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Merced High School Box 2167: Merced. 95344 (209) 325-1000 March 14, 2017 To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to support the application of Carissa Mazon. Carissa was a student in my AP Calculus class last year. She is a very capable student, extremely hard working, and very conscientious. Carissa is someone who values her education and is very goal-oriented. Carissa’s attitude towards learning is as much a part of her excellence as is her intelligence, and she has earned the respect and admiration of peers and teachers. I am often asked to describe a student using three words. To me Carissa is a thoughtful, thorough, and caring young person. I also ask students I am recommending to provide me with three words that describe themselves. Carissa used the words ‘indecisive’, ‘sensitive’, and ‘goofy’. Rarely do the three words I use completely miss on the three words the students use. I thought about this for a while and came to the conclusion that I look at Carissa very differently than Carissa looks at Carissa. Although ‘indecisive’ and ‘goofy’ may give a negative impression of her, I believe she is comfortable with not always having the quick answer and not always behaving as the perfect student. Carissa is unique. Carissa has two passions in life that guide her. She loves music and helping others. These are characteristics that define her and give her strength. Her commitment to our school band and a variety of service clubs makes those activities successful, Carissa spends hours of time outside the school day that helps create a positive impact on the quality of our school and community. As busy as she is, she maintains an excellent grade point average of 4.14 overall while taking rigorous courses. Carissa is perseverant and confident in her abilities. Her ethics and values, as well as her dedication and ‘maturity, are clearly set out in her character. She has set out an educational plan to enroll in a university and major in nursing, which will allow her to become successful in a field of work that supports her local community. Her combination of intelligence and concern makes her choice ‘spot on’. I recommend Carissa without reservation as a very deserving student. da Aga Tim Hagerman Merced High School Mathematies Instructor and Department Head

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