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Tori Tobul

UWRT 1104
Studio 2 - ePortfolio
1) This student made her ePortfolio very inviting from the second you click onto her site.
She has a nice quote that draws a person in and makes them curious as to what they have
stumbled upon. The website was very easy to move around; I didnt spend a lot of time
figuring out where to go and how. The easy to see tabs at the top are a great touch to the
website so that people can easily see where else they can search.
2) The theme of this website was something about books, or a story to be more specific.
The theme is easy to point out from the beginning, from the title of the website to the
names of each tabs to the way the students seems to chronologically place each of her
writings/assignments, just like a book does.
3) The students audience is her teacher, but she writes her ePortfolio as if other people
might view it someday. There are different tones in her voice and her style of writing
makes it seem as if she is not just addressing her teacher, presenting a project.
4) There is a reflection for each assignment that this student does. There is not a section of
this website that doesnt have some sort of thought, by her, of her writing.
5) The two SLOs this website had are: Rhetorical Knowledge and Critical Reflection.
Critical reflection is on each page of her website. She reflects on each piece of writing
that she puts on her website. She goes into depth on her reflections and critiques the way
she wrote the things she did. Rhetorical knowledge is knowing how to write different
types of text/genres, how to change your tone and when you should change it, and how to
experiment with conventions. I saw all of this from the first tab I selected, which was the
first letter written to Malcolm. The student uses higher level vocabulary and writes is a
quirky fun way but also at the same time keeping it formal, since it is an assignment.
1) This website was also well organized. Both were made on weebly, which I hear is an easy
website to use. Each of this students tabs were in order and easy to find/use. The website
was very colorful and the photos added a nice personal touch to it. I believe these aspects
help draw a person into someones site.
2) The theme of this website seemed to be books/story based off the tables being named
chapter 1, chapter 2, and so on. But like it was in the first website, I didnt get a
storytelling vibe from this website. It seemed to be more of a decorative theme.
3) The audience is clearly, Malcolm, her teacher. Unlike the one above, it seems like this
website is strictly just an assignment portfolio. Her voice was formal throughout the
whole website, making me believe her one true audience was her teacher.
4) The reflections for this website dont occur as often and arent as deep as the ones stated
above. She gave very little information about what she was reflecting on it felt like. It
seems as if she had just been writing the bare minimum amount.
5) I found that Composing Processes and Critical reflection were her two strongest SLOs.
She may not have had the best reflections of her writing, they could use some
improvement, but they were still there and her final reflective letter is a good one to note
for this SLO. Its long and detailed and it feels like she is writing as a means for
reflection. Composing Processes is evident through her talking about her blog posts. This
shows that she can write different genres and that she is thinking and planning her
writings. It shows that she is capable of speaking formally and informally. This is found
on her informal writing tab.
Tori Tobul
UWRT 1104
Campbell ------- my ePortfolio

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