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I originally took climate change because I was very interested in global warming.

It has a huge
affect on our climate and will bring long term destruction to earth. This class has taught me
anywhere from energy, to monsoons, dry climates, oceans, isotopes, and the atmosphere. One
thing I learned that I will never forget is about radioactive dating and isotopes. Growing up, I was
very interested and dinosaurs. I was always curious about how we know their age, how do we
know what it was like when they were alive and how we estimate their age. It was so interesting
that we can dig up the fossils and look at the isotopes and link it back to millions of years ago,
as well as see the temperature at that specific time.
The thing that I will hold on to for the rest of my life, is our lesson about greenhouse
gasses. I learned that water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, are gases in the earths
atmosphere. We talked about how Co2 is the greatest warming effect, and its long term effects.
I was cool watching the videos talking about the rises in sea level. We could see the affects how
human behavior with the melting of the glaciers. How it so dangerous for cities like New York
when sea level rises. It could just wash up new york and wipe anything and everything out. Im
glad we watched those educational videos, it really persuaded the way I look at earth. Shows
the effects that we do and what I could do to make a difference.

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