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Raul Gutierrez 12/06/2005 Econ 315 Samuel P. Huntington is Albert J. Weatherhead University professor. He was bom on April 18, 1927. He graduated with a distinct from Yale at 18 years of age. He served in the Army and received his PH D. from Harvard. He started teaching there when he was 23 years of age. He has been a member of Harvard’s Department of Government at Columbia University. He has served as chairman of the Government Department and Harvard Academy for International. He is a political scientist known for his analysis of the relationship between the military and the civil government, During 1977-1978, he worked at the White House as coordinator of security planning for national Security Council. His interested are national security, strategy, civil military relations, and economic development of less developed countries. During Samuel P. Huntington life, he wrote principal books. Here are some articles that he polished throughout his life. The Soldier and the state: The Theory and politics of Civil Military Relations (1957). Political Order in Changing Societies (1968). The Common Defense: Strategic Programs in National Politics (1961). The Clash of Civilizations (1993). Who Are We and Immigration (2004). The National Academy of Science controversy. In his article, Political Order in Changing Societies. Huntington argues, order is, the most important characteristic of the states. Order is a threatened when the level of mobilization exceeds the level of institutionalizing within a society. Huntington is concerned that the development of economic development, political mobilization will increase faster than the appropriate institutions can arise leading to instability. As a solution, he advocates a stronger emphasis on institution building in development, most important the establishment of the stable party system. In the 1970s, Huntington applies his theoretical insights as an advisor to the Brazilian military dictatorship. In 1972 he discussed with the representatives of the Medici in which he warned against the risks of a rapid liberalization and proposed gradual steps after the image of the Mexican PRI. After a drawn out transition process, Brazil became fully democratic in 1985. His other article was called The Clash of Ci izations. In 1993 Huntington ignited a major debate in international relations with the publication in the journal Foreign Affairs of an extremely influence. In this article, it contrasted with another political thesis regarding the core of the dynamics of the post Cold War. Huntington articulates his views that the post Cold War conflict would occur most frequently and the violence along the cultural, In his article, it states that the conflict between civilizations will be the latest phase in the evolution of conflict in the modem world. Huntington hypothesis states that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily economic. The great divisions of humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nations states will remain the most powerful actors in the world affairs, but the groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate the global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines in the future, During the cold war, the world was divided into the first, second, and the third worlds. Those divisions are no longer relevant, It is far more meaningful now to groups of countries not in terms of their level of economic development but rather in terms of their culture and civilization, What do we mean when we talk about civilizations? Civilization is a cultural entity. Villages, regions, ethnic groups, nationalities, religious groups all have distinct cultures differences level of cultural heterogeneity. Every since the article, Clash of Civilization became famous and later the article became a book. Mr. Huntington written another book called “Who Are We?"(We being the American). The principal theme of this book is the centrality of the Anglo Protestant culture to the American national identity. Who Are We, is the challenges to Americans national identity was released in May 2004. The subject is the meaning of American national identity and the possible threat posed to large scale Latino immigration. Mr. ‘Huntington states in his book, Mr. Huntington divided the United States into two people, two cultures, and two languages. He stands accused of presenting an ethnocentric or racist attitude towards the immigration, He argues that Mexican values are inherently incompatible with the Anglo-Protestant work ethic. He also argues further set of values area threat to the American dream, which he says it is a dream created by an Anglo- protestant society. He goes on to state Mexican American can share the same dream and the society only if they dream it in English, According to Huntington, just a partial identity, this does not tell you anything about the society that attracted the immigrants or the culture that produced the creed. Huntington emphasizes the culture that forms the foundation of the American nation. Anglo Protestant is the culture by the first British settlers brought with them, Huntington uses the word settlers to describe the early English pioneers. American began as a society of settlers. Immigrates settlers moved into the new territory to create a new society and culture based on their earlier one. This book is a posttraumatic stress reaction to the event of the 9/11. This is a flash back to increased marginalization of the white males in continental American as a Portrayed in the movie “Falling Down.” In November 2000, he wrote another article called Reconsidering Immigration. Is Mexico a Special Case? This article states that there are at least two partial truths concerning American identity that often are accepted as the whole truth. These include American is a proposition country. A country whose identity is defined by the commitment to a particular set of values and ideals, formulate and express in writing. About 98 percent of American was protestant. The enemies were catholic. The French and the Spanish were of course the attitude of the British who defined themselves in similar terms. They thought themselves in racial and largely ethnic terms. Bighty percent of Americans in the decades Revolution were from the British Isles, with 60 percent English and 20 percent Scotch and Scotch-Irish, while the other 20 percent was largely German and Dutch. In the article of Huntington, he states that he feel there is a significant problem, a problem that encompasses immigration. Much of what we now consider to be problem concerning immigration and assimilation really concern Mexicans immigration and assimilation. Mr. Huntington states that there five distinctive characteristic of the Mexican question. The first one is Mexican immigration is different because of contiguity. We have usually thought of immigration as being a symbolized by the state of Liberty. They come across, two thousands miles of the border. Not thinking about the problems of our immigration from Mexico. ‘The second problem is Mexican immigration during the past several decades has been substantial for very understandable reasons. I is easy for Mexicans to come to this country. The coast is relatively low and the risk is minimal. They are also easily able to return to Mexico and to maintain contact with their families and friends. The third distinguish characteristic of the Mexican issues is the illegality. legality immigration is overwhelming phenomenon. A huge portion of illegal immigrates have been Mexicans. In 1995, Mexican made up 62 percent of the immigration who entered the United States illegally. In 1997, INS estimated 54 percent of the total illegal immigrant’s populations in the United States were Mexicans. Mexicans illegal were nine times as numerous as the next largest contingent from El Salvador. In 1986, Huntington was nominated for membership in the National Academy of Science. Nominations are voted on by the entire academy, which are by scientists who are mainly unfamiliar with the nominee. Huntington prominence as a Harvard professor and director of Harvard’s Center for International Studies contributed to the coverage by the publication such as the New York Times. Samuel P. Huntington, a political scientist known for his analysis of relationship between the military and the civil government. A professor at Harvard, who his interested were national security, civil military relations, and economic development of less developed countries. As Samuel P. Huntington said on his quote, “ I think clearly the United States, as well as other Western nations, should stand by their commitments to human rights and democracy and should try to influence other countries to move in that direction” With this is mind, I will remember who is Samuel P. Huntington.

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