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Jennah Chu


3 April 2017

Rubber Band STEM

For this 4th quarter STEM, I decided to create an art piece based on the season of

spring.The colored rubber bands represent the colors of spring, varying from warmer colors to

coolers colors. The trunk of the tree is made out of regular rubber bands cut and glue onto the

canvas to create texture similar to a trees. All rubber bands were glued using Elmers Glue.

The inspiration came to me when I stumbled upon newspaper art. The newspaper

reminded me of the rubber bands and it inspired me to glue rubber bands onto a canvas to make

some art. The idea of a tree was inspired by the day I started the project, which was on April 1st.

April a month of spring, and spring just reminded me on how tree blossom during this time of


Theres not really a purpose to this art piece besides the fact that its just a reminder of

spring. Overall, I think that it turned out to be a success, especially since I thought that the rubber

bands wouldn't stick to the canvas due to using school glue.

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