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Raul's autobiography Hello and welcome to the history of my life. My name is Raul Gutierrez and lets start telling the history. | was born on October twelve, nineteen seventy- eight. I was born in UCLA hospital. | grew up and was raised in the city of Inglewood, California, a small city near Los Angeles Airport (Lax). | have two brothers. Bernie, the oldest brother, who is thirty- two, and Rene, the youngest brother, who is twenty-three. My mom, Antonia, who was married to my father, Jesus, was a part of my life from the begging of my birth to my teens age years. My parents were born and raised in Jalisco, Mexico. When my parents got married, they moved to the United States of America to bring up their family in a better life. Not knowing later in life they were getting a divorce from each other. | was a shy, quiet, and loveable kid. | like to play with my cousin and be involved with my family. I went to school all my twelve years of schooling in the city of Inglewood where | was acquainted with friends who | stil talk too. In my autobiography, | will talk about my five significant events that occur in my life. These events impacted my personal development in becoming whom | am today. The first significant event of my life was the birth of my life. I was born on October twelve, nineteen seventy- eight. The hospital that | was born was UCLA. | was born at ten o'clock in the morning, | was eight pound two ounces. | was twenty- two inches long. Both of my parents were there to experience my birth. 28 My brother was with my aunt house playing with my cousin while | was at the hospital being born. It was fall and the leaves were falling down. It was cold and breezy in this time. | was cute. | had brown eyes and dark hair. My mom tells me Iwas a very quiet baby. | had small eyes. When family member came to see me they thought | was an oriental baby. | only cry when | was hungry or needed my dipper change. Both of my parents were happy to have me. | was their blessing. Today is an important event because of the birth of my life. Today starts a new begging where | am going to be expose to the world. Where | am going to be experiencing new things every minute of my life, from be able to meet new friends to meeting your special one who will be your long life companion. By experiencing the world around me, then it would make me the person who | will become in later years. The second significant event was when | graduate from Crozier middle school. In nineteen ninety- three, | graduated from Crozier middle school. | was excited to graduate with my fellow friends, class of nineteen ninety-three. | was. on the honor roll for the past two years. | was a student who put all his effort on school. | got good grades. | loved to attend school everyday. | never missed school. | was the student who loved to help my teachers. In school we had to select classes that we wanted to be our elective. | selected to be a teacher's assistance. | love helping my teachers. | was most known threw the staff of the 29 middle school. | did not participate in any group or clubs. | just like to hang out with my friends after school. School was about having friends and making new friends. | still remember some of my friends that | used to hang out. Those years were the good years. It brings me back lots of memories. In middle school, my teacher complimented me on how a wonderful kid | was. They told me if | want to accomplish my goal in life, then | should finish school and proceed with college. This helpful tip got me started in thinking what I wanted to be when | grew up. | knew | like being around school and I like to help out. The third significant event was when | graduated from high school. In nineteen ninety- seven | graduated from Inglewood High School. These years are the most difficult years one person goes threw. This is where people decide whether or not they want to continue to attend school or want to be a dropped out student. | choose to continue my schooling only because to make my mom proud of me, My older brother Bemie was a dropped out student. He did not finished high school. Later after a few years when he was ready to continue school, he later enrolled to a continuing school where he received his diploma. | knew | wanted to finish my high school years. | knew how important itis to have an education and a diploma for the future. My parents went to school in Mexico, but both of my parents did not finish elementary school due to having to work and helping out the family. | got to see how my parents struggle to find a good job where it is going to be enough money to provide for the family. | know | do 30 not want to be in the same situation. | want to do better and achieve in something a career where | do not have to struggle. | was an average student while attending school. | was again a helpful student. | loved to help my teachers. For my elective classes | needed to select and I selected classes that deal with helping out teachers from the offices. These classes were design to give student a grade and be able to learn some offices skills that can be apply in later in the future. | love my high school years. | work hard to earn my grades and be able to graduate from high school. My senior year we had fun. Getting ready to graduate is a big step. First, we must have all earned credit in order to be eligible to graduate, next, we needed to past the state test, and finally we needed to be ready to graduate. | was giving an award showing that | was on the top ten percent of my class. It was exciting to show my parents how hard | work to accomplish my goals. We went to Disneyland for our graduation night. My friends and me had fun staying up all night and having fun. My mom and two brothers were there to witness me graduating from high school. During my high school years my parents went threw a nasty divorce. | saw my mom she was not happy with my dad, I knew how important itis for my mom to see me graduating from high school. She tells me she hopes | am going to be the one who graduates from high because my older brother did not graduated. When | gave her the news | was indeed to graduate from high school and | was in the top ten percent of the class because of my grade point average. Both my mom and brothers 31 were happy for me because | was the first son to graduate from high school and be able to walk the stage. It was nice attending high school, but | needed to continue with my life. I knew | had to begin a new chapter in my life. | chose to continue my education. | knew my mother was very proud of me but she wants me to continue on and be able to have a career and not be able to worried about anything, The fourth significant event was when | graduated from EL Camino College. | graduated from El Camino College in two thousand and two. My major was Childhood Education. | started college right after | graduated from high school. My mom was excited for me because I decided to attend college. My mom is the inspiration of why | attended college. | chose to attend El Camino College because the El Camino College is closer to my house and transportation was easy to get there by bus. | wanted proceed with my education because | wanted to become someone in life. | attended classes in the morning and as well in the evening. I was a full time student. | put a lot of effort in my studies. It took a long time to reach to my final destination due to scheduling my classes and working, | had to work in order to pay for my materials and books. | received a grant from the state of California to be able to pay for my classes. Most of my friends who graduated from high school attended El Camino College. It was fun to have friends you know that attended school with you. After, getting my mind in track and deciding what | wanted to major in. | decided to major in childhood education. | took require classes | needed to graduate. 32 After, a few years into college, | found out with the help of my counselor, | was ready to graduate from college. | decided to walk the stage just like I did when | was in high school. On the day of graduation | invited my whole family to witness me again in graduating from another schoo! this time from El Camino College. | was thrilled and excited once again | accomplish my goal in life to finish community college. | am the first child of the family to graduate from a community college. My mom is very proud of me and | am too. My older brother finished high school but never attended college. | did not wanted to be like him, having no job and no education for a better life. The last significant event of my life is the birth of my niece. My niece is named Natalie Alexus Gutierrez. She is the first niece | have in the family, She gets spoil by whole family. She was born on May seven, two thousand and three right after | graduated from college. She is the one who brings me joy to life. | love her smile. She is the inspiration of me. She inspire me to work and do well in school. Now that she moved away from the city of Inglewood to Hesperia, now she inspire me even more to accomplish my schooling because one day I can tell her who hard | work to accomplish my goal career. Maybe one day I can be her Elementary school teacher. Before, when she was living in the city of Inglewood just like me. | got time to spend time with her. | love buying presents for her. | like how she says my name “Aul", My name is not the first name she remembers to say. | can tell she loves me a lot because now when | go to visit her in the city of Hesperia, 33 Natalie comes running to me to give me a big huge. | love her and | treasure a lot. She is always in my mind In conclusion, these are the five significant events that are most memorable to me. The birth of myself, graduating from middle school, graduating from high school, Graduating from community college, and the birth of my niece are some important events that dramatically impacted my personal development Without these special events then | would not have been here where | am today These events explain the history of my life. | give thanks to my mom for pushing me to continue school. To my teachers for encourage me to finish school and be able to accomplish my goals where | am still working on. To my dad for showing me | do not need a father figure to guide me in the right direction because my mother did it for me and I am proud of her. She raised us by herself and | got to see how hard it is and not having a good career then you can't get anywhere in life. 34

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