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English for food service workers course.

Upper level.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

Evaluate customer feedback
Discuss optimal strategies to respond to feedbackor not to respond

Instructor Preparation

Come to class early to set up computers/tablets if needed

Materials Checklist

Computers OR tablets OR students bring smartphones

Teaching/Learning Activities

Students will browse onto Yelp or TripAdvisor (their choice) and find a
negative review of a food service establishment. (Either of their company, a
competitor, or another company all together depending on permissions)

They must try to answer the following questions:

Is this review useful and possible to act on?

Is it unreasonable?

How can you solve the problem?

How can you prevent this problem from occurring?

They will share their review and thoughts with the class and the class will comment if they agree
or disagree with the analysis and give other tips or advice on how to deal with the

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