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Body Language and Attraction, 2 nd


Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio


This is the second edition of Body Language and Attraction.

After the astounding response to the first edition, I decided
to put together a second edition sporting more information,
and links to further reading where appropriate.

As you begin to enjoy this book, be aware that distribution is

encouraged. Spread it around in any way you see fit. All I
ask is that you dont sell it for profit. This information
should be freely available for all.

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internet, link back to the site this ebook came from, with the
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Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio


1. Introduction, So Where Do We Start?

2. Rules for Accurate Body Language Reading
3. Practice Makes Perfect

4. The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

5. Dilating Pupils
6. Looking Up
7. Eye Contact

8. Smiling Makes the World Go Round

9. Tight Lips
10. Sideways, Looking Up

11. You're all Hands

12. Arm Signals

13. Crossed Arms over Chest
14. Self Hug
15. Elbow Touching

16. The Body Points to Where the Mind Wants to Go

17. Open Positioning
18. Closed Positioning

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

19. Leg and Foot Pointing

20. Personal Territory

21. Touch and Personal Claim
22. General Flirting and Attraction Gestures
23. Conclusion
24. Recommended Reading
25. Love Systems
26. Contact Me

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

Introduction; So Where Do We Start?

Well, what is body language? Technically, its been defined

as the nonverbal and mostly unconscious communication
through use of gestures such as posture, facial expressions,
hand movements, and alike.

With training, the ability to notice and define body language

can be used to reveal the true thoughts, intentions, and
current emotional condition of everyone.

Various studies have concluded that face to face

communication consists of a less than 35% verbal
Component, and an 85% non verbal component.

Examples of this are seen in every day life; but few notice
them. For example a woman who isnt having a good time at
the bar will sit with her arms crossed, legs crossed, and a
slight frown on her face, and the guy whos trying to impress
her might display the typical cowboy pose of hands in
pockets with thumbs protruding, pointing at his crotch.

The purpose of this ebook is to help you become aware of

the varying body language used by those feeling attraction
for another; because the more aware you become, the better

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

able you are to determine whether someone has a crush on


As well as being able to spot gestures of attraction, this

ebook will teach you gestures of dislike too its important
to know these in order to gain a balanced view of a persons
true feelings.

Rules for Accurate Body Language Reading

One of the most common mistakes a rookie body language

reader could make is to interpret individual gestures in
isolation of other gestures.

For example, when someone rubs their left hand on their

right arm it can indicate many things negative feelings,
sore arm, or perhaps theyre just cold. It all depends on the
other gestures being displayed at the time.

With this in mind its important to remember that external

circumstances influence gestures made at any given
moment. A classic and often used example is the woman in
miniskirt who sits with her ankles crossed tightly in front of

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

If you remember that ankle crossing is usually associated

with negativity and defence you might believe that this
womans feeling a little angry or unhappy.

But then you realise the surroundings, and the size of her
skirt, then realise that she has to keep her ankles (and legs)
crossed for certain obvious and necessary reasons perhaps
shes just trying to stop people seeing up her skirt!

Practice Makes Perfect

Reading body language isnt always easy, but it is always fun

(and useful!). Youll agree that the more you practice
reading it, the better youll get. My suggestion is that you
take at least 15 minutes each day and dedicate it to reading
peoples body language. This way, in time itll become
second nature.

The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

A very true and often used saying; the eyes are the windows
to the soul. Perhaps not literally! But they do tell us a whole
bunch of useful information about a persons thoughts and

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

Dilating Pupils

When youre feeling positive, when you like the

company youre in, and when you hear something you
agree with, your pupils dilate.

Likewise the opposite is true when people are feeling

negative and dislike a situation their pupils contract.

Dilating pupils are known within the body language

community as micro-gestures, because they cannot be
consciously controlled and often go unnoticed by the
untrained eye.

Although dilating pupils are often a signal that a person

likes you, its important to read this gesture in context.
Pupils also dilate and contract with changing light
conditions; they contract in bright light, and dilate in
low light. Read this micro-gesture in context with other
gestures and surrounding conditions.

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

Looking Up

Used frequently by women everywhere, this gesture

involves lowering the head at the neck, and looking
upwards at the other person.

This gesture makes you appear more childlike and

evokes a parenting reaction in both men and women. If
someone uses this gesture with you, its likely that they
want to be perceived as cute and vulnerable.

Eye Contact

Making lots of eye contact is a way to show interest and

respect. The more eye contact you make, the more the
person likes you. Studies have actually shown that the
more you look into someones eyes the more romantic
and enjoyable they find you, and your company.

On the other hand, too much eye contact early on in a

relationship can sometimes make people feel under
pressure; they might be weirded out!

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

To make a great first impression, build up a slight

rapport first, and gradually increase the amount of eye
contact youre giving.

Smiling Makes the World Go Round

Money doesnt make the world go round smiling does! Its

infectious. It spreads happiness all over. Its true - you can
brighten someones day just by smiling the right smile.

There are different types of smiles guys in particular dont

realise it though. If youre one of the guys who can
distinguish the types of smile, youre a little ahead of the
rest. If youre one of the guys that was clueless about this,
youre about to become an expert!

Many people use a fake smile to make them appear polite

and agreeable. A fake smile can always be spotted because
it involved only the jaw muscles working. A true smile
involves both the jaw muscles, and the muscles around the
eyes. Thats where the adage you smile with your eyes
comes from.

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

A true smile often produces crows feet in even the most

baby-faced of people, in addition to this the teeth are
usually visible. A smile honest and true is an indicator that a
person likes you. Here is a list of smiles we commonly see
from day to day:

Tight Lips

A tight lipped smile is spotted frequently. Its exactly

what it says on the tin the lips are stretched across
the face forming a near-straight line. The teeth are not

The tight lipped smile is often used by someone whos

hiding something they dont want to share. Its also
often used by those whore just being polite.

Its a favourite used by women who dont want to show

that they dont like someone. Most men were
completely oblivious to the true meaning of this smile,
until now.

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

Sideways, Looking Up

This gesture consists of two parts; a bigger, friendlier

variation of the tight lipped smile where the lips are
loose, and the looking up gesture from the eyes
Its a common gesture used by women to convey that
they like, or are attracted to someone.

This smile evokes the parental, caring instinct in men,

who see this person displaying this gesture as playful
and youthful.

Youre all Hands

There are two basic rules to remember when looking at hand

gestures: open palms = openness, honesty, and liking,
closed palms (where you can see the back of someones
hands) suggests hiding something, being closed to ideas, or
are feeling as though theyre in authority.

Life is riddled with examples of this. When people apologize

to each other they might say something like Im sorry
coupled with presenting their two open palms.

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

Open palmed gestures are like saying I feel comfortable

around you, I like you, Im being honest, and I have nothing
to hide. If you see someone making opened palm gestures
at you, take this to heart and read their other gestures to
confirm how theyre really feeling.

Arm Signals

Theyre used in other things besides guiding planes you

know! Arm signals are used frequently and are commonplace
in any persons body language repertoire.

In body language, the arms are known as barriers put up to

protect a person from harm. Theyre typically used to
gesture when a persons lacking self confidence, feels
threatened, or just doesnt want to hear what another
persons preaching.

Theyre not a definitive I dont like you, however they do

indicate when a persons having negative feelings. If
someones using repetitive arm gestures coupled with
crossed legs and ankles, youll know its time to change the

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

Crossed Arms over Chest

Both arms folded across the chest Coupled with a

strong frown this has a universal meaning: I dont
agree with what youre saying, I am uncertain, I dont
like this situation.

Guys often use this gesture exude dominance and

strength sometimes to detrimental effect when
theyre wanting to pick up women.

Women on the other hand, use this gesture to signal

that they feel threatened, unhappy, or under pressure
they typically cross their arms over their breasts.

Self Hug

The self hug is characterized by one arm at a persons

side, and the other arm clutching at their elbow. As
children, our parents and carers hug us when were
feeling sad, uncertain or tense.

The self hug is an attempt to recreate the feelings or

safety and security we got from those lovely parental
hugs. A person using this gesture is likely to be feeling

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

insecure. Be sure to use this knowledge to your

advantage; if you know the persons feeling insecure,
do things to make them feel more comfortable.

Elbow Touching

People like to be touched. Interestingly, studies show

that people who touch others elbows are more liked
and loved than those who do no touching at all. I write
elbows in italics because its just that, elbows only.

The reason elbow touching is acceptable is because its

far away from the intimate parts of the body; touch a
stranger anywhere above or below the elbow and their
reaction may be a little different!

Its a fact that girls do more touching than guys but

equally; if a guy or girl touches your elbow its a sure
sign they like you, and want your attention.

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

The Body Points to Where the Mind Wants to Go

The body points, the mind goes. The angles people adopt
during any interaction speak volumes about how they feel,
where they want to go, and who they want to be with.

Open Positioning

Just like with palm gestures, when a person likes and is

interested in you, theyll adopt an open position. Theyll
face their body at yours in varying degrees. The rule is
that the closer you are to actually standing face to
face, the closer and more in like with you they feel.

Typical were just friends encounters will see a 45

degree pointing angle, whereas an I really like this
person encounter sees an angle between 0-45 degrees.

Closed Positioning

Closed positioning is used when two people want a bit

of privacy. Youll see this when two people are really in
like or love theyll simply stand there and face each
other. Its a signal they like you!

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

Leg and Foot Pointing

Remember that the body points to where the mind

wants to go. Watch out for body pointing as an
indicator of like and interest, but also be aware of leg
and foot pointing.

Youll see in clubs that womens feet point to the most

attractive (or most interesting) guy in their immediate
field of view its another sign of interest.

The same is true of guys on girls; theyll be standing,

or facing the girl theyre most interested in. If you look
carefully, youll often notice that a seated mans knee
will be pointed in the direction of the girl he finds most
Also notice that when someone wants to leave the
room, their feet will often be pointing at the door
before they even say they want to leave.

Personal Territory

Its a scientific fact that when two people are closer

emotionally; theyll stand, sit, and lie closer than those

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

whore not. Imagine a bubble around each and every person.

The bubble encompasses the person, and a small area
around the person.

To a person, everything inside their bubble is known as their

personal space. The size of a persons personal space
differs slightly from person to person, but generally falls
within a certain range:

When people are ultra close for example: lovers, spouses,

close friends, or children, they can be seen standing
between 15 and 45 centimetres of each other. Only those
whore emotionally close to us can stand at that distance
without us feeling intimidated and under pressure.

Touch and Personal Claim

People touch and lean against things that they feel are
theirs. For example, a person will sometimes lean on their
walls at home, but wouldnt dream of being invited into a
strangers house then leaning on their walls. Lovers hold
hands, brush each others arms, or tidy their partner up by
brushing imaginary lint off their shoulder.

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

One of the most unmistakable signals made by women to

show claim to a man, is when she places her flat palm on his
chest. Similarly, a man will place his hand on his partners
waist or back.

They key thing to remember here is that we touch things we

feel are ours and we do this in a variety of ways. Watch for
the slightest touches; fingers, arms, or even feet theyre
signs of attraction and desire.

General Flirting and Attraction Gestures

When in the company of the opposite sex, the body language

of both sexes changes dramatically. Men stand a little taller
with no slouching or slumping.

Theyll stick their chests out and suck in their stomachs

theyll usually do everything they can to appear more
dominant. These actions happen automatically around
women hes taken fancy to, or finds attractive.

If a woman takes a liking to the described man, shell

respond to his gestures by drawing attention to her breasts,
tilting her head, touching and playing with her hair, and

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

exposing her wrists. She does this to make herself appear

more submissive.

There are of course, more deliberate and seductive flirting

and attraction gestures which are made, consciously. Theyre
much easier to spot yet most people miss them, and they
represent a much stronger attachment because theyre done
by someone whos actually trying to get your attention.
Many of these are described in the Body Language Project.


I hope youve enjoyed reading this book as much as Ive

enjoyed writing it. Body language is a subject far too deep
to be covered in such a short space, although I do feel Ive
at least brought light to some of the main points you should
watch out for, if youre looking for attraction.

Recommended Reading:

The Body Language Project is an extremely interesting

project, further exploring the body language signs and
signals used in attraction.

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

Its the perfect partner for this ebook because it explains in

greater depth the things explained here, as well as other
important signs and signals used in attraction.

Video and photo examples are included, so you can actually

see the body language. Sounds great, doesnt it?

Click here to visit the Body Language Project website.

Love Systems

We are Love Systems, the GUARANTEED method that can

teach any man how to approach, talk to, and seduce or date
beautiful women

Featured on Fox News, Dr Phil, WGN 9 News, the Tyra

Banks show, and in the international best selling book, The
Game, Love Systems teach ordinary, run of the mill guys
how to meet and seduce amazing women.

Their flagship book Magic Bullets is an impressive read,

and outlines a set of methods guaranteed to get you almost
any woman you want, regardless of money or looks.

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater
F re e E b o o ks , D a t in g T ip s a n d A d v i ce : www.da ting-na tio

The entire thing is routed in female psychology, so its

guaranteed to work. Sounds amazing? If youd like to learn
more, watch the videos on the Love Systems website.

And if youd like to know how to seduce any woman you like;
whether shes the one youve been after for ages, or just
that hot girl across the street, go grab yourself a copy of
Love Systems flagship book, Magic Bullets.

Contact Me

If youd like to get in touch with me for whatever reason,

there are many methods:

Dating Nation:

Facebook: Joanne Fallwater

Id love to hear your opinion on this ebook! And finally; I

wish you all the best in love and life.

Joanne Fallwater.

Co pyright www.da ting-na tio

Fo llow on Tw it te r: ht tp :/ /tw i tt er .com /joann efal lwat er
B ef rie nd on Fa ceboo k: Joanne Fallwater

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