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Room on the Broom

1. The moral of the story is to be kind to others, especially if they have done a kind deed for
you because you never know when you will need them. The cat was so against all of the
other animals getting on the broom but ended up needing them in the end.
2. I most closely identify with the dog. I grew up not having much and my mom living from
pay check to pay check but Ive never really complained about it. Even now, I am around
friends that have more money than me and yes, I would like to be like them but I make
the best of it.
3. Every time my boyfriend comes to spend the weekend with me I offer my DB and money
to buy food because I know he has to spend gas money just to come see me. I do not have
to and he does not ask me but I do it because I want to and know he would do the same
for me.
4. My close friend offers me food whenever I am running low and cannot get to the store. I
thank her every time anyone gives me anything, it is just the right thing to do and I
wouldnt feel right not doing it.

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