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Some people will say anything if they think itll make them popular PB

Hope you brought Knee pads bitch Cassidy

I dont patronize bunny rabbits Tiffany
That was one hell of a Fishin trip Will
God Dammit I said no fire arms in the house! Blake
Lick it up baby! Lick. It. Up. Emily
You shouldnt of bowed down to those swatch dogs and diet coke heads. Jerimiah
Thats why she punched me in the face! Sami
Dont you dare touch me! Get away pervert! Olivia
Id like to kidnap a Heather and tie her up naked and leave her for the rats. Brady
Get away nerd! Pirece
I rented the princess bride! Aryn
You know from her homies! Lily
Stop being a dick!! Desmond
Scuse me! My buddy Kurt asked you a question! Trenton
Im Married! Shana
Maybe then well never die! Jessica
Well make it beautiful! John David
And she allowed it?

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