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Rhetorical Reasoning

1. 9 because we looked at many different types of texts, as well as writing styles,

while using technology to analyze these texts.
2. 10 we looked at multiple writing styles and how to mimic these styles such as the
dog hater text.
3. 10 we looked at multiple writing styles and how to mimic these styles such as the
dog hater text.

Critical Thinking
1. 10 we read lots and lots and lots of text inside and outside of the classroom.
2. 10 we looked at past students text and also current students text in the class and
edited it.
3. 8 we spent a day looking at different types of resources available to us.
4. 5 I dont understand this but I want to say 5 because I dont remember ever
talking about nonverbal elements in writing or texts.

Composing Processes
1. 8 we went over different strategies by looking through texts where authors talked
about these strategies.
2. 10 we did a lot of peer review work as well as interpreting other authors work.
3. 10 we looked at pieces of text and looked at how they strengthen and dont
strengthen claims.

Knowledge of Conventions
1. 5 I dont really remember negotiating anything.
2. 10 we looked at lots of different texts and distinguished these conventions.
3. 10 we looked at lots of texts where there was and wasn't citations.
4. 7 it is pretty basic stuff that we already knew so it wasn't covered a ton.

Critical Reflection
1. 10 we wrote many, many reflections.
2. 10 we wrote many reflections.
3. 10 we went over what a reflection does for us.
4. 10 we talked about why reflection is important.

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