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Sarah M.


3045 t Vermont Street

Indianapolis, IN 46222

March 21, 2017

Dr. Peter Steer

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Great Ormond Street

Dear Dr. Steer,

I am writing to recommend Gwyneth Harris for the position of Director of Operations at

the Great Ormond Street Hospital. I had the pleasure of working directly with Gwyneth
during her time as a curator at the Indiana Medical History Museum, and her
tremendous abilities never ceased to amaze me. I was Gwyneths direct supervisor at
the Indiana Medical History Museum, and during that time, we worked together closely,
so I fully understand her capabilities.

Gwyneths incredible adaptability with potential donors has let her excel fundraising. Her
flexibility also allows her to quickly switch tactics if the donor changes their mind about
something at the last minute. While at the Indiana Medical History Museum, Gwyneth
managed to recruit to several donors who had been on the fence about wanting to
donate to the museum for many years. Gwyneths great connection with the donors and
relentless perseverance to always make the donor happy allowed her to become the
number one fundraiser at our museum for 3 years in a row. The new donations she
reached far exceeded any previous winners.
Gwyneth is also able to work effectively with other co-workers, making her a terrific
addition to the team. I have enjoyed watching the way she has grown and excelled at
the Indiana Medical History Museum.

With her abilities, adaptability, and dedication, Gwyneth will make a great Director of
Operations at the Great Ormond Street Hospital. I have no doubts you will be
exceptionally pleased if you hire her. If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact me at the above address.


Sarah M. Halter

Executive Director

Indiana Medical History Museum

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