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Writing Project 1: Research Proposal

Overview: For this first writing project you will write a proposal for a research project.
The project you propose will be researched (in Writing Project 2), written as a persuasive
essay (in Writing Project 3), and built into your Writers Website. Essentially, this
assignment asks you to

1. define a research question

2. provide a brief review of historical and contemporary perspectives on the
3. describe how you will research the proposed question and its related issues
4. demonstrate why addressing this question is worth your reader's attention

Assignment: In Writing Project 1 your task is to discover an issue you are curious about
and write a proposal that (1) illustrates pre-existing knowledge about the issue, (2)
outlines how you will research your issue, and (3) demonstrates the significance of the
issue youve chosen.

You should think of your proposal as an introduction: it identifies a gap in a current

conversation, one that you will research (Writing Project 2) and engage (Writing Project
3). Therefore the primary rhetorical mode of this project is to inform the reader about an
issues existence and its background. You will not engage the issues debate with your
own argument and claims until WP3. The only persuasive element of WP1 is convincing
the audience that the issue is worthy of their attention.

The issue you select should involve differing points of view and conflicting claims.
However, do not select an issue simply because it is controversial. Instead, you should
select an issue you are curious about and will enjoy researching and writing.

Overused Topics: For this project, challenge yourself. Delve into about a topic you don't
know much about. Unless you (1) have more than a causal connection to a topic and (2)
have obtained instructor permission, do not engage the following topics, as they
regularly do not promote innovative thought or writing:

Abortion, capital punishment, decriminalization of drugs, euthanasia, global

warming, religious beliefs, stem cell research, performance enhancing
drugs, greek life, gun control, animal rights, foreign policy, student

Requirements: Your proposal must be at least 1000 words in length, attend to the
specific requirements of the assignment, and adhere to APA formatting standards

Project Submission: Much of your process work for this project will be posted to
Google Classroom and/or completed in class. Specific details about the process work of
WP1 (e.g. readings, etc.) can be found in the learning modules on BlackBoard. Your final
project will be submitted in two ways, (1) as an APA formatted document to the WP1
submission drop box on BB, and (2) as a webpage on the Writers Website that you
created in ENG 101 or at the beginning of ENG 102.

Writing Project 1 Feedback

Grading Criteria: Please see the rubric below for feedback on your writing project submission.
Assessment is provided as follows: A = Excellent, B = Above Average, C = Average, X =

Criteria / Outcomes Expectations A B C X

Assignment The proposal effectively targets the 1000 words
Requirements requirement
General professional writing conventions are used
The essay fulfills the assignment's purpose and
The project effectively implements APA formatting
Rhetorical Situation Target audience identified explicitly or implicitly
The essays purpose is clear
Voice, tone, and diction appropriate for the
Opening Creates a bridge between the intended audience
and topic
Introduces the topic and related issues that will be
States the purpose of the proposal
Background Explains knowledge needed to grasp the proposed
Includes a critical evaluation of existing knowledge
Contemporary Identifies 2-3 contemporary perspectives on the
Perspectives topic
Explains how each perspective shows approachable
Inquiry and Method States what your inquiry and research will address
Includes 3-5 objective research questions you will
Answers How will I conduct my investigation?
Notes keywords, sources, and databases that may
be used
Closing Discusses the overall significance of the topic
Addresses questions like Why now? and What is
at stake?
States why the target reader should take interest in
the research
Quality of Writing Free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors
Organization has purpose and enhances the
Topic sentences and transitions used
Overall Assessment A-

Levels of Achievement
A = Describes work that provides an unexpected perspective and a creative approach to
the rhetorical situation, genre conventions, and assignment requirements
B = Describes work that surpases an average understanding of the rhetorical situation,
genre conventions, and assignment requirements
C = Describes work that is appropriate to the rhetorical situation, genre conventions, and
assigned requirements
X = Describes work that represents a significant misunderstanding of the rhetorical
situation, genre conventions, and assignment requirements
Writing Project 1 Additional Feedback
Below are a few general comments on how you can improve your writing, reading, and critical
thinking skills. This feedback is based on issues that arise from your draft, so to learn more about
an issue, and how to address it, click on the link provided. Note that not all issues may be

Audience: This proposal does not target an audience or targets a generic audience
instead of a specific, real audience. Successful communication (in essays, chats, etc.) needs
its message to be tailored to an audiences needs. Ask yourself On whose behalf am I
conducting my research? and Which group should read my research first?
Detail: Some ideas and examples need development and elaboration. Elaboration
can take the form of descriptions that employ direct, specific details. Use specific language to
better explain the nuances of sources, claims, and ideas.
Redundancy: This essay contains several redundancies and unnecessary repeats.
Watch for phrases or longer passages that repeat words with similar meanings. Words that
don't build on the content of sentences or paragraphs are rarely necessary. Look for extra
words or phrases that do not add to the meaning of the sentence and could be removed.

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