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Transcript Reflection

I do believe that my transcript and attendance does play a part in showing my capabilities. If

you look into my attendance, it is not often that I am absent. Its not very often that I am late to my

classes or school. If you look into my transcript, it does show you my grades but what a transcript

doesnt show is my character. Although I have failed a course, I was able to retake it and pass with a

significantly better grade. What the transcripts dont show are all the things that I also carry on my

shoulders. Activities such volunteering or working a part-time job isnt embedded in my transcript. By

solely looking at a transcript and attendance you have an idea of what someone is capable of doing

academically, but you could never fully know for sure what their capabilities are without knowing the

person. Other things such as family, financial situations, extracurricular activities, and sports could also

have an impact on someones transcript. Although their transcript might look a little bad, they might be

the brightest student in their classroom. So I dont fully believe that just by looking at my transcript and

attendance you are able to determine my capabilities.

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