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Tugas Softskill

Bahasa inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Diana Putri

NPM : 12213396

Jurusan : Manajemen



Wawancara kerja menjadi Accounting Staff

Mr A : We read from your CV that you graduated from Gunadarma Unieversity, majoring in

Ms D : Yes, thats right, Sir. I graduated from the Accountancy Department of Gunadarma
University last year

Mr A : How long did it take you to finish your education in the university?

Ms D : It took me four and a half years to finish it, Sir.

Mr A : Can you speak other foreign languages besides English?

Ms D : Yes, Sir I can speak Japanese, French, and Mandarin well.

Mr A : How about operating computers? Can you operate a computer?

Ms D : Yes, Sir I can operate windows programs well.

Mr A : Do you have any work experience?

Ms D : Yes, Sir. I have worked as an accounting staff in a small local company in Bekasi for four

Mr A : Are you still working there now?

Ms D : Yes, Sir. Im still working in the company now.

Mr A : Did your employer know that you are applying for this position?

Ms D : Yes, Sir. It is fine.

Mr A : Great. Why did you want to move or to quite your present job?

Ms D : Well, I want to develop my career and get more challenging job in a multinational
company like this company. Im sure that if i kept working there, I would be an accounting staff
for the rest of my life.

Mr A : Why do you want to work for this company?

Ms D : Well, because this company is well established with reputation. I heard that the
promotion system here is very good. Besides, this company is worldwide.

Mr A : 0k. Good. what do you know about accounting?

Ms D : Accounting can be the activity, practice, or profession of maintaining and checking the
business records of a forms and reports for tax or other financial purpose.

Mr A : What do you mean by financial purpose?

Ms D : Financial purpose here can include financial accounting and management accounting.
Financial accounting relates to the way of recording all assets and liabilities of a company and
the business transactions with other companies. While management accounting is connected
with the record of information for the management to manage the company and to make
decisions for the future development of plans.

Mr A : Great, I think we have a poition for you.

Ms D : I am really glad. you wont regret hiring me, I promise

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