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(A) The man should go to the museum by shuttle bus.
(B) The next train leaves in25 minutes.
(C) The train will arrive at the museum before 10:30.
(D) The man just missed the shuttle bus to the museum.
(A) She forgot to study for the exam.
(B) She had planned to go to the movie.
(C) The man should have invited her to the movies.
(D) The man should have studied for the exam.
(A) A' new building
(B) Directions to the gym
(C) Going to the library
(D) New library hours
(A) Take a different history course
(B) Use a computer in the lab
(C) Help him write his paper
(D) Return his computer as soon as possible
(A) She got her watch where her sister works.
(B) She will help the man buy a watch.
(C) She had to work hard to buy a watch.
(D) The man should not buy a watch at her sister's store.
(A) Find out if classes are cancelled
(B) Not go to classes tomorrow
(C) Turn on the radio
(D) Look to see if the storm has stopped
(A) No one has recently seen her
(B) She is spending a lot of time in the library.
(C) She is avoiding the man.
(D) She went home for vacation.

(A) Try to fix what is wrong with the computer
(B) Ask someone else for help with the computer
(C) Turn on another computer
(D) Let the woman use his computer
(A) She thinks the man should order the fish.
(B) She wants the man to choose quickly.
(C) She prefers the chicken
(D) She cannot decide what to eat
(A) She should go home now to get the CD.
(B) She can return the CD to Tom later.
(C) She can borrow a CD from Tom when she sees him in class.
(D) She should not have taken Tom's CD home with her.
(A) Cancel her appointment at the clinic
(B) Make an appointment at the clinic soon
(C) Begin practicing for the German test next week
(D) Arrange to take the German test at a later date
(A) Rent the apartment she saw first
(B) Visit her new neighbors
(C) Look at other apartments before deciding
(D) Write a check for the rent
(A) He likes to play basketball
(B) He is proud of his ability as a basketball player.
(C) He does not want to watch the basketball game.
(D) He is not on the basketball team.
(A) Buy both shirts today
(B) Buy the green shirt
(C) Return the shirt he bought last week
(D) Not buy any shirts

(A) The woman did not accept the job offer.
(B) The woman does not like her new job.
(C) The woman is planning to start a new job.
(D) The woman is looking for a job at a different bank.
(A) Go to the party with the man
(B) Take her aunt to the party
(C) Invite the man to the play
(D) See a play with her aunt
(A) She is looking for another job
(B) She will apply for financial aid next year.
(C) She thinks she will not need financial aid.
(D) She thinks she is not taking enough classes.
(A) It is the only kind the restaurant has left,
(B) The woman does not have to pay extra for it.
(C) It is a specialty of the restaurant.
(D) He will replace it with a different dessert.
19(A) A small town can have negative qualities.
(B) It can be difficult to run a business in a small town.
(C) His family owns a business in his hometown.
(D) He would like to visit the woman's hometown.
20(A) He would like more time to prepare next time.
(B) He will not be able to attend the open house.
(C) He enjoyed working as a volunteer
(D) He will not be able to coordinate the program again.
(A) He will meet the man and woman before his psychology class,
(B) He is in the same class as the man and woman.
(C) He is late for an appointment with the man and woman.
(D) He forgot to do his assignment for today's class.
22(A) She is looking for a job on campus.
(B) She can get the materials they gave out at the meeting,
(C) She went to the meeting with her roommate.
(D) She is too busy to help the man.

(A) He probably will not be able to follow the professor's advice.
(B) He has not finished doing the research for his presentation.
(C) He does not understand what the professor means.
(D) He would like the professor to listen to him rehearse his presentation.
(A) He knows who will be performing in the musical.
(B) He doubts that the theater group will perform a musical next year.
(C) The theater group needs to select a new director.
(D) The director has probably chosen the musical,
(A) He has been sick recently.
(B) He is tired of looking for an apartment.
(C) He wants an apartment near his work.
(D) He has been looking for a new job for a long time.
(A) The woman would not vote in the elections.
(B) Ben would be elected class president.
(C) Ben would not run for class president.
(D) The elections would be held later.
27. (A) He did not recommend the lecture.
(B) He did not speak to the woman yesterday.
(C) He is eager to go to the lecture.
(D) He started to like astronomy only recently.
28. (A) She needs to continue studying.
(B) She did not read the reviews.
(C) She has already seen the movie.
(D) She intends to go see the movie.
29. (A) He thinks the dry weather will change.
(B) He is already conserving water.
(C) Ways should he found to use less water.
(D) The dry weather will be worse than last summer.
30.(A) Everyone should already have the new manual.
(B) The old manual should not be used anymore.
(C) The new manual has not been completed yet.
(D) The old manual will not be changed.

2005 - 05
1.M: Do you know when the next train is? I need to be at the museum (Finars)
by 10:30.
W: Actually there is a shuttle bus at 10 that takes you directly there and it's
only a 25-minute ride.
Q: What does the woman imply?
2.M: It was such a great weekend. I saw two really good movies and play.
What did you do?
W: Well, you were supposed to doing...studying. Did you forget we have an
exam today?
Q: What does the woman mean?
3.W: So, what do they suppose to be building over there? Another gym?
M: Isn't there where the new library's going?
Q: What are the speakers talking about?
4.W: Do you mind if I use your computer to write the history paper? Mine's
out for repairs.
M: Sorry, but I am in the middle of typing something and it's gonna to be a
while. You know, the computer lab is still open.
Q: What does the man imply the woman should do?
5.M: Hi, Gina, that's a really cool watch. Where did you get it?
W: Well, my sister works at the jewelry store right off campus.
Q: What does the woman imply?
6.W: Do you think the classes are gonna to be cancelled because of the snow
M: I sure hope so. It says on the radio that roads are treacherous. Why don't
you check with the administration office?
Q: What dose the man suggest the woman do?
7.M: So, what is Gloria these days? It's like she is disappeared.
W: She obviously hasn't been to the library for a while.
Q: What can be inferred about Gloria?
8.W: I don't what you did to this computer, but it keeps giving me these error
M: Oh, sorry. I was playing around with it before you came in. Let me take a
look at it.
Q: What will the man do?
9.M: Chicken or fish? I know they are both good here but I just can't make up
my mind.
W: Come on. We haven't got all night.
Q: What does the woman mean?
10.W: Oh, no. I just remembered. I was supposed to give Tom his CD back
when I see him in class today. But I left it sitting on the kitchen table.
M: I don't think it is any big deal. I am sure he can do without it until our next
Q: What does the man imply about the woman?
11.W: I am starting to lose my voice, which usually is about to catch a cold.
Do you think I should go to the clinic and have my throat looked at?
M: As sooner as possible, especially since we have four exams next week in
German class.
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?
12.M: Are you sure you want to rent that apartment? It's the first one you
W: You are right. I shouldn't be so hasty. It wouldn't hurt to check out a few
Q: What will the woman probably do?
13.W: Wow, you are really tall. Are you on the basketball team?
M: I may be tall, but that doesn't mean I am ever good as a player.
Q: What does the man imply?
14.M: Which suit do you think I should buy, the red or the green one?
W: Well, didn't you already buy a red one last week? A little variety would be
Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?
15.M: I was surprised to hear that you accepted the job offer from the bank.
Are you sure you like working there?
W: I just thought I give it a try. If I don't like it, I can quit anytime.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
16.M: I am having a party tonight. Can you make it?
W: I'd love to but my aunt's here only one day and I promised her to take her
to the play.
Q: What will the woman probably do?
17.M: How are you gonna to pay for the classes next year? Did you apply for
financial aid?
W: Well, I am working at the bookstore and doing some tutoring. That should
be enough, don't you think?
Q: What can be inferred about the woman?
18.W: Excuse me, I didn't order this cake.
M: It comes with your dinner, madam.
Q: What does the man say about the cake?
19.W: You know something. I can't wait to go home for summer break. My
hometown is so small that everybody knows you.
M: Yeah. But everybody knows your business too and talks about it all the
Q: What does the man mean?
20.W: You did a great job, coordinating the student volunteers for the campus
open house field. I hope we can count on you again.
M: I am glad things work up, but this is it for me. It is too time consuming.
Q: What does the man mean?
21.W: What time should Peter be here to meet us?
M: As soon as phycology class was finished. I hope he didn't forget.
Q: What can be inferred about Peter?
22.M: I miss the meeting about on campus job openning this afternoon. Were
you there?
W: I don't have time for a job this semester but my roommate went and I can
get you copies of the form you need from her.
Q: What does the woman mean?
23.W: One thing I definitely recommend: make sure you get enough sleep the
night before your presentation. Trust me. It would make difference.
M: I don't know, professor. That won't be sasy. Probably I will lie awake like I
were rehearsing my talk.
Q: What does the man mean?
24.W: Do you think we could have a say in pop musical our theatre group will
be presenting next year?
M: I doubt it. I heard the director say she don't really pick one out.
Q: What does the man mean?
25.W: Hey, Jane. I hear you are looking for an apartment closer to work.
M: Yes. I am sick and tied of spending so much time in my car.
Q: What does the man imply?
26.W: I've got a great news. Ben's going to be senior class president next
M: They've had the elections already?
Q: What had the man assumed?
27.W: Someone said we really should go to that guest lecture tomorrow.
M: Well, it wasn't me. I couldn't care less about astronomy.
Q: What does the man mean?
28.M: Trust me. You don't want to go to that movie. It is not nearly as good as
the review said.
W: I don't care. I need a break from studying and it is the only thing showing
that I I've already seen.
Q: What does the woman mean?
29.W: If this dry weather keeps up, we're going to be constricted again on
how we use water this summer.
M: Unless we really start doing something about it now.
Q: What does the man mean?
30.W: Hey, Mike. I heard that you were revising the instructor's menu for the
computer class. Is there any way I could get a copy of the ne...

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