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If this too fails, either by way of the debtor not responding or refusing to make the

payments, it may be necessary to institute legal proceedings against the debtor.

Relevant papers in ones possession that are related to the amount due (debt)debt
or any documents of a similar sort including a copy of the correspondence between
oneself and the debtor should be kept.

The limitation period for filing a civil recovery suit in India is 3 years. After that the
claim is barred by time. It is imperative to decide which Court of law one should file
their suit for recovery. In India, according to the Civil Procedure Jurisdiction, the
pecuniary or monetary jurisdiction of the Courts depends on the state in which the
cause of action arises. The pecuniary jurisdiction of the Court divides the Court on a
vertical basis, which means that depending on the valuation of the suit filed, there
are different levels of Courts with different monetary jurisdictions, and the suit will
have to be instituted in the Court which has the required jurisdiction. For example,
the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Courts in Delhi areas follows:

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