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Top 10 Topics:

2.College Campus Safety
3.Racial Profiling
5.Paranormal Phenomena
7.Junk food
9.Medical Technology
10. Syria

1. Cancer
This topic doesnt necessarily relate to me in a direct way. Cancer is a
worldwide disease that has taken many lives. I believe that more
funding should be used and given to cancer research. I have many
friends that have lost relatives to this deadly disease. The burden that
comes with this is also very emotional. As an aspiring doctor, I want to
see a future where the deaths that are caused of this disease can be

2. College Campus Safety

I personally think that this a topic that relates to every student and
parent out there. Mass school shootings have drastically increase over
the last ten years. Many lives have been lost because of lack of safety
regulations. Just today, in Mexico, there was a school shooting in the
state of Monterrey. I believe this a topic that can be widely expanded

3. Medical Technology
This is a topic that I really like since I am an aspiring doctor. The world
is constantly evolving and so do the diseases and viruses. Technology
plays a big part, since most treatments are developed through the use
of advance technology. I believe that medical technology is a
cornerstone of what humanitys most important needs.

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