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Jonny Lopez

By, Natalia Rizo

18 years old
Currently attending SLCC.
Oldest of 5
Physics Engineering is was what he
is leaning to study.
Enjoys building machines and
solving equations.
Life Goals/Challenges

Wants to create a machine that fixes

parts of humanity.
Building a machine having the ability to
recreate and remember memories of
your childhood.
Will always make equations that are tied
to meaning of life itself.
Has overcome many obstacles with
Overcoming everything that life has
thrown at him with a mindset of leaving
anything that won't benefit him.
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its
ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing
that it is stupid. -Einstein
We live in a world of acceptance being the only way to prove that we're someone and believing in test results defining our intelligence,
and ability to be stable in a diverse country the only pleads to take immigrants out. We the people blaming society when we are a big
part of it. we as in a country united as one. Nothing less than people roaming around with close minds not using their potential to see
past what eyes can see and the other part of us being open minded and not using our power to see what's defined as beauty and
structure. The structures now are made of superficial things, objects being placed as feelings and passions, I guess to put in more
simplicity we are falling behind not moving forward. In what place does stability take place in? The way we are selfish with one another
not caring enough to help our world be bold and better? No. Or even the way stereotypes are being pushed around and worshiped
instead of faith in God and in what we grew up believing in. What happened with our right of speech it gave us the right to speak for
ourselves and construct our own opinions, now we're silenced. We seem to turn to things that help us for a while but destroy us
forever, we seek for help but won't say a word because of fear. We don't take a risk for anything because we don't like change, too
often kindness and respect is taken for granted. Respect is not given it is now earned I remember growing up to respecting everyone
but what has changed now? I remember what love meant, it meant to put things before your own and it meant to be kind, patient and
understanding now it's just a word it's being thrown around just like suicide is just a joke or depression is not around. The way our world
is polluted being thrown away and people seeking for food and shelter and not finding anything around is sickening yet we are sitting
here doing nothing about it, we cry and complain of what we can't have but won't reach out to find it ourselves and help other that are
in need of help. We are now selfish, selfish enough to want more than what we deserve. Selfish enough to throw away our art of
getting by, art in plain sight and anything that still reads HUMAN.

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