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Visual history of refugees

During WWI there were little to no international guidelines on
the treatment of refugees so oftentimes families or individuals
were forced to fend for themselves
These issues continued into WWII except on a much larger
scale. Policies were put into place on a country by country
basis but there are many instances of refugees being sent
away or treated poorly
In the early 1950s there were a series of international laws
put into place regarding the treatment and relocation of
refugees. These measures were created as a direct response
to the atrocities committed during WWII
Vietnam was the epicenter for one of the first major refugee
crisis following wwii. Well over a million people needed to be
resettled with over 800,000 ending up in the United States
At the time the yugoslav civil war was by far the largest
refugee crisis since wwii. Many of these refugees settled
across western europe in places such as germany
The ongoing war in syria has displaced over 6.5 million
people. Many of these people are settling in camps across
places such as turkey and many others are escaping into
europe both legally and illegally. Many nations have become
overwhelmed by the sheer number of people entering their
countries while others such as the united states are closing
off borders entirely

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