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| a AERATION me IA SEREWO ee | EREW Companion OF 4 &y Ferret B. Narcbiagten avd oan Skene 20 SS Deas Aa AAP Credit Shaswe-Ficed Apology Authorss Forrese By Marchinton & Ethan Skemp i nies pong cea icaatt bean iy Second Edition Authors: Andrew Bates; Phil Brucaro, Log “akenly excluded from the credits of A World of Rage, duc eee neem Hee ;oournun stupid bone-heodedness Theslight wasn’ ince lent tifsiea Sheen tional, Chris. We'd he happy to erawl out from under our Pavelopers chan Skernp and upologize in person if you could see fit te call off your ecKGB pals now. Editor: Aileen E. Miles Art: Mitch Byrd, Beian LeBlanc Screen Art: Steve Prescott & Sherilyn Vian Walkenbuneh Cover Aart: Joe Corroney Cover Des Layout & Typesettings Aileen E. Mules 735 PARK NORTH BLVD. SUITE 128 Clanisron, GA 30021 USA GaWe Stunt0 12001 White ¥ VF Publvngs toc. All sichts reserved. 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Fot uftee White Wolf éntaloy call 1-800-454.WOLE. Check out White Wolf onlive w. wes is nora challenge to the trademark creoprright heepy/wew white-wolf com; altagamesiwhirewolf and PRINTED INTHE US, A lanes herenisenemeeileesiestinimemeeteimeestieeieaileammentonant os demteeroepen cartiche chee 2 Werewolf Storytellers Companion LLLP LSS TS STS ET, Content Caper One: The Bavatt- Biloode mals and ptional tribal weaknesse | BE ‘World of Darke ah Contents 3 REET ER RL, ER ARES HY BE IEPA The Tella As already stated, the Thirteenth Tribe has with- drawn from the Garou Nation for personal reasons, This act of separatism has created a great rit hetween them and the other tribes. Even the Stargazers who remain with, cheit old allies fall under a loud of saispielon. They are still Garou longer ‘but to most eyes, rc wheing quite the same war as theis cousins You mayallow players to Chapter One: The Beast-Blooded 5 Ce ENT players will Jo so inv an attempt 10 be hopes of drawing more a allow non-standard chai obligation to make c ars the: lifferent." in cion to themselves. If you of this sort, youhave an individuals te hour the Gans cetve nom hare of Werewolf is at heart full-fledged members of the Ni who would richer do something else. ion by favoringplayers conan ne rr eS Tn eer rene ) eae Svea Ter erusanm outsiders to th! rest of the Garvu Nation Unlike other werewolves, hey seemed content to remain. aloof and solitary, ship. T packs hur neyerseemingitp crave companion ssed no lands oftheir own, at leat within the Garou Nation's typical birders, They wen able to wield serenity. as a weapotigand were (nde auiecessful in muigtering decir Raye thanany other erie had ever been. Their mvaitgness of body, mind and spirit gave them « graceful ity, one liar they €xe pressed both through cheie muiery of idles and through theif ecialised marral tp Kalbe, THey were few in number, strange loners who setved as trong lies, f rarely as bosom friend. at shock to aad athet tribes when the Stangivers ungemeed thelr fnvention to withdraw from the Gidea Nution for an unspecified perivsluf rime, Oply afewsawsuelia mee — i 1 fewethign bid carefully watched the Stargazery slowly wither from lack ef focus. lewoukseern charthe Stargazers'troublesstemmed in no stall part from their philtsophy. Liforder te throw off the Weaver's strandsg! Starcazere traibed themselves to forgo ottachments 10 matertal things, resources, even other pegple: The gflhe’* numbers hank as their enlightenment craw hreeding wie » the Stargacers, ad Despite all this, it came ae something of un.afterthought holding territory seemed to be wiimuch a burden gg aiythiny ele. Unfortunately, (ils made the ibe al the ore yuluerable when Use small terrtcory they dit possess came under attack, In the latter part of thé 20° century, the forces df the Wyrm capeured multiple Starga ancestral home am the Hi cattns in thelr as and India. The Stunpasers were appalled by this, but found themselves lacking the numbers co properly retaliate. When the tnihalelelors requested help from their fellow tribes, tha) ved was heartbreaking, The lands simply didn'e extend into Asta; the the fringe of what the Worse, the! longer had spare for such wn effort— co send their Jeep in answer they te Nation’ Stargazers’ lands were just Navionvealled iteciwe thi umber » hostile territory would leave ay cust understaffed ind vulnerable to attack, With the Black Spifal Dancers known to be strong throughout the Gifou Nation's territory, it was just toommch of ari "Though jt pained many elders of all srihexro admifie, they were in no position to help. {f he Stargnzeks Were to retake theipancestral lands, they would neg apsistance from ysiother source Suyprigingly, in eqglf2000, the Stargazers re: celved i, Several of hie rribe's elders had long been an coftget withthe shapeshitters of Asia, who were jonganizedint4 society not unlike the Garou Nation ‘Thiscodlitign of Eastern shapeshifters, the Beast Courts Of the Ememtd Mother, had long been pursuing an ‘extended alliance with the Stargazers, Finally, i late 17999, che Gourm sentemizaariesto the Stargacee:! mast senior elders, beiiting siniple mensaye: Ie preees ie deeply haar oP the lacs of Shigalu Monastery, longhalled ase pearl of wisdom sein the brow bof the Himalaas, Wecfer our condolences tothe estéemed tribe known apehe Stargasers, and propose ehis: If the Stirgazers ate willingiy enter into alliance with our own Boor cotires. we Waidd be honored to provide our cousins i:h wa paries aad teelligendencs assist them is cher stregele Woaezae their ands.” Aftée Bang debate, the Stargazers reached a decision, Theyjsent « message of siinple acvepumnce tind chanks te the Beast Courts — and then they Began to explattihetr decision ro the rest of the Garou Nation. Although the news wasn'r taken yery well, the Nationiagreed that it was bertet to let the Stargazers withdray peacefully than to ignite Another bloody civil war in the name of “unity.” ‘And so the Stargazers hepsi te leave Of course, nor all $ ers agree with chis philosophy. Many, particularly che younger ones, think of themselves as Wescemers first and foremost, sand proud embers of the Garou Nation) boot These dissidents wound up striking a compromise with their elders. As: J, they will remain where they like for a time, and assist their allies among the other tribes. In return, they will send any new Changed Stargazer cubs to their elders to be trained with the bulk of the tribe, and they will respond to the all af th. eldees (Fthe veal ie there 6 Werewolf Storytellers Companion parma Ty, a AEA RECN Ne me Life isn’t easy for the Stargazers who tetnam with influential, burthey usually hay ariety of skills that is foot in each workd. Most of their tribe gently disap- their relatives may eall upon. proves of their independence, whereas the rest af the Territory: The St = have precious little Garou Nation tends to look at thern suspiciously, as if territory lefe 10 call their own, Many of their ancien! they might desert fightat anymomenttorejointheit —caerns in the Himulayas have fallen to Wyrmish fo relatives. But nobody rer said chat being Ga rouwas — that have used China's military maneuvers as cover. easy, and these Stargazers have decided that honor What's more, the teibe was unwilling to forcibly take requites Chem co fullow thei Couseieices, 1m umes from the other tribes, and asa tedult has very few the obstacles. of their own in the Americas or Bu: rope. This lick of definitiv tory” has made the decis Appearance: The: sguzer tert nto withdraw the tribal elders, who are currently heir own. Many are European, Afr Middle to Near E. Pure Bred Star original terri em in ancestry; however, most the means to retake some of the Tribal Totem: Chimera Initial Willpower: + Himalayas, India and theF: ts run the anwut fiom pale gray co deep plack, and a light striped pattern isn't When a es, the instruct him to the St first thing his teache: @ do isto rely om himself Fire snd fore- most, Part of this leaming process ‘one might nly (on) Stargazer characters may not begin play with Re: sources on Fetisi. Wi a for the most ‘They tend toward! Jean and athletic, build rather than thick: muscula: more, th ture, and mosteatry thenseives witha quiet calm. Kinfotk: The Suanguser vibe is sadly lacking in strong Kin support, theirtendency to preach self-discipline their bridges with the Girow Nation; a Star and limited attachments to humans or wolves cuts down on the number of casual conceptions. The teibe originally bred with the people of India and the Himalayas, bur ay the Storyteller pera Beginning ance, Fa Sense Wyrm Quotes In the to spread our cargazers paren ners the globe, they adopted many ethnicities as Kin, The tribe is particularly interested in keeping therrwolfblood and daantianesacsunng, anu sy thie cr ranches), we Stargazersare inclinedto i seek out wolf mates truest more frequently than onus: Forge one inight ex Their human Kin tend tobe intellestu- 7 als, and are often people of strong con victions besides. M aren't particularly rich or fue muse set our selves right before we ean he of any se to others. Solemn Vaice his oll coherrts: Black Furies: We ure all destined to be incar- is male and female alike in turn; how much can the Furies know if chey refuse to learn from: dalfehte lifetimes: Bone Gnawers: They are braver than anyone thinks. They guard the doors thar nobody else will guard Children of Gaia: We are much alike. If they chose to pursue their goals apart from the Garou Nation as we did, we would welcome their company, Fian their own They were always stronger in numbers, if weaker in discipline. Get of Fenris: Strong bo weak in compassion. If only they real were one-third flawed, Glass Walkers: The very fa lass: Walkers hold s0 much influence in the Garou: Nation isa sign that we were right to leave. We cannot elfectively sever the strands of the Weaver in a place where werewalves gladly anchor her lines, targazer Philodox, remembers They ate very much in love with ndies and the joy of being alive Red Talons: 1 respect the purity: of choir instinct, from which wisdom flo their artachmént tw their hatred — and I desper- Wy hope that the one is nt equal to the other, Shadow Lords: They value cunning and call it wisdom, They are one of the strongest reasons why we cannot rely on othets 10 under- stand our needs any longer. Silent Striders: They wi in our lands. If anyone understands why we must follow our own path, they do. Silver Fangat Even if thei isavasuue fin soul always he welcome pride, iti still a fault co fet ir consume you. tena: They area cautionary parable. In contemplating the nature of your eniemy, there és abyays the danger of opening doors in your heart through which it may enter. ‘Wendligo: We parred without ever really be- coming friends It iva humbling loss: Telbed Weakvattet (Opfionaf) Stotytellets locking to throw an additional bic of spice into their players’ lives may be interested! in the idea of tribal. we; nesses, These are inborn flaws of character thar each member of a trihe possesses — if you choose to use this rule, af course. The main advanrige to this tule is that it makes membership in a tribe mare of a double-edged sword, emphasizing that as far-as family is concerned, you take the bitd with the good. However, you should he fair abot using these weaknesses; If you decide to. use these rales, besureto ler the players know, so they don'efee! that you're pessecuting thera al weak are soctal in natere; others may be genetic. or even iraposed by the tribe's spirit naturcor connection w their totem. L’stheStoryteer’s responsibility to enforce each weakness; the playets night conveniently "forget" now and again to play up heir handicaps when the relevant situation arises Of course, you don't always have to enforce @ tribal weakness, even if you've chosen tc use thest options riiles. Maniy weiukniesses.cani be bvercome, of might not apply inxgiven situations. Of course, these exemptions should he relatively rare (at otherwise tribal weaknessist'c really @ wesknegs stall), butthey help make a weakness seem more like the flaws of character thar they are and less like laws of nature hack Filet Anger: +1 difficulty to enter fren by men when provoked The Black Furies huave no tolerance for abusive men: they have seen first-hand the sort nf violence 9 mun ia capable of visiting on a woman or child, and they bear those memories within them. Pegasus here self reinfotees the Furies refusal to aecept domineet ing rules as “parvo the waculal oust,” Whenever i Fury must make @ frenzy check brought an hy a male thumun (or werecre trent humanlike being). her difficulty is reduced by 1, toaminiminiol 2, This weakness might be overcome ini cases where the Fury |s dealing with aman she huis otherwise Jearned to trust implicitly, or w man she cares for deeply Bone Cinapers Social Outcastst +1 difficulty om all Social rolls ye other tribes The test of the Gateu Nation just. doesn: have imiuch cenpect for the Bone Grawers. Even when a lure, OF vampire, oF similar ser. Werewolf Storytellers Companion Sar Sa Aer TT, Grnawer achieves i reman the praise often "He did very well of his tribe.” As indeed....particularly f a result Bone G icrally sulfer a +1 difficulty modifier any Social rolls made to impress, intirnidate or otherwise This weakness is gery wher and even admire the Bone al with other tribes erally overcome on a case-by-case bast, a werewolves lear to respect G estion, Uifitbers of Cada Weak Veil: Witnestes at +4 on Delirium Chart Because the Children of Gata did not participate fervently in the Impergium, their trihal totem has who see u Child of Gaia in Crinos form do not suffer from the Delirium as strongly, and their reset the Deliriem chan au thie worst shifted upour places (to" Terror" Some Children of Gata dy not see uh a weakness, bur the reality is thar withour yhe ade protection of the Veil, the Children are in danger af lating one of the Litan reliable way t noxe sacred laws. There ts undo this flaw; in fact, if the Child Delirtum sagan, in (and untrelpful) incervitlse Fhawna Low Self-Control: difticuley The Fianna area beadily emotional tribe. giv 10 All Willpower rolls are at +1 ny: flashes of murderous unger Their philosophy aphil vet nally, promote quite as much ne peeferabl ich of Found Intolerance No Gt of Fen inise fighainy and hours of severe melanchol live life to its fullest is ever encouraged to compre ideals, The t ant emphasis vereudiany braicleausd wis au Weath ced. rather intolerant point of view has a particular object: of somethings this stimula Every contempt notabide. When confronted with he will be iinable to endute its pres ene and will do everything in her power to rid herself of the The p for her choracter (with the Storyteller annoyance may ciths mp0 approval) ot sve from the list below. Wyrm creatures may nar be Chapter One: The Beast-Blooded EEL NY FY TNT eam af Be chosen —all Garou, particularly be intolerant of the Wyrm. i ae expected to * Cowardice — You hate cowardice in ull its forms, ‘whictherfeurofbloadshedor feuroftukingchargein social situations. Anyone in your pack who demonstrates cow: acdicemustansweeto you. IFtvetable go inn fox frenzy, you ane so consumed with self lati thar you take uinniecessity risks eying to atone for your moment of weakness. * Compromise — You see compromise as no hetter than ontright eapitularion “To compromise is to surrender, and you scorn those who advocate such tacties, You refuse co compromise amy of your elieis of your own accord; if leader forces you to cdovso, that is fair, but te does not speak well for the teader's judgement + Lower Animals —Respect Thote Beneath Ye? Hardly! As far as you dre concerned, that’s a poor Litany rule. You defend creatures lower than yous és youirduty, but such wretches — including humans and wolves —dleserve nara whit oftespect: A geave insult froma human isenough to drive you toward frome’ * Weakness — You hate pliysical or moral weak. nes in others, seoming these you deem weok and refusing to toler such qualities in yourself, This leads you to be quite unmereiful —thosee who need sparing, in yout mind, don't deserve it * Weaver Stuff — You're convineed that the Weaveris che grand enemy, and refuse to let too much of her stuff near you — especially technology. You expecially despise the Glass Walleers and all urvah, ‘Weapons more camplicatedehan bowsorswordsate of no interest to you; the same goes for other technologi- cal items, patculany luxury items, feat Walkers Weaver Affinity: Conner enpain Gnositinwilderness The Glass Walkers unique affinity to the spiritual patterns of the cities limits them when they are away from their chosen environment. They have difficulty druvwmg on the Wyld's energies bway from urban regions, und cannot regain Gnosis in the wilds (save Redd Tidlons Wyld Affinity: Cannot regain Gnosis in cities Conversely, the Red Talons’ close ties to the spiritual texture of the wildemess impsir them when they leave its embrace. Talons may not regain Gnosis within a elty, save when within any act Lae Werewolf Storytellers Compan oe me amr nary, Siadew Lorde Failures Dagger: -L Renown for failure Shadow Lonlsdonot tolerate failure. Whenever a Shadow Lord fails to carry out a task thar would normally gain him Glory, Honat ot Wisdorn, he in- stead loses one point of temporary Renown in thar cateyory. (If he would have gained Renown. in more thanone category, subtractonly from the category that would have been awarded the most.) This is in addi- tion to any Renown normally lost for his actions. This does not alfeet the normal Renown process in any other any; if the Shadow Lard succeeds in the action, then he gains the normal amount of Renown, Seo Lrhdert Haunted The Silent Striders bear a twofold curse: they cant ‘no longer rest within the boundaries of their ancestral homeland, and they are haunted by the spirits of the dead, When a Strider botches the roll tstep sideways, she sends ripples through the Dark Umbra, alerting, any nearby wraithsorwalkingdeaid toher presence. [e's almost certain thar something will show up to either demand the Strider's aid or try to destroy her; in areas like old bartlegrounds, cemeteries or similar places of the dead, the Strider may attract far too much atten- ton for her own good. Note: The Silent Strider fifth level Gift: Reach the Umbra will allow « Strider to enter and exit the ‘Umbra without fear-of this curse Mor Senge Derangement Years of inbreeding with limited. flocks of Kill: have takety their toll on the Silver Fangs. Each Silver Fang begins play with « Derangement that can. be overcome only temporatily. The chameter’s madness may be chosen by the player (with the Storyteller's approval) ot taken from the list below # Amnesia — Ina highly stressful and traumatic situation, you forget whe you ar * Manic-Depression — Yousuffer rom wild mood swings ranging from wild bliss-to utter despair, You begin each story in one phase or the other and can switch hack and lorth for any’ tumber of reasons * Multiple Personalities — There area number ot different personalities housed within your head. You may switch your name, Nattire and Pemenneve during times of great stress * Obsession — You tend to larch on to someone orsomething and make him oritthe focal pointof your lie. * Paranoia — You see the Wyrm's influence in everything. Don'tthe otherssee ittoo? Perhaps they've heen corrupted as well. +» Perfection— You work hard to keep everything ini yout tie going perfectly at all times. You use all of your energy to prevent things from going wrong and have been known to frenzy when things don't go in vour favor, + Power Maulness — You are obsessed with cot trol and dominance over others * Regression —Yourend torevert tochilidlike (or cublike) hehavior during titnes of extreme stress. Sanger Obsessive Mind Ganies The Stargazer wha Gils an Bitgueas roll becomes obsessed with the riddle, unable: co concentrate on sunything else until he firs the solution. During this time, the Storyteller may choose from a number of minor effects to represent this inward obsession (only one at wtime, though). Examples include shutting the world out (+1 difficulty to all Perceprion rolls) or a slew reaction to autside stimuli (+1 difficulty ce all Initiative rolls). Kens Intense Curiosity The Liktena are almost pathologically compelled tw unravel any mysteries presenced to them; the Lorem xa spiritofsecretsanul hidden lore, andl they feel ery otrang compulsion to bring more mowledge to Ulktona's side, When an Uktena lentms that somebody nous something he doesn’t, he becomes distracted until he's able to wrest the secret free. The Story tay impose various penalties oh the character utttil he can learn the sectet. Examples include having trouble concentrating (+1 difficulty forall Willpower rolls), a shore temper (-1 difficulty to frenzy) ora surly disposi tion (+1 difficulty for Social rolls). However, when an Ukena has gained the truth behind @ secret ina particularly ingenious or clever fachion, he may gain a temporary point of Wisdom Renown or regain a point of spent Willpower (Sroryteller's option). Weve Wheel of the Seasons The Wendigo have long lived in a very close relationship with the Earth and irs ever-changing Chapter Ons The Beast-Blooded SN seasons. They have a different weakness durin differ ent timesof the year, but they in powerin winter, the season of their totem Spring: +1 difficulty tc) Willpower nulls, the vi brancy of new life distracts the Wendhige Summer: 1 diffeculty to frenzy ralls;summer sth traditional season of war Fall: +) difficulty to change forms; the world slows down in aucumn, and fewer mew things are bom. Win Wenig fortify themselves during this tims The Fara Invthe War of Rage, the C breeds of shapeshifters thar populated races were driven ti extine down to a finctinn of hiding. The werewolves haye heard little yr nothing of 1 difficulty onsoak rolls; winter is feeasonyiand they wee thele hare rou devimaged the Uther he world. Mi on, Others Were whitt led heir numbers, wid deaver inte them ever since. Howev shapeshufters — the Bera — sill 9 Needless to say, few of the Pera count the Garcia as allies. Most are raised ontalesofthe werewolves murilet a few of these other ing their aneestors, and are taught never to so much a4 show themselves to.a Garou. However. sme ‘ity getsthe hetter ofa a Fera who stil feels loyaley to Gain erases paths with, awerewolfpack when chasing the sare Wyrinish prey Andl scimetimney in Fera: ng shapeshiftet. Sonetines liberacely wes our a were wal in the name of revenge, Such encounters aren't com: mon — bur they do. happen. ‘There have never been any shapeshifters born of domestic animals; the spark ot domesticated breed snple, legend holds that there w itters."shapeshitterswho Gnosis isapparenty'ton For nice a. race: of hier irth werecrsatun ‘al aurochs, « powerful breed of wild cattle bout these Fera were unable to carry on their line with domestic cattle (and only despecition would hive forced thetn (weven iy), When the amalgdied un, alliage ata shifters dies with them There isn't room in this book 1 detail the Fera, Traits nd all, as thoroughly as we might like. Each Changing Broed is: derailed Changing Breed book, from Bast Rorkea ine Nagah (the latter ew The following aimmaries, howes reborn race of bul arately inv th and Nuveisha to wailable in 2001). show ning Storytellers a bvief overview on the sorts of a tures sharing C Storytellers may final the sannple shayeshifter statistics for begin: blessing, and even experience Se re ree NY i 9) +h entry comes with an overview havche Storyceller may ind useful bielpfl i of" Suggested Tr in building Fer antagemists or rivals, and a sample member of the Bresel in question (with Attributes in apinch pritenthesestepresenting the Crines form, orsinilar war form if no Cranos exists). Cit lists given ste also very » should feel fee wy add exten Gifts to Fer if shiey seems particularly appropeeace (such as & aven possessing a Gift that is taught by a raven= Js than the Garou tight learn, versely, Gifts taught by wolf-spitits should be of higher level for Feta than they are for Ganon...) Aaa Perhaps the most wage; Sterye alien and disturhing of shapeshiteers are che Ananasi, the werespiders. Even the Rokes, cold-blooded though cheytiiy be, don’t breed with invertebrates: The Anaisiare a myste snd vuthloss race, driven by inteieate laws ro pursic cheir own ends. They remainylangely aloof From th ‘battle for Gata, instead wording far the direct benefit ‘of their rice — and possibly gowared some other, more ambitious goal The werespidersrargly aetin logge mumbers; ike mast Fers, they anon’t eeally pile creates, Phere right be threeerfeour ers detsinany iy fipifleantstah importance (about thse of Raleigh orC:annes) —miore in larger cities, wherethey have mite tone hide! The Anarasi of any giventrea keep inlogse eantagtwith one another, coopentting wher the needs teks ind acting alone the rest of the tine. It’s very rare for a werewolf to crosepachis with an Ananasi and sctually know it: thewerespidersprefer to keep out of sight for readons of gurvival, and their notably unemotional nature doesn't drive them to seek revenge for age-old vendettas, Even So, a Garou pack — particularly one thut travels in Glass Walker scctdlentallyscumble into awetespider's ‘What happens next is entirely up to the pack and the werespider in question,. Suggested Traits: The Arcanist du riot possess Rage; instead, they mustdrink fresh mammatian blood tofuel their powers. An Anuanasi hasa blood pool of up roven cite oor points” (although higher-tank werespiders iny poses more). The werespider niay spend.a blood point to heal aheulth level of non-ageravates! damage, Tognin an extraction ina tum, orto generate webhing (which is ats strong as ong might expect). WI runsout of blood points, she’s very hungry, but suffers Ananast can gain nutrition fiom the blood of ether shapesh fers —and some enjeiy the wother ill effes taste of such a“‘ereat” the undead. Without Rage, the werespidets sie not especially vulnerable-to silver. They care enter the Penumbra without rites or Gifts, butfind iceaster to do where the Gauntlet high and much more difficult in ress without many strands of the Weaver's webs. They have multiple limbs in some forms, but do nar gain any actions from this kenefir any more than a person h two hands can perform a separae complicated action with each hand. (They do find grappling easier with mulriple limbs, however.) Generally speaking, each Ananas| tends to follow cone of the That rather than Gaia. This choice affects their supeimatural abilities. The Weaver's followers (the most numerous) tend eo have Gifts and rites like those of the Glass Walkers, the Wyld-aspecred werespiders have)Black Fury and Ukeena-like traits, dina the Wijrinishy Amuanasi use tricks like those of the ‘Black Spiral Danser, ‘The Aranasi can take fourtorms—a human form, twisted humanfapidee bybrid (which varies from werespidler (0 werespidér), a spider the size of u Volkswagen inca grant swath of normal-sized spiders ‘Wher! in the svar form/thke A nanasi can be hurt and event kullcd laa andy by destroying every lust spider (who san all flee; ttrseparate directions), An Ananasi whe loses: most of her spiders in this farm, or whose component spiders scatter 109 far from one another, san sll reform iy fall health over time, although she’s lileelytt lone anny Whhete (rom 50%90% of her memories. In chis fay, the Anansi can survive many perils —hut always at a cost Conpornte Puppeteer Attrith Strength 2 (6), Dexterity 3 (5), Stamina 2 (5), Charisma 2, Manipulation 4 (1), Ap- pearance 4 (0), Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Wies 2 [Notes The Autributesin parentheses don't repre> sent a Crines form, but rather the Ananasi’ "Pithus” form cape at form weighs but cannot drink the blood of a hidkuss opidus the sie uf a Although her Pithus (or "Pit Spider only 160 pounds ar so, ies strong and durable well beyond its bulk] Abilities: Alertness 2, Dodge 1, Empathy 4, In- rinnidation 2, Pritnal-Urge 1, Subterfuge (casual con- versation) 4, Drive 2, Briquette 3, Firearms 2, Perfore Stealth }, Compriter 3, Figgas 1 tr tion 4 (blackmail), Law 2, Linguistics 2, Politics 3, Rituals 3, Science 1 ostigas Werewolf Storytellers Companion. SR, Gifts: (1) Control Stinple Machitie; Open Seal, Persuasion, Resist Toxin; (2) Jam Technology, Power Surge, Sense of the Prey, Taking the Forgotten [ean apply to blood drained from a victim) (3) Reshape Object, Venom Blood, Visceril Agony; (4) Cocoon Blood pool: 12; Gnosis: 4; Willpower: 7 Attacks: Bite (7dice),claw (7 dice). The Ananasi’s venom automatically und iestantly. paratlyzes moetals, By spending a Gnosis point, she can paralyze super: natural creatures such as werewolves and even varn~ pites; todo sy, she must roll Grosisagainst a dificuley af the victim's Stamina + 4 (imaximium 9). To tecover fiom this paralysis, che victim must do the equivalent of healing four levels of lethal damage; for example, paralyzed Garo would have regenerate for four eutns (without actually healing any wounds he might have) until the poison is neutralized. Roleplaying Hints: Asa creacure of the Wenven, the Corporate Puppeteer ts equally at home in board rooms or sewer tunnels. Without the thigit@fRage driving her to frenzy, she ie able to liga déublellife: herday job isthe personal assistant tianedl the most proinineris coifonalé figites in the chants tohiscontact list and sectets alike, sheiablengypush forward her own agendas with remarkable gubtléry. Ar night, she frequents the most exc hiv feemdiest nightclubs — where she finds her prey. She is:tu- tmored to hiwwea few conneeticing==sorevel pawns — among the vampire commusity, although this may simply be paranoia, She avoids combitt, preferring to attack enemies through that pastiesorbby steally bt if pressed reverts to the form of monstrous black widow and strikes kill Lathe The Fastet are wine of th and in mimy ways the polar opposites of the werewolves. ‘The Basteture werecats—notshapeshifterswho takethe form ofdomesticcats,barrather werebeastswheve animal forms ate those of the great cats of the workd. Where son Lemos. The illaceage working without othersoftheir kind; the Bastet hoard their secrets, elu: tant to trust others. The had blood between Bastet acl Garou islegendarys ever e-nd-desth suattonsare re sure way to convine the two races to cooperate, Although very few Garou coukl name them all, Gavou's bitterest civals, worewolver ate pack animals Garou are social and fet there are nine tribes of Basret in existence. + The Bagheera are the wereleopards of Africa sand Asia, and serve xs lorckeepers to their kind. They a NSA PE ELT me are the tribe most likely to deal with other Bastet uibes, although they are still loners at heart. © The Balam ate the werejaguars of Central sind South America, an embittered and decimated tribe of wartiors desperately trying to hold on. their territory * The Bubasti, sorcerous werecats with ties to ancient Eyype; ate vir tke eink of extinction. Their Kyphur car Kin are apparently extinct, and other Bastet tribes whisper tl Bubasti have made come sort of “deal with the devil” to survive as long as they have withour feline breeditig stock * Only a very few Ceilican, the fey and witch: rouched European wildeat-shifters, survive in the 21 cemury. The tribe underwenr three great purges— the first being the War of Rage, the second a feud with the fae Wuring the Middle Ages, and the most tecent an. fitdck by the Blick Spiral Dancers on their greatest onckie. Those chat survive have gone back inw hiding, pethaps ever to reemerge * ThelGhan tierctigers ure the warriornebility ofthe Bastet, powerful lands with as strong asense to be found amons the cat-shifters. Regretably, the swuning forgunesof the tiger species have putthe Khan in simular steaita; like the Ceilican and Bubesti, they may soon did gue forever © The wWetecouvar Pumonea are survivors first lorrers eeand, and servants of Grin third. After suffer ing heayy losses in. she Second War of Rage, they ‘retreated to the mountains, where they jealous! rd their sechided rétritorita even today The Qualml gwerelinxes are i particularly secre tiveléc given t hiding in the farthest northw spdaking solely in riddles. These creatures have much in common with the Uktena; a few very secret alliances between the two are quite possible © The Simba are de werelions; arid they areevery inch as proud and belligerent might expect They are one of only two Bastet tribes to actively what's left of nls aan cooperate in prides, and a Simba pride ts every inch as dangerous as a Garon pack * The other cooperative tribe, the Swara wwerecheerahs are a particularly reclusive breed, very inch concemed with the preservation af their famie Wies and cheetali Kin. They ate wi possibly with the potential to be jets than the Silene Seriders Suggested Traits: Bastet are hot as strony as Gatou, although they are quicker and moredextetous They are equally likely to specialize irs Physics, Social aw the wind, ever greater messen: Chapter One: The Beast-Blooded 1B QS. Te ENG ‘br Mental Attiibuites; the werecats enjoy physical prowe challenges in equal portions. Gifts of perception, stealth and sheerdexter- suinmarize the Bastet focus best, although indi- » seduction and men vidual Bastet are fond of mystical tricks, and might possessa “surprising” Gift or two. The wereeats! reat. eaknessi¢ that they cannot step sideways as easily 4s most Garou du, this tequires the tse ofa Level Four Gitt, although some werecats are able to circumvent the Gauntlet area they've ritually marked ae their owen, Suyhoers beg Attributes: Strength 2 (5), Dexterity 4 (6), Stamina 3 (5), Charisma 3, Manipulation 3 (0), Ap- pearance 3 (0), {ntelligense 3, Peveepticin 3, Wits 3 Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dod 3,fnrinnidacion 1, Prima-Lirge 2, Streetwise 2, Subter fuge 3, Drive 1, Etiquette 2. Meloe 1. Stealth 4, Survival 2, Enginas2, Investigation 3, Lingus tues 1, Oceule L, Politics L, Rituals 2 (1) Catfect [as the Level Three lupus Gift, Huure's Leap, Pensmuston, Stlence; (2) Blissful Ignorance, Byes of the Car {as the Three metis Gift), Spirit of the Fray; (3) Great Le Palse of the Invisible formance 2 Rage: 3; Gnosis: 5; Willpowers Attacks: Bite (6 dice), claw (6 slice) Roleplaying Hints: The Bagheera Spy 1s a li piece of the night hor into black leopard fort, He prowlsthe urban jangle and the local wilderness with equal ease, although he longs fora territory he can truly call his own. He's well aware that a local sept af werewolves is in the area, and tries to avoid the “dogs” as much as posible —however, hiscuriosity often leads at the local Garou are checking out as well. He isn'r a crrarune of high-rach equipment: or surveillance devices — he prefers 10 observe firsthand, concealed in the shadows, He does nochate werewolves as fervently ap his late mentor did but he still resents chem ancl has no desire to see thet dowell for themselves Cora Ifthe Garou have anything close to actual Irenids reamaining among the Feta, those friends would he the Corax. The wereravens never approved af the War of Rage, but were largely spared during the war. Many tribes, including the Get of Fentis and Fianna looked the other way while the Corax escaped. In return, the him ro investigare problems alittle more forgiving than most Fora with regurds to che War of Rage. They lenow that ge ‘cutverit generation isn't responsible for theie ai- tors’ deeds — bur they also know that werewolves are creatures with veryshartrempers, nd so they keep their distanc The Corax’s original task was co carry news of the ‘Wyrm from one sept to the next, fam Garou to Pera and back. They haven't abandoned thar duty, but hese days they piefer ta be much more discreet. They send their warnings covertly, via anonymous email or boy spreading rumors. When the werewolves descend on the cheeat they'W@anenymously pointed out, the (Corax sit high above tiébiatle in raven fori, making sure that the Garou do a theighighjigh — anu helping themselves to some of the 1eftGyer eainaze after the werewolves leave. ‘Suggested Traits: Corax are by hb many ebimbie muchines. They have only chree forms: Fomid, Corvil (the raven-form), and an. ungainly Crinos that ean coutfiglw human but tite else, Mast Corax preter tigt tw even consider the idea of petting mvolved gf a Ibioody bravl; wha good would thar do? Many Corax are able to hatden their then hurl them hike darts while in Crinos {Git (tres as hurled knives with greater effective gang), Their Gifes come in-a wide variery, bur tend ge augment the ns’ ahility ro gather information rather rhan theircombat ability. Ragabush und! Lord Gifts are particularly appropriate. Corieaigeexeagties of the sun, not the moun; they de not dee t0 be wulnerable wailver, and dey do ut possestapies: Tey ered toward high Gnosis, very low Rage anf average Will: power; they can frenzy, bue their Rage is usually se low that this is a very rare occurrence. The wereraven's Crnos form invokes the Delirium in human wimnesses, although to a lesser extent than usual Wereravens, of course, tly to geraround; in Crinos form, they fly roughly as quickly as: Hispo Caron runs cand aré even faster in Coryid. They can step sideways aseasily asany werewolf andare adept at maneuvering through the Unbrs. Finally, Coms possess the unusual talent of divining information from corpses. Essen- tially, a Corax that devours the eyeball af m corpse as able to see the last few minutes of the deceased's life from thi deceased's point of view —seeing the ur tunate person's last sight just as they saw it Fpeefanee Coursey Antributes: Strength 2 (5), Dexterity 4 (6), Stimitia $05), Charisma 3, Manipilariatt § (1), Ap> rearance 2 (1), Intelligence 3, Perceprion 4, Wits SN ee Abilities: Alectrvess 3, Athleties |, 1k thy 3, Expressien 1, Primal Urge fuuge 2, Briquerte 1, Firearms 2, Stealth 4, Computer 4, Investigation 4, Law 1, Linguisties 2, Medicine 1, Oc cule 3, Politics 1, Rituals 1, S Gifts: (1) Open Seal, Persunsion, Scent of dl True Form, Truth of Gain; (2) Sense the Un Sight from Beyond, Taking the Foéxoiter Rage: |; Gnosis: 4; Willpawer: 6 Attacks: Claw (6 dice) Roleplaying Hints The Freelance Courier has contacts among the local sepe of Garou, but they don't know that hele anything ather than «simple well-intentidted Kinfolk co a non-local tribe. He cultivatesatakttish demeanor, threaten swecewolveatey to pres-gang hi than messenger duty, he'll he gone ira flash, He may BL aah tact among:the sept that knows his true ‘Hare, but having heard plenty of tiles about what anid Garou do to other shapechanyers, that Smile is swe y. The Freelance Cipttier is as sassy as his raven relatives, although he kaya hetter than ¢o tease werewolves too much thats'a job best left for someone herter suited 0 4. bri Strerwise4, Subter frat ifthe into anything other to ultimate se surviving ar angry werewolf clave: Crab Many human mythologies paint the: bear ws both savage and pentle, a ferveious warrior anal a wise lwealet sche suanies Iuive diets wot tu the Gurahl, the werebears. Although the Guratil posse their share of Rage, they alses value wisdom g passion more than do other shapechanwing race Sone say that the werchésts were oitce the GoFau's mentors and instruc thts, teaching the werewolves how to heal as well as harm, Unfortunately, when the War of Rave began, the werebears were too scattered todeal th entire packs of werewolves, and very nearly hed into extinerion. nly a handful of werehears survive tiahiy, and most duove have been ttt supernianuri hiserrsion for years — sometimes even centuries, As the Apocalypse's final battles draw nearer, more aan more cof the werebears are awakening. Although the ‘ace is no larger than asingle Gari tribe, the sull homor-bound to try and sive Gaia ats hest they can, fulfilling their ancient duty as healers, Unfortunately some young Gurahl. upon lenmning of their race's hare im ther than forgiveness. The Gurahl alma never appear te the Cine they remember too many tales of slaughter. Nonetheles, Chapter One: The Beast-Blooded 5 Qe nema TS AY SEAN

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