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Alternate Endings

Second Grade
Whole group work to Individual instruction.

Reading Comprehension-Literature

1. 3.1 analyze simple elements of a story such as setting, characters, and plot
[NS/PS 3.2.1]

3.2 restate the logical and sequential development of a story [NS 3.2.1]

3.3 generate alternative endings to stories [NS 3.2.1]

3.4 make basic inferences about character traits and predict story outcomes [NS/PS

3.5 compare and contrast different versions of the same stories from different
cultures and eras [NS/PS 3.2.3]

Objective: The students will analyze simple elements of a story. They will
be able to identify characters, setting and plot and then create their own
alternate ending.

-Alternate Endings Worksheet

1. Read out loud for the class, A Fine, Fine School by Sharon Creech.
2. Once finished, go over as a class, the characters, setting and plot to make sure all
students understand.
3. Pass out Alternate Endings worksheet and explain what students need to do.
4. Students are to write a paragraph made of 4-5 complete sentences with an alternate
ending to the story. They will then need to illustrate and color in the provided space a
picture of their alternate ending.

I will be grading these based on the paragraph including at least 4 complete sentences and
their illustration being detailed and not rushed.

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