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1) Graff, Gerald.

Beyond the Culture Wars: How Teaching the Conflicts Can Revitalize

American Education. New York: W.W. Norton, 1992. Print.

2) Gerald Graff is a professor of English and Education at the University of Illinois at

Chicago. In his book Beyond the Culture Wars: How Teaching the Conflicts Can Revitalize

American Education, he discusses how the American education system is flawed. Graff explains

that the modern day education system is ill-equipped to deal with the large variety of students

that the must accommodate in this modern age. Graff also goes on to say that it does not help that

there are so many clashing viewpoints in education nowadays that it is very difficult for us to

positively manipulate anything in the educational system.

3) I feel that this book is important in establishing more credibility to my inquiry statement.

While not dealing directly with race, the book does show that there are indeed flaws in our

education system and that we are ill-equipped to deal with the vast cultural diversity that many

schools must now accommodate.

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