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World History Mr, beGarry/Mr, McNamara Reformation Unit Unit Glossary 1. Counter Reformation: new policies of the Catholic Church aimed at stopping the spread of Protestantism 2. Great Schism: the split in the Church in 1378 3. Indulgence: a pardon for sin 4. Jesuits: a religious order established in the 1530s 5. Missionary: a person who goes to foreign countries to do religious work 6. Ninety-Five Theses: a list of disputes, written by Martin Luther, against the Catholic Church 7. Peace of Westphalia: the treaty recognizing permanent division of Western Europe into Catholic and Protestant nations 8. Predestination: the belief that people are chosen for salvation before they are born 9. Protestant: a Christian who broke with the Catholic Church 10. Reformation: movement of opposition to the Catholic Church World History Mr. McGarry/Mr. AicNamara Reformation Unit MOVERS & SHAKERS Martin Luther John Calvin King Henry VIET Ignatius of Loyola

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