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Life story

Leopoldo Corona Aguilar is a Mexican politician who is 46 years old and lives in

Atizapn de Zaragoza, State of Mexico.

Since 2013 he started to help the people from Atizapn de Zaragoza by

implementing programs of free help called Immediate Action Brigades including

free haircuts, free legal advice, free medical consultation with medicines, and street

maintenance around Atizapn de Zaragoza.

The aim of these brigades as we mentioned before, is to help communities which

have a lack of resources in Atizapn, by providing them with free services of an

excellent quality from experts. This program is held every 15 days in different

neighborhoods throughout Atizapn by Polo Coronas work team conformed by

volunteers from the same municipality of Atizapn de Zaragoza.

In addition of offering this type of programs, he recently opened a free internet caf

located in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Atizapn, for children who cant

afford having internet nor computers at their own homes. These, with the intention

to help them do their homework; the idea is to give 20 minutes per kid. Therefore,

this service is free for everyone who needs to do something related to education.

This place is open from 12 to 9 pm 6 days per week. Also, Polo along with his

family, hired a Chef to prepare daily breakfast for two kindergartens located in two

of the poorest neighborhoods in Atizapn.

This service is given every day of the week and it is important to mention that the

food given is healthy and free, it helps the childrens growth because these

neighborhoods are known to have a low income, which leads them to consume

junk food and sometimes families cant afford a good and balanced diet for their


All that has been mentioned before is done by a social leader called Leopoldo

Corona, an unknown hero, we all need people like him around the world, someone

that helps people even in the worst scenarios, and he is a person who cares about

people and knows how to help them to improve their lives.

A social leader is one that everyone follows to start activities made to help others

with all the desire of the world to improve together, the leader is humble and is

never selfish, the leader has a great work team because everything is possible if

you do collaborative work. Every brigade is made to help and work for the people

because we need to show solidarity.

If we decide to be the change of the future, the best way is to follow an example

like this, as we could see it isnt difficult if we get together with other people that

wants to work for the same goal; make a change in their own lives and for the rest

of the people.

Sometimes it is hard to believe in a better world, but together we could make the

difference by becoming social leaders, change the view of the world to become

something else and give them hope.

With the Immediate Action Brigades, we can all make the difference, we all just

need to give a little of our time to help other people in need, so we can improve all

the things around us, this also helps you out to grow as a person, because you will

gain experience and you will be able to inspire others to achieve incredible things

in their lives just as Gandhi said: be the change, you want to see in the world.

Carla Ximena Cerda Santiago


Alexis Daniel Gordo Cuevas


Mara Fernanda Corona Aguilar


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