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Collection for the Food bank

I went around my neighborhood first asking if I could get a few cans of

food for the food bank. I collected two paper bags full. I then called
around my friends and family members to see if they could go through
their food pantries and give me at least 5 cans each. I now have six paper
bags full of cans and boxes of food for the food bank. I still have more to
collect and have to go pick up on Friday. I am hoping to have ten bags full
when I am finished. I will be taking down to the food bank Monday after
done collecting.

I have also started collecting clothing items, shoes, and accessories to be

given to a womens shelter. Currently have a few pairs of shoes for kids
and adults, coats, and purses. I over bought for Christmas Sub for Santa
and thought why hold on to it. People dont only need things at Christmas
a famous saying I hear from the food banks and shelters. So onward to
asking the family to help. I am planning on taking my nieces with me to
deliver these items once I am finished collecting enough to make a trip
down. Letting them see how to be grateful for what is given to them.

Mandy Ho


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