economies such as the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia as well
as Singapore
To avail PRS, the foreign investor will have to invest a minimum .The foreign
investment should result in generating employment to at least 20 resident Indians
every financial year.
It will enable an investor to live in India without requiring to register with the police
annually or leaving the country periodically or returning to the home country for
renewal of the business visa.
It will also enable an investor to fly in and out of the country multiple times, acquire
residential property in India, allow the spouse to take up employment in the private
sector and dependents to study at Indian educational institutions.
William Jones 1784 he founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal to encourage
Oriental studies. He himself took up Sanskrit, to equip himself for the preparation of
a vast digest of Hindu and Muslim law.
Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi thought about education in similar ways. There
were, however, differences too. Gandhiji was highly critical of Western civilisation
and its worship of machines and technology. Tagore wanted to combine elements of
modern Western civilisation with what he saw as the best within Indian tradition.
In Manipur, Thuni is a premier festival of new harvest.

The Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) is an act of Parliament of

India. It is a central law. It was established to ensure the delivery of certain
services, which if obstructed would affect the normal life of the people. These
include services like public transport (bus services), health services (doctors and
Although it is a very powerful law, its execution rests entirely on the discretion of
the State government. Each state in the union of India, hence has a separate state
Essential Services Maintenance Act with slight variations from the central law in its
provisions. This freedom is accorded by the central law itself.

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