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Gustavo Zamora


Andrea Malouf



This English class added a lot of value to my college education. I started off college with

little to no experience in technical writing. I've come along way from where i started to where I

am now with my writing skills. Before this class I had a good foundation laid out for me by my

English 1010 class. After this class I have solidified my skills and have added more on top of

them, taking my writing to a new level.

Coming into this class I knew how to write a regular research paper and that was it.

Learning how to create different pieces of writing has really opened my eyes to a new world of

expressing myself thoughts. Learning how to write a profile on someone really intrigued me the

most because i liked the idea about writing about someone else. I also liked writing the news

article because it was like actually reporting on something that would be in the newspaper. It sort

of opened my eyes to other careers paths I could have taken. I would have liked to maybe

become an English major and work for a newspaper company like the Washington Times, or the

LA Times. I like the feeling I got and how I could control how people perceive this person I was

introducing to them.

This class was a really good experience for me in the end because of the education and

skills I was able to get from it. It opened my eyes to another career path i'd really like to take

later on in my life. I'd like to pursue journalism or writter for a newspaper company at some


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