Computerapps Shortstory

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Once A man was working in an office. Every day he had to do the same tasks over and over.

His life was boring and nothing ever changed since he started working there. His boss wasnt
nice to him, his co-workers were giving most of their own work to him and he had to stay longer
every day after work to finish all that work. One morning he woke up and he had that great
feeling in his chest. He didnt know why, but he had the feeling that this day would be one of the
best in his life. This morning he went to work and he couldnt believe it, but his boss and the
co-workers greeted him for the first time. He asked them what is going on that everybody is so
nice to him and they said, that they just wanted to honor all the work he was doing. His boss
raised his salary by 15% and the man was really happy for the first time. I could buy a better
car or other cool stuff with the money Im making now he thinks,now I have so many
possibilities in my life. Life is not as bad as I thought it is, there is a future for me. The other
co-workers asked him throughout the day if they can take over a little bit of work to him. As he
came home, his wife gave him a kiss and asked him how the day was. This day was the best
birthday Ive ever had, thank you he said to her,but Im sorry He opened his eyes and saw the
ground coming closer very fast.

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