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C4 Short Films

Short Film Brief

C4 (Channel 4) have officially opened up a new

part to their channels of daily showings of films,
called: C4 Short Films. It is where a handful of
selected short film productions get exclusively
chosen to be aired and able to be seen by a
specific range of audiences.
They want the public between professional and
trained students that have learned in the media
industry for at least a year, to create a short film
for them to air on the channel.
The theme of your short film production will have
to be centred on the horror/comedy genre. C4s
audience have wanted to see some descent films
that will be able to have the power of convincing
them that it is one thing and not two and still
being able to enjoy it.
C4 Short Films

C4 short films have been airing short films that
are between the lengths of 6 12 minutes so
they are asking for your production to around 5
15 minutes because they really want to fill up
their timeslots until the end of the day.
Target Audience
Channel 4s usual target audience is at the age
groups of older teenagers to young adults,
because they are looking for more interesting
and immersive productions to watch that they
can love. The production you will create will have
to target towards 16 24 year olds.

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