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They First Make Mad

Pipe it down here, Sargonnas

Aye, sir. Patching through to Captains Quarters, now
The viewscreen lit up with a close-up of a dark, jowly Bolian. Commodore Antim, Im captain Sheridan, and this is my first officer, TRath
The commodore frowned Captain Sheridan. Im glad to see that youre available. Theres a somewhat delicate situation out here, and your ah, history with other hmmm,
personnel out here may be useful.
How so, sir?
Some unthinking busybody at HQ assigned the wrong vessel to investigate a series of disappearances in this quadrant. The ship they sent was the Avalon, under the command of
your former fianc, captain Antares
And the problem, sir? Surely captain Rawlings has the resources to pursue the matter?
Im sure she does. But she also has an um, lively temper, shall we say?
And I dont? Sir.
Despite your reputation, your nickname isnt Bloody Antares, captain. Besides, you have a Vulcan exec to help you restrain your .. maverick impulses Sheridan glanced at his
Makosian first officer. He has no idea
In any case, I cant relieve captain Antares until she steps over the line, which may be too late. The fact that you have a prior relationship with her may make it easier for you to
assist her, while hopefully preventing her from doing anything too rash. Ill have my Yeoman send over the mission brief momentarilyAntim, out.
Talk about setting the fox to guard the henhouse! That man has no clue at all. Rash. Hmmph!. Sheridan shook his head.
Ill call a briefing at point six, Austin
You do that, Rath. Im off to the Bridge, and then a bite before the meeting.
Thereve been several reports of small merchant vessels traversing this sector the screen zoomed in disappearing. Avalon was sent to investigate, but the local commander
has limited faith in her, and wants us to nursemaid captain Rawlings, TRath opened the briefing.
Lt Mvors took over Since we dont know exactly when or where any of the disappearances actually occurred, we correlated their flight plans. Almost all of them pass near this
star, renamed Vanaheim by a colonial expedition which filed a claim and set out to settle the fourth world. Nothing has been heard of them since they left one hundred and forty-
three years ago in sub-light sleeper ships, The Edoan continued we dont even know if they arrived.
So, asked Lt Ajard, We have no way of knowing if theyre behind the disappearances?
Paranoid, Michelle? Its unlikely theyd have anything to threaten us with, even if they did make it to Vanaheim IV.
Maybe, Ezyelin, but..
Sheridan cut in It may be unlikely, but so was the Terratin Incident. I dont intend to assume anything or dismiss any idea until I know a lot more. Well stand off outside the
system and send in a swarm of passive sensor probes, on the theory that whomever is behind this is there. Besides, itll be easier to avoid pissing Cheryl off if she doesnt know
were there. I doubt the commodore understands how we broke up.

TRath raised a questioning eyebrow. Sheridan gave a rueful grin She cracked three of my ribs.
Isee. And did she have cause to do so?
Shed still hold a grudge either way, TRath. It doesnt matter
I take it then that she did, TRath smiled tightly I must inquire further once I make her acquaintance.
Ill be sure not to introduce you, then
I am curious, though. How did she acquire that uncouth sobriquet?
Asking her that question is highly inadvisable, Rath
Ah, she never told you, either.
Captain to the bridge!

Sheridan strode out of the turbolift.

Whats up, Lieutenant?
Captain, SOOW reports that the Vanaheim system appears redshifted as if it were over 100 light years further away than it should be. Id like to come right to see what bearing
separation shows us.
Go ahead, Mnemosyne. Ill have the Science Officer of the Watch fill me in while you handle your course change.
Aye, sir. SOOW! Brief the captain. Helm, come right to 165 mark 042.
Come right to 165 mark 042, aye
Science Specialist 3rd class Zawlon Koastry

TR2 Shakarias (Laudarian M)
Sheridan stood in the Rec Room upper gallery, gazing out the windows. The upper nacelle bisected the view aft, as the warp-shifted stars streamed past. Sipping his Irish coffee, he
listened with half an ear to Gretchen and Trath singing a bawdy duet, accompanied by Shakarias on the piano. At least Gretchens only singing about getting laid.
The intercom wailed Captain, Bridge
Captain, here
Captain, JOOW. Ship, heliopause, affirm, -
Ensign, use Standard, not holophrastic while on watch.
Sorry, sir. Navigation reports ship at heliopause. Request permission reduce speed to reduce speed to impulse and -
Its okay, Khaharnae. In accordance with my previous orders, slow to impulse, set emission control, and launch the probes on a cometary ballistic trajectory
Affirm, sir
And Kha? You dont need to be nervous about making routine reports. I wouldnt let you stand that watch if you couldnt handle it. Just keep practicing your Standard.
Mm, aye, sir. Aye, aye
Captain out
Up on the bridge, Khaharnae flushed his embarrassment, impossible for a Sulamid to hide. SFMC Major SEventh, by courtesy referred to as Lieutenant Commander while
filling a ship-side position, smiled slightly. Go ahead, Ensign. Give the orders.
Yes, sir
Khaharnae drew himself up Helm, slow to impulse. Go to stationkeeping. Tactical, set emissions condition minimal. Science, prepare launch probes.
The massive starship faded from view as her running lights dimmed and went out. Moments later, she began disgorging instrument packages, each of which accelerated briefly,
then shut down and coasted in on individually selected courses designed to mimic comets.
Three days later, Lieutenant Mvors sidled up to the center seat. Captain, weve recovered 17 probes. I believe we can write the remaining 7 off.
Thats a pretty high failure rate, Lieutenant Sheridan reproved.
Yes, sir. But the remainder scanned nearly the entire system. Except for the fourth planet, everything seems normal for an F1 star system. The fourth planet, however, seems to
have an unusually energetic magnetic field and unnaturally thick radiation belts, as well as auroral displays large enough that they should not be possible. There are large areas of
effective sensor jamming and equally extensive zones that are simply dead to sensors. Aside from visuals and laser spectrography, we cant even confirm that the planet is class-M,
as it appears to be. Additionally, 5 of the missing probes were programmed to swing near the fourth planet. If theres anyone or anything hiding in this system, its got to be there.
What about the Avalon?
No sign of her, sir. If she made it here, she has to be at the planet.
Thank you, Lieutenant. Tactical, engage the cloaking device. Helm, once Tactical says were fully cloaked, put us on a least-time intercept of Vanaheim IVs trailing trojan point
at warp 2. Lets go take a gander at this mystery world.
As the Excalibur slowed and turned to begin a large, lazy spiral, space wrinkled and effaced the starships presence.


Well, Lieutenant?
We still cant read the planet any better, sir. Im afraid were going to have to enter the affected zone if we want any better data
Weve been here for 5 hours already, and sneaking in took 7 hours. Assuming we can slip back out, itll take 5 to 6 hours to get away before we can decloak if anyones there.
That only gives you 3 or 4 hours inside.
TRath cut in are there any asteroids large enough to hide behind nearby?
One moment, maam, while I check on that, Mvors replied, punching a comm circuit.
Stellar Cartography, Petty Officer Dhrise, howmayIhelpyoumaam?
QM2, without active sensors, can you find us a large enough asteroid to mask us visually and hide our emissions from the fourth planet?
Wait one.
There it is. Ive got one for you, maam, 2 hours away at 10% C. Sending to your terminal now.
Thank you, QM2 TRath added as Mvors disconnected.
Helm, put us in the shadow of that asteroid. Lets let the cloaking device cool off again before we approach the planet. Ill want station-keeping and maximum emission control
before disengaging the cloak. LT Mvors, you have the Conn. Call me when Tactical says were ready. He stood and left the bridge.
Yere shoor that th cloakin devices had enough time ta cool down, Padraig?
Ye sound suspicious, Gretchen. Is somethin goin on?
It shoulda been ready in five ta seven hours. Its been ten. Yeve been tinkerin.
Ye can tell himself the cloaks rolled back a good couple hunnert hours, yah
O course. Even though its only rated fer twenny-four ta twennyseven hours o continuous use
Verra well, then, Paddy. Ill tell himsel then that we hae yuir gracious permission ta proceed rackin up operational hours on yuir cloak
Ye go ahead an do that thing, Gretch. Ill be awaitin the word doon here.
As Gretchen cut the circuit, the EW chief wondered does she have any idea how annoyin that affected accent o hers is?
On the bridge, Gretchen called the captain Skipper, Tactical says th cloak is good ta go. Theyre done takin their sweet time wi it
Good enough. Go ahead and engage the device and lay in a parabolic intercept at quarter impulse. Ill be up shortly. Sheridan out.
Aye, sair
Sheridan put away his fiddle, straightened his tunic, and left his cabin. When he walked out of the lift onto the bridge, Vanaheim IV filled the viewer. Wireframe overlays displayed
which areas were shrouded to sensors, and to what degree. As they neared, the overlays fluctuated and shrank, revealing ever more of the planets orbital spaces.
I have the Conn. Execute a ball of yarn approach
Capn has the Conn, aye. Ball of yarn approach laid in replied the Helmsman.
The perspective changed as the vessel threaded a course around the planet at various attitudes, so that eventually all of the obscured areas would be penetrated. Time wore on
slowly on the tense, quiet bridge. Hardly anyone spoke, outside of work-related requests and comments, as if awaiting rapidly-descending footwear.
All stop. Insert us in Polar geosynchronous orbit here.
All stop, aye. Polar geosynch, aye, sir
The image on screen wavered, not just due to the intervening radiation and light displays, but also from whatever surrounded the object in view.
What in the Nine Hells is that? Ensign Glinphugashte blurted.
Science Specialist First Class MRella manipulated her instruments, attempting to clarify the image. It apppearss to be a sshaped fforrceffield surrrounding the Avvalon, withh a
hologrraphic overrlay of an ophfidian creature. Avvallon sseems to be motionlesss and unable to maneuvver.
Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl. Always rushing in, and its gotten you in trouble again.
Is she transmitting anything? TRath asked.
CommTech First class Andavask replied Ive been receiving something very faint, maam. Im still cleaning it up
Let me know when you have something solid, CT1.
Several minutes later, it reported Maam, the interference is artificial. Its too regular, and damps both subspace and lightspeed transmission too effectively to be natural
It continued Heres the message Avalon is sending. Its on continual loop. An inset appeared on the screen, showing the cockpit of a shuttlecraft. An elfin red-haired woman
spoke from the pilots seat.

This is captain Rawlings .S Avalon. Do not approach, or . trapped. We were investi .ppearances in this sect..phisticated forcefields and amned snake snared us and
dragged us ins..anetary aurorae. Phasers were inefsembodied head ing Viking app..onscreen, .mself Donar. .stard demanded we to his to.. the view cut to a tower
near a rocky fjrd and worship.aciously let us laun down 50 people. As far..know, he doesnt

The signal degraded too much to retrieve anymore, maam

Good work so far, vask. Keep at it though, in case she says anything else we can use. Captain, whoever this Donar is, he probably doesnt know we have transporters -
I agree
- Id like permission to take a recon team down to scout it out.
Is there a reason you dont want to leave it to the Prime Team or a landing party, Commander?
Yes, sir. We the command team need direct observation. I do not believe this is an appropriate situation to rely on the relayed reports of others and -
I see. One moment, Commander. SS1, review your scans. Is it feasible to beam on to the Avalon?
Onne momment, ssirr
The fforrcefffields apppear to confform closselly to the hollogrram, ssirr. Therre arre suffficient gapps to perrmit beaming if we closse to 1,000 kilommeterrs or lless
Thank you, MRella. Commander, I agree. But youre not going down there. I am. Youll take the Conn. SEventh will beam over to the Avalon simultaneously with me; I want to
minimize fluctuations in the cloak.
Damn. I should have known he was planning this. Aye, sir! she put a touch of rebuke in her tone.
Petty Officer Andavask, assemble the Prime Team, Lieutenants Mnemosyne, Ajard, and Mvors, Major SEventh, and Captain Cahill in the main briefing room in 15 minutes.
Aye, sir
TRath, call Gretchen back to the bridge. Shell hold the fort down while youre at the brief.
Sheridan entered the briefing room Be seated, all. Everyone sat.
He continued TRath, replay the message from Avalon.
As soon as the message faded, the Prime Team Liaison Officer, Commander Cory Hayler, said Based on the extract, I researched the name Donar. On Dahn IV, its the term for
a hereditary aristocratic caste about 2 steps below the oligarchical caste. On the mHaine worlds, its a childrens pet. On Capella, the name Donar referred to a political movement
to unseat the ruling tribe about 3 centuries ago. Its members were rooted out and killed to the last man, woman and child. Aaaaaaandthe Lalairu city-ship Donar has been at least
1300 light-years coreward of here since at least a hundred years before we achieved spaceflight
Mvors put in We can probably discount all of those. Did you find anything applicable?
Wryly smiling, Hayler replied Of course. Back on Terra, Donar was the German name of the Norse thunder-god, Thor. Thursdays named after him. And the name of the planet
comes from those same cultures that once worshipped Thor or Donar. He had a magic hammer, controlled the weather, and threw lightning bolts. He was also a god of war.
We may find that Donar is just a group of colonists gone pirate misdirecting attention by pretending to be a myth.
Thats an attractive theory Ajard said, but it doesnt explain where the forcefield/tractor-web comes from
No, but it does explain why it looks like a giant snake, Hayler argued, and the fact that we havent built one doesnt mean someone else couldnt. Its a reasonable extrapolation
of existing technology. They probably built it themselves.
Mvors rebutted with a technology base nearly a century and a half behind? Great Zok, they must be bigger geniuses than drex!
Than who? queried Captain Cahill, the MarDet CO.
Sheridan spoke Good thoughts, Commander, but we wont really know till we take a look. Lieutenant Ajard, Lieutenant Mvors, Lieutenant Mnemosyne, you will be beaming
down to the planet with the Prime Team. Ill be in charge -
Commander Hayler interrupted Excuse me, sir, but you shouldnt go. Thats what my people are for.
I need to see this with my own eyes, Commander. Im going.
With all due respect, sir, my team is an independent detachment, subject to my orders, not yours.
I know full well why Starfleet wants your people taking these missions, Commander, but this situation is unusual enough that I need to assess it directly. The subject is tabled.
Ill have your team as a recon element and security, and my own officers for analysis. And I expect Captain Cahill to have the MarDet prepared to extract us if necessary.
Stiffly Hayler managed Very well, sir, not entirely sure why he wasnt fighting harder.
Im sure the Exec sympathizes with you, Commander. She wanted to go, but I pulled rank on her, too. Now, Commander SEventh. I want you and an Engineering team to beam
over to the Avalon and find out what their situation is.
Yes, sir. What are we to look for?
TRath answered Based on the message we received, hopefully this Donar thinks hes got an empty ship, in which case you should be able to speak directly to the Avalons XO
and get a more complete report. But if Donar wasnt fooled, theres no way of knowing what youll find.
Use your own best judgment, Commander. But it sounds like this Donar expected them to come down in shuttles, not use transporters, so I hope that means he doesnt know about
them. Meantime, TRath, youll sow a few commsats and bug out. Hide behind that asteroid we used before. When you receive a pickup signal, close in and retrieve whichever
team or teams are ready.
Sir, that leaves the teams exposed for at least a few hours if were sneaking back in under cloak.
It does. We just have to accept that risk. All personnel offship are more expendable than the ship itself. Does anyone have any questions or suggestions?
Lieutenant Ajard spoke Sir, the message indicated that phasers were ineffective
Good point, Lieutenant. Sir, Id suggest issuing a mix of weapon types to everyone put in Cahill.
Thats SOP for my team, captain. I agree added LT Ghereth, the Prime Team field leader.
Go ahead. TRath, if Donar discovers you and communicates with you, use a close pickup. Dont talk to him yourself. Commander Hayler, you will pretend to be the CO in such
a case. If he asks how many people we have, tell him 30 or 40, including yourself. If he demands that you bring them down, stall as long as you can. Under no circumstances
mention transporters. TRath, if Commander Haylers ruse gives you the chance to escape, take it. Get far enough out to be sure Starfleet can receive our distress signal. After you
get a response, but not before, you can attempt rescue. SEventh, if Excalibur is taken, and that gives Avalon the chance to escape, give whoevers in charge there the same orders,
from me. No heroics from any of you on our behalf until and unless Starfleet is successfully notified.
Pinch-faced, TRath acknowledged Understood. But if you get killed, Im going to make you regret it.
Not the way I imagined getting to the center seat, but can do. And while were doing each others jobs, captain, Id appreciate it if you try not to get any of my people killed. I
just got them broken in and dont want to have to start over.
I feel the same way about my ship, commander. Dismissed, everyone. Commander Hayler, if youd come with me, please?
TRath moved towards Sheridan, who shook his head. She turned and left the briefing room, as Sheridan and Hayler walked out behind her.

As soon as they entered the captains quarters, Sheridan started a pot of coffee. How do you take yours?
Black, captain, as black as my soul
Maybe you should wash your feet more often, commander. Black it is. I prefer mine hot, sweet, and blond. Pouring both cups, he passed one over to Hayler.
Now, I asked you here to clear the air, commander. You think I resent you, and I just slapped you down publicly.
Well, maybe a bit, sir, but..
Lighten up and lose the sirs
OK, yes, I do feel a bit slapped down. At first, I wasnt sure if you were grandstanding or not. I considered filing a protest
- but that wouldve meant going back outside the system and calling higher authority to adjudicate
Exactly. I know you didnt care to have us foisted on you, and you may not care for me too much, but it IS our job.
Actually, Mr. Hayler, Im delighted to have a professional landing party, strike team, and first contact team aboard. And I dont mind you personally. What rankles me is two
things: unlike some ships that have a prime team, you are the Liaison officer, not my exec, so youre a separate detachment, not ships company. And more importantly, too many
admirals think Im a maverick, so part of the reason for the first complaint is to keep me on a leash. Thats not your fault, and if I gave the impression that I dislike you, I
well, thats one way to look at it, I suppose, but command did want to reduce starship captain losses due to surface incidents

and you think Im being paranoid seeing a conspiracy to keep me out of trouble, Sheridan shook his head, but I was told this in no uncertain terms when commodore Ssesk
gave me Excalibur. This is not to go anywhere else TRath is the only other person who knows any of this but the right stuff crowd hates me, and wanted to force me to retire.
But nobody else was able to remove Meenos Arlent, so when I managed it, he gave me the promotion nobody else would allow, warned me I probably wouldnt get another
promotion or starship command afterward, and told me my request for Independent Duty was denied. He gave me Detached Military Duty, and said hed cut me what slack he
could on doing some exploration and other non-Mili-Ops missions, but that was as far as he could stick his neck out. And my orders included a flat requirement that my marines
and prime team be independent detachments, not integral to ships company, specifically to ensure I didnt step out of line.
Um. That does sound awkward. Theres nothing in my orders or Personal For messages indicating that, but I can see some of the philosopher flags acting that way. My last
skipper was captain Ranton, and he was sacked because he refused an order to deny asylum to some dissidents on Jarallon, just because it would make the Jaralli decline
I heard about that. The story was that they were terrorists, not a legitimate political movement
Oh, no. they were religious conservatives being persecuted for a belief that the new unified planetary government was trying to propagandize their religion out of existence, and
they were the political action party trying to convince the public the government was repressing them. Nobody bombed any buildings or shot anyone until after the refugees were
granted asylum, the Jaralli backed out, and began using troops on the churches. Admiral Colwin claimed that proved captain Rantons actions caused the fiasco, and got him
I never liked Colwin, but I had wondered why the VKrenn ambassador demanded his court-martial. Apparently they seriously considered ending the alliance when he was
permitted to retire
Yah, I thought that was a pretty strong stance to take. They did manage to scuttle his cozy arranged job at Daystrom. So, captain, is there anything else?
Only if youre not satisfied
Then thanks for the coffee, sir, and Ill try to watch out for your ship. He stood, saluted, and ambled out.
Sheridan returned the salute, finished his coffee, and walked out after Hayler.

Sheridan walked into the Prime Teams dedicated armory and glanced over the assembled landing party. Going up to the window, he slid his ID through the reader to show his
qualifications to the armorer.
Gunners Mate Second Class Colt read the file, raising her eyebrows slightly at the list. Any preferences, captain?
Got a .416 Rigby? he answered.
Fraid not. Hunting elephants, sir?
Elephants would probably be easier. But Ill take whatever elephant gun you have.

Lieutenant Ajard, Lieutenant Mvors, Lieutenant Mnemosyne, Captain Sheridan, Excalibur Prime Team <armorer issues weapons, asks what kind. Beam down, scenes on Avalon,
on planet, on Excalibur> <occlusion clears enough to reveal head of snake holding a small merchant ship, being broken up>
Margiere tafsheen Pakistani-French woman

Excalibur Prime Team
Position Primary Secondary Ships Company Substitute
Prime Team field leader LT Ghereth, Andorian m Bosun CW04 Charleston Higgs
Armorer (GM rate re-established for use by Prime Teams) GM2 Christy Kit Colt descendant of Colt founder. GM3 Jase Relvan Izar h m
Collects slugthrowers.
SurTac STCS Laneth Andorian m (SEL) ST1 Hazarstgejenn
Recon Specialist RSC Brell Cait m RS1 Taryn Archer (yes, she carries a bow)
Navigation Specialist QM3 John Wolf colonial h m QM3 Alexei Stepanovich Potempkin h m
Coxswain / SG BM2 Carson Latimer Bosun CW04 Charleston Higgs
Science Specialist Ens Tsel v f SS2 Karan Telmor Tellarite F
Technician TS1 Walker Proximate m TS2 Sydney Clancy h f
Flight Engineer WEC Joshua Brand IE2 Justin Camberwell
Transporter Operator TT2 Rachel Broderick TT3 Sean Cantrell
Medic HM2 Roberd Merstels Changeling h m very hi-g HMC Adez Edoan m SE
Cultural Xenologist SSX2 Fars Melonan Ronai M SSX1 Varan Skard
Linguist (poached from Linguistics div) CWO2 Mariah Rusova red hair former CTL2 Jaren Gault
CTLC Russian h f friends w/ PN1 Vaskova cc03
Psionicist Ens Tsel v f
Intelligence IS2 Kanera Winslow Izaran F IS2 Jack Slater Martian M IS div

Lant Adom
Ahgobraz Arcturian m
Divtoran / Diftorin Arcturian F

Revett Leedstrom
Jett Blackburn, Oren / Oran Reed, Kenenan Derby, Rendon Sadler Speed, Elijah Lee
Tennes, Tom Crowe, Layne Grant, Thea Boone, Fetch Storm / Stormfetcher
Dalton Flandry, Anson Roberts, Flynn, Jason Storm, Chance, Rachael Brock
John Battle, Jack Strike, Arion, Tom Mallory, Darwin, Cardinal, Forge, Ruel, Remah, Amber
Cartwright, Senath, Peter Strachan, Jack Rook, Dean Rook, Dorsey Calder, Taren Elath,
1st LT Jurgen Remmler upper-class Prussian w/ vertical scar left cheek, honors at academy. cptnd fencing team at Heidelberg, on aikido team. Arrogant, efficient, knowledgeable.
Previous tours as AsciO, security. compact, wiry, fast. Jurgen Stark/Sternfell Remmler
Flight Control Officer: LTj.g. Taren Elath Andor F
Ancalaide, Ruez, Janda, Alent, Shaya Lajara Ajilore, Broadwell, Annandale, Arnwood MO, Ralaina

Gavis, jaris,jake, // Del Vyrsta // Recamier // Travis // Lillian Strand GM1 Jason Cromwell chief armorer // GM2 Kareya NrTallish Tellarite f
Jim Langtry // Tazuo Isoruko // Jared/ zeled/daveth/kalen/kelen/keleri GM3 Jenny Brand asst armorer lo-g h f, Luna // GM3 Geved FarTeshte Tellarite m
Tactical Security TS01 Security Officer LTJG Aelius Marius Silva Magna Roman exchange officer
Taco LCDR Seventh beard to cover facial scar from duel w/ Klingon Asst security officer Ens Samaria Blair
ATAC LT Mnemosyne CMAA LT Michelle Ajard (blond she-hulk) human f (hi-g) // ACMAA MA1 Jared Storm
Weps div TW01 MA1 Mikhail Patruskin // MA2 Brandy Madrigal // MA2 TAlev v f
Ordo LT Theleva Andorian f AOrdo LTJG Mikhail Suvorov phaserO weaver proximate h m MA2 alaric montoja // MA3 Thomas Bryce // MA3 Engonali AnPelargir (as Al Auriga in The Entropy Effect
EWC Padraig Raeburn cloak/ewo dark skin & eyes, humanoid male)
FCC Thelar Andorian m Marines TM01-4
FC1 Clancy h m //FC2 Zharl Andorian m // FC3 Susan Oliver // FCSN Adam Roarke Marine CO: Bowen Cahill // XO: 1st LT Rebecca(Becca) Cochran (a cent of terran ancestry)
TW02 2nd LT Thomas Gunn // 2nd LT Jessica Brigit TrLhianna red hair, temper to match Rihan/ H f
2nd LT Solya Karamova (but also used for (Izar)/zaran f starship cpt) eng o lt ian Sinclair // eng o lt pyotr Cherenkov // tellar m
Cheryl Antares Rawlings (Bloody Antares) red hair, genetic construct, temper h f lori Sandoval // castor cass Sheridan
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++science officer line lt selek shera andor f // lekende sulamid umlauts over es
ens stuvok // multiphysics, astrophysics, a&a, life sciences,geophysics, computer sci/math tyree mellior talok m // Remington // Thorvus, burne, or blaine garrett
lab techs // E-7 former sci O on a scout edoan m Cassidy // ens zarisa Magnees a cent f // zalina ganees a cent f
antonin al-meriga // scientists // kttkrt hamalki m // ezyelin mvors edoan f ayatolu fzelarfat fzel ifshnit m gambler? // Garknanph gtornish tellar m
sulea zhalthdena deltan f // keltha zakoaskar a cent h f // arcturian h lab tech rathel kuristith yaz m?
zawlon koastry a cent h m // farnari andor f // SS1 mrella cait f// ktrl hamalki f farl andor m // nralla sgannish tellar f
twe veier umlaut over 2nd e sulamid // jedira lran-sanvedor deltan m // ophel timbro a cent h m cad reggiossh vrusk m? // life support el01\// lt jocasta android f
lo-g h // rashella Collins // joan bonney // momid yasafrat ala ifshnit m prideful, ambitiuous? PTLO CDR CORY HAYLER CANADIAN H M
Aella rusashte tellar f // Geled zyn dra m? // Khaharenae umlaut over 1st e sulamid lsfa Erica Webster
Zebulon koarcri izar h m (1/2 terran /a cent) // Bas koreth bajor m surly, antisocial transporters dt01 // lt zarit dyevs a cent h m // cwo2 grev talmor? Talok m
Kieron brennan welsh/brit m // laurel Goodwin // pothpagat hestv m tr2 cherice devalier afrofrench slender, tall, eyecatching // trcs galed alraun seris palkeo est m
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tr2 kerrian shaktorius laudarian m // tr3 karas solvaran h m
xo cdr trath v f makus III, interested in romance w/ co xo & admin dh trsn galan 7317 red from a colony world w/ auth govt that colorcodes its people. Refers to everyone as
admin divo xa01 // diplo attach o staff lt david Manchester h m brit citizen ________ h m. with a name like his, hes a natural-born liter
legal o lnc margo chandler, ln gilbert // finance/disbo dk saleth, X dt02 ttc haw veirelle umlaut over 1st e sulamid // tt1 basimba 38 yo Zaire tribal orbital very authoritative
chaps 3 rps amara, azariah, X // cmc // ships secretary ltjg lockhart tt2 daniel Winchester brit // tt Dixon // tt walker // tt delit no last name
ync/lcpo // yns crossley, thelia nln, markham, Sullivan // dkcalcpo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
pn1 (records/personnel o, e-7 billet) marya vaskova h f friends w/ cwo2 rusova, comm. akira wing cdr major vendra syn orion f
Pn2 pyotr orlendov wing xo cpt nogura isoroku great-grandson of heihachiro
Pn3 grant //pnsn gataan // NC1 rhys riordan / Yns, pns, dks, rps squad ld rcpt Dalton flandry?
SMO cwo2 reveka pelagios // 3mc encs darby farrell Dawson // Zimraan abu-khemala // Cyril Perryton
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rhiannon lafon/Patrick Kelley
Excel 436 Nav 23 / Comm. 26 / Admin 20 / Med 30 / Tac 99 / Sci 62 260 sub ttl Tac Squad ldr cpt john carter from va, settled on mars, nephew ed
ord/shields/security/troops / Eng / Deck flt ctrl/hagr bay/xporters/ Ops computers/comm. Fletcher
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flt deck
Comm. Ltjg sargonnas v/k m real/susbspace cc01 // Ens garl glinphugashte tellar m Fdc ltjg // Afdc ens corey tucker
Ctcs(comm.) taryn oshea h f // Ct1 myra antaurus minotaur f mayris sister // Ct3 m/morel cait m // Crypto Shuttle controllers
divcc02 // Ens h f teep unknown to others - short range // Ct2 andavask hestv neuter // Ct1 remierre remy Flt engineer ltjg Mikhail alexandrovitch petrekov, novaya amerika
devereaux h m // Ctc serik v m // Ct3 devire kaerlian h m // Ct2 kenlya zyorn colu f? Aflt ngr ens rory struan brit/Chinese, hk many generations, brit accent, 3+ Chinese dialects
Electronics div 7 // cc04 also interior comms Fmo flight maintenance officer cwo2 john alton // Mm wolfgang jeremias german
Hawkins, kilroy, maclaren, lorens, grayson, ardon zeer, rudland, frazier // Sulamid male // Edoan +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sensors div 7 cc05 // Hamalki, Andorian, cait Computers cc06 Itc tlera v f // It1 tathraks hestv f // It1 head pilot major summers, sfmc // flt ngr yuri illaeivivch borodin
delaney // It2 tom Jarvis / It2 zed winter // It2 sven drsner // It3 murphy // It3 romnos nln // Itsn clayton pilot lt forge proximate h m//mariah ralica? Yvonne Vanessa rourke -2300 bayern Callsign cowboy
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shuttles class f galahad, Gawain, Arthur, bedivere, gareth Aqua lancelot Long range Guinevere
navigation nh01
helm lcdr matsutari anjin dh & divo h m hi-g haven imperturbable // ltjg sevek Position Klin d-7 Fed dn Connie ingram 1701-A
ens h m apache // qm3 azize edoan f / nno1 nav // gator efros m, adh/divo // qm2 salin deltan f // qm3 jedra ttls 27 o, 427 e ttl 454 55/445/500 43/387/430
Co 1 1 1 1 1
deltan m / nc01 cartography cartographer lt zainen neraall adh h m alpha cent Xo 1 1 1 1 1
qmc (crazy horse?) h m Amerind-havener // qm1 SKKRKKREETTCH dolphin f helm 6 6 6 1/7
qm2 Mayri antaurus myras sister, minotaur // qm3 kkrhchcht dolphin m yeomen 5 4 4 8
qm3 das rael standoffish, intelligent bajoran f / QM2 Dhr ise Eseriat m Nav 1/1 3/6 3/6 1/5
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ordinance 3/16 3/30 3/30 2/32
tactics 3/16
Medical: cmo counselor/acmo betazoid m sciences 2/6 2/6 1/5 15
dr sezan v m Vulcan healer dr Xenomed efors m Lab tech 66 80 72 70
dr majus/majas kale bajor m field med, speciliase in frontier med, holistic approach Yn sci 3 5 2
dr tvaekh gp/healer/surg v f makuss iii dr dentistry dr pathology asst counselors deltan, v f Medical o 1/3 1/5 1/3 1/7
hm1 zoareen lokoacar a cent m hm2 hm3 geredd hantus-suvris palkeo est m nurse 1/16 1/25 1/21 1/11
hm 6
hm3 4 x RN human m homeworld Albireo, beta cygni system 0.85 g/efros/h/v Med tech 39 35 30
head nurse h medtechs head mt h vre hairethe sulamid add diaresis above a Eng o 1/5 1/6 1/5 1/7
tevkin dar tellar male Eng spec 25 110 93 166
pharmacist = hmc pharm tech hm3 PRRonel (long o) cait m pharm tech hmhn andor f mechanician 77
xporter 25 34 33
rec/morale O rec asst deltan f
Eng yn 2 22 2
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ comm 1/9 7/15 6/9 5/17
sk1 deledo h m Security o 2 6 6 8(4 assault
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ pilots)
cheng Gretchen ODonnell 2300: Bayern // acheng lcdr slade bloodstar Sec spec 38 84 84 6
Sec troops 40 45 sfmc
Disbo 1 [holographic projection of a laughing (flaming?) skull & crossbones with a sword running top bottom
recordsO 1 projected on the shields, while piping eerie laughter, Toccata and fugue in d minor, deguello, and Dead Mans
persO 1
Jag 1
Chest on all channels, just to fuck with opponents minds.]
Opso 1
deck 1/17 Travelin' Man Lyrics Artist: Ricky Nelson
shuttle 1/12 I'm a travelin' gal
supply 1/5 I've made a lot of stops all over the worlds
fso 1
Maintenance/ 1/30
And in every port I own the heart
Ships svcs Of at least one lovely guy
I've a pretty young fella waiting for me
Down on Aldebaran
Robert maclachlan highlander scots h m // Kellen starokyris colonial h f of greek descent If you're ever on Deneva stop and see
Gabriel trell // Gage proximate h m // Bishop // Mick dunbar barroom brawler, irish prot h m My cute little toyboy man.
Conal stuart lowlander scot, hothead // Rawnie Lawson // Randall Pierce Oh my sweet Fraulien down in Berlin town
Taylor Danson // Caradas Mor // Dane Richmond // Arlen Jannsen / Charlie Jackson // Lucas Madison // Makes my heart start to yearn
Isehada Saburo // Lei Jue Ling// SaVren Raun // CDR Menziar Felks unj T m // Lt james morgan, nav? // Ens And my China doll down in old Hong Kong
ming sei tan h f counselor // Ens Austin flandry Nav/helm// lt ywain jekkaran // ens diaz // ens akobi nariece Waits for my return
Knight // Redmond // Cpt jonathan mosby 65 yo martian h m grey ghost // sean grady // freeman // Pretty Polynesian baby over the sea
Blackburne // Thompson // Garrison // Harper // Ebon/zared/hunter/burne/slane/slanya/zaryn//Adler // Toran I remember the night
quinn// Gideon//Random//Tegan Wallace//killian // ltjg thelina a f When we walked in the sands of the Waikiki
****************************************** And I held you oh so tight

BM: Boatswains Mate based on modern BM/ABE/ABF/ABH. Deck dept Expert spacers who maintain the vessel, serve as small craft coxswains, command tugs, look after rigging and deck
equipment (gangways, airlocks, tractor beams, etc), operate, maintain, and repair small craft and small craft gear & spaces, fuel and handle small craft on deck.
CF: Flight Controller based on modern AC, Air Traffic Controller. Flight or Ops dept. Clearance required.
CT: Communications Technician based on modern IT/RM, CT, IC, SM, ST, EW, DP/DS Comm or Ops dept Clearance required.
CT/CTO (IT/RM): maintain, repair, and operate commgear CTC (IT /DS) operate, maintain, and repair computers, networks, information systems
CTD (IT/DP) data system retrieval, archival, maintenance specialist CTA (CTA) cryptography and admin
CTI (CTI) Interpreter (specific language), cryptography CTIC (IC) Operate, maintain, repair interior communications and communicators
CTS (RM/SM) archaic signaling methods expert. Flags, Morse code, radio, etc. CTU (N/A) Universal translator specialist
CTSS (CTT/EW/STG/STS) sensor specialist. Maintain/repair sensors CTT (N/A) Communications theory specialist rarely assigned shipboard
DC: Damage Controller based on modern DC. Engineering dept
DT: Dental Technician based on modern DT. Medical Dept Dentists assistant.
ES: Environmental Specialist. Based on modern EN/HT. Engineering dept. Operate, maintain, repair, and modify life support and environmental equipment. Overlaps with SE.
FC: Fire Controller based on modern FC/FT. Weapons dept Control, operate, maintain targeting & fire control sensors, machinery, etc; target and fire ships phasers. Overlap with
OT & GM. Secondary component of security alert teams. Clearance required.
GM: Gunners Mate. Based on modern GM. Weapons dept and/or Security dept Operate, maintain, repair, and secure all small arms and portable weapons/combat equipment, man
armory, perform training and qualification with small/portable arms.. Assist OTs/FCs, and MAs as necessary. A primary component of security alert teams. Rate resurrected for the
Prime Teams.
GT: Gravitics Technician. Engineering dept / Life support/environment division Operate, maintain, repair all artificial gravity and anti-gravity systems / devices.
HM: Hospital Corpsman (Corpsman). Based on modern HM. Medical dept.
HT: Hull Technician/ShipFitter based on modern HT. Engineering dept. Maintain, repair hull, fittings, piping, machinery, bulkheads.
IE: Impulse Engineer based on modern BT/MM/GS/EN. Engineering dept. Operate/maintain/repair ships impulse drive. Overlaps with PT/TS/WE/RT. Like WE, IEs can also
qualify as Drive Engineers, a WE/IE combination for shuttles and small craft. But not a separate rating.
IS: Intelligence Specialist. Based on modern IS. Intel, Comm, or Ops dept. Collect, interpret, analyze intelligence, report and brief on intelligence received. Shipboard version of
current affairs commentator with potentially (one would hope) better source material. Clearance required.
JO: Journalist based on modern JO/PH/LI. Admin dept Public affairs/press relations and information packaging specialists
LN: Legalman. Based on modern LN. Admin or Legal dept; JAG Qualified Paralegals and notaries; assist Legal Officers, act as legal officer on smaller ships.
LS: Laboratory Specialist. Science dept (Ops on some small ships). Technical specialists in a scientific discipline. Assist science officers in laboratory. Trained to perform lab tasks,
write reports, make observations, but not to the level required of a science officer.
LSA: atmospheric specialty LSB: Biology specialty (SSBB: botany; SSBF: fauna, SSBM: microscopic life) LSG: geology LSO: Oceanography
LSP: Physics (SSPA: astrophysics, SSPN: Nuclear physics, SSPM: Multiphysics, SSPQ quantum physics)
LSS: Social Sciences (SSSA: archeology; SSSH: history, SSSL: linguistics) LSX: Xenology
MA: Master-At-Arms based on todays MA. Security or Admin dept. Maintain good order and discipline aboard ship, enforce laws and regulations, conduct investigations,
maintain corrective custody, act as bailiffs and security personnel, maintain Lucky Bag (lost & found). Primary component of security alert teams.
MS: Mess Specialist based on modern MS. Supply dept Food service specialist
MT: Meteorology Technician based on modern AG. Science or Ops dept. Weather analyst/forecaster, provide briefs on atmospheric conditions as they relate to small craft flying in
them. Clearance required.
NI: Naval Infantry
OS: Operations Specialist. Based on modern OS. Ops dept Operate sensors (normally not including fire control or scientific sensors), man CIC, detect/track/ships, maintain
secondary navigation plot, provide flight controller services when no CFs assigned. Clearance required.
OT: Ordinance Technician based on modern AO/TM/MN/MT/FC/GM. Weapons dept. Store, maintain, operate, repair, secure ordinance. Fire torpedoes, store and maintain
torpedoes and probes, repair and maintain phasers. Overlaps with GM/FC. Secondary component of security alert teams.
PC: Postal Clerk based on modern PC. Admin or Supply dept. Handles all incoming/outgoing packages and physical mail. Assigned aboard large ships and to stations.
PS: Personnel Specialist based on modern PN/PS, DK. Admin dept. Handles all personnel record, personnel reports, evaluations, awards, and finances.
PT: Power Technician based loosely on modern EM/AE. Engineering dept. Maintain, repair, operate, control, and regulate power systems, including ships batteries, EPS conduits,
and linear intermix chambers. Overlaps with RT, WE, IE, DE, TS.
QM: Quartermaster based on modern QM. Navigation or Ops dept, possibly also Science dept. Perform navigation, plot courses, maintain charts and stellar cartography (in
conjunction with astrophysics). Steer courses, especially under difficult conditions, such as orbit, constrained spaces, atmospheric flight, and operations alongside other ships. Take
bearings, make course/speed recommendations, maintain logs, and command small craft. Perform stellar and planetary cartography. May be qualified as coxswains, and uphold
service traditions. One of the oldest extant rates.
RP: Religious Programs Specialist based on modern RP. Medical or Chapel dept. Assist chaplains, act as Lay Leaders in services, act as chaplains on small ships, operate crew
morale and recreation programs. Typically, chaplains will be assigned as division officers in Medical; large ships and stations may have an actual Chapel dept.
RS: Reconnaissance & Survival Specialist. Security dept. Similar to SGs and GMs. Act as SGs aboard ship; scouts and SGs on planetary surfaces. Also, operate, maintain, repair
survival gear, evaluate, train and provide survival expertise in planetary environments. Primary component of security alert teams.
RT: Reactor Technician (TOS Era); Reactor Intermix Technician (TMP Era); Core Specialist [CS (TNG Era)] based on modern BT/MM/ Engineering tech (Warrant Nuke Power
tech). Engineering dept. Control, operate, regulate, maintain, repair Matter/Antimatter reactors, fusion reactors, linear intermix chambers, EPS conduits, and any other nuclear or
antimatter systems. Overlaps with WE/IE/PT/TS. Clearance required.
SE: Survival/EVA Equipment Specialist based loosely on modern PR. Engineering, Flight, or Ops dept. Operate, maintain, repair, and perform training and qualification on
survival/EVA equipment. Overlaps with ES, SU.
SG: Security Guard based loosely on modern MA/GM. Security or weapons dept. Similar to MAs and GMs, perform guard duty and patrol, primary component of security alert
teams. Less qualified and trained than GMs or MAs, SGs are more readily available. Law enforcement powers and duties are less than those of MAs.
SH: Ships Serviceman based on modern SH. Supply dept. Operate ships store, station exchanges & commissaries, ships barbershop and laundry. Assigns quarters on some ships
(on others, this is handled by individual departments, especially on ships with open bay berthing for enlisted personnel).
SK: StoreKeeper (onetime Supply Clerk). Based on modern SK, AK. Supply dept. Supply clerks. Order, store, inventory, and issue parts & equipment, maintain records and
maintain/secure/control cargo holds. Train and supervise divisional Supply Petty Officers.
SS: Science Specialist. Science dept (Ops on some small ships). Technical specialists in a scientific discipline. More qualified than LAs, less than Science Officers.
SSA: atmospheric specialty // SSB: Biology specialty (SSBB: botany; SSBF: fauna, SSBM: microscopic life) // SSG: geology
SSO: Oceanography // SSP: Physics (SSPA: astrophysics, SSPN: Nuclear physics, SSPM: Multiphysics, SSPQ quantum physics)
SSS: Social Sciences (SSSA: archeology; SSSH: history, SSSL: linguistics) // SSX: Xenology
ST: Sensor Technician based on modern EW, STG/STS, CTM/CTR. Ops or Comm dept. Operate, maintain, repair sensors; perform EW/ECM/ECCM/ELINT. Clearance required.
SU: Survival Specialist. Deck, Ops, or security dept. Operate, maintain, repair survival gear, evaluate, train and provide survival expertise in planetary environments. Overlaps
with SE and RS.
SU: Surface Tactics Specialist.
TO: Transporter Operator. Engineering, Deck dept. disestablished, folded into BM, TT in TMP Era. Operate, maintain transporter.
TS: Technical Specialist based on modern MM, MR, PM, ET, AE, AD, AS, AT, AM, AS, and DS9 ep (OBrien identifies his rate/rating as Senior Chief Technical Specialist, an
E-8). Engineering or Ops dept. Operate, maintain, repair most machinery. Overlaps with PT, TT.
TT: Transporter Technician. Engineering dept. Operate, maintain, repair transporters, fabricators, and synthesizers (and replicators in TNG Era). Eventually folded into TS.
WE: Warp Engineer based on modern BT, MM, and GS. Engineering dept. Operate, maintain, repair warp drive. Overlaps with PT, RT, IE, TS. Like IE, WEs can also qualify as
Drive Engineers, a WE/IE combination for shuttles and small craft. But not a separate rating.
YN: Yeoman based on modern YN. Admin dept. Secretarial, clerical, and administrative work. Prepare and disseminate reports and documents.


Human Terran, Izaran, other colony Edoan Deltan Bolian Mizarthu
Andorian Caitian Rhaandarite Betazoid Clan Ru
Tellarite Vendorians Megarite Trill Dekkanar
Capellan Ursinoid Betelgeusian Bajoran Hamalki
Axanarian Vedala Arcturian El-Aurians Sulamid
Saroming / Centauran Sord & Em-3-Greens species Saurian Jaradans Zaran
Vulcan Skorr Shamin Breen Radu
Medusan Phylosians Aaamazzarite Pakled Katellans
Orions Draymians Kazarite Benzites Catullans
Humanoid Chameloids Antedean Palkeo Est
Gorn Bynars Eseriat
Ekosians Lyaarans Sadrao
Elasians Selayan Tanian
Troyians Antican Laudarian
Horta Nausicaans Sivaoan
Ktarians Eeiauoan
FASA LUG DECIPHER Ligonians Regulans
Makosian Betelgeuseans Aaamazzarites Lurians
Zharan Atreonids Xyrillians Malons
Arkenite Axanar Saurians Napians GURPS PD
Ariolo Flaxians Rigelians Yridians Prellarian
Cygnian Boslics Zakdorn Deian
Xelatian Arcturans Mynieni
Efrosian Daystrom Mark IV android developed from scans of Ilia. Brecon
Arcadian Arcturians
Kasheetan Skoleans
Bzzit Khaht Bzzbaht Ronai (Rigellian Majora DC
Argelian Cygnan VKrenn Coluan
Kaferian Talokian
Joridian Korugarian
New Parisian Xudarian

FASA Caitian Argelian Betelgeusian

Human Terran, Izaran, other colony Humanoid Kaferian Arcturian
Saroming / Alpha Centauran Non-Humanoid Joridian Saurian
Vulcan Medusan New Parisian Shamin
Makosian Xelatian (needs anti-grav harness) Capellan Aaamazzarite
Andorian Ariolon Axanarian Kazarite
Tellarite Efrosian Orions
Zaran / Zharan Arcadian Aurelian
Arkenite Bzzit Khaht Bzzbaht TNG:
Cygnian (FASA) Kasheetan TMP Bolian
Deltan Tiburon Rhaandarite Betazoid
Edoan VKrenn Megarite Selayan
Antican Clan Ru Horta medical cybernetic technologies, developed from
Bynars Dekkan Ktarians the detailed scans of the Ilia android.
Antedeans Hamalki Ligonians
El-Aurians Sulamid Lurians Prime Directive
Lyaarans Zaran Malons RIGELLlAN
Nausicaans Laudarian Napians CYGNAN
Jaradans Tanian Yridians
Breen Sadrao Zakdorn GURPS Prime Directive
Pakled Eseriat Prellarian
Bajoran Palkeo Est Decipher Deian
Trill Catullans AAAMAZZARITES Mynieni
Benzites Katellans ARCTURANS Brecon
Xenexians BOSLICS Arcturians
Phylosians LUG SAURIANS My own one-offs
Skorr Betelgeuseans XYRILLIANS Majora
Sord & Em-3-Greens species Atreonids SIVAOAN
Vedala Axanar EEIAUOAN DC
Ursinoid Ekosians TROYIAN Coluans
Vendorians Elasians Regulans Talokian
Flaxians Daystrom Mk IV Android DESCRIPTION: The
Novels Gorn Daystrom Mark IVs body structure is based on

Argyrians race related to the Andorians, but lacking the antennae.

Winnal / Winnall winged race

The Moamma (Moe-am-uh) mixed-species monastic society based on space stations built around a small nebula that is thought to be a conduit to some facet of the Big Bang. Strange subspace effects are common there.

The Foundry mercenary shipyard and black market arms manufacturer / dealer criminal syndicate with a veneer of support for freedom fighters, but also a disdain for terrorists. Based in a nebula that *they* call the Foundry,
whereas most others have a different name for it. There is an ancient Kalandan exotic particle fountain in there, which permits them to make almost any known material, and some unknown. They do not actually control it, but
use a ship to lead it towards nebular clouds with the materials that usually convert to the desired material when struck. This is very dangerous, and occasionally ships do not escape the fountain chasing them. This was the first
recorded instance of the Omega Particle. Wisely, the Foundry sold it through cutouts, since the victims of the use of the Omega Particle killed the syndicate used as the cutout. Is it the same nebula as the one the Moamma

The Third Octant Dahkrian migration refers to Sargons peoples diaspora.

The die is cast

Roll the bones
Play the hand youre dealt
Know when to hold em, know when to fold em
Snake eyes
Luck be a mistress
The roll of the dice

CO: William Austin Rawlings, prefers Austin.35, tall, reasonably proportioned, dark blonde hair with goatee/mustache, and hazel eyes. Enjoys martial arts, hiking, camping, rock climbing, games of chance, and piloting.
Came up through Navigation, Security, and Engineering. Command style is much like Kirk ( when younger), seen as a cowboy. Very little chance of making Commodore or Admiral. Starfleet Command felt almost obligated
to give him a ship after he had rescued a diplomat from a Klingon ambush, but then gave him a five year exploration mission to keep him away from the core worlds, where he would likely have told a stuffed-shirt Admiral
what to do with himself.
XO: CDR TVel. A tall, slender, dark Vulcan woman from Makus( as stated in my Simon Tarsus post, a colony of Vulcans that express their emotions, mentioned in passing in the TOS episode about the Galileo crash).
Imagine a Romulan as First Officer. She enjoys Anbojitsu,fencing in the Vulcan style, tactical/strategic games, and art, especially pre-reformation music and dance. She has an excellent alto voice, and sometimes performs on
the Rec Deck. She came up through Helm, Science, and Security.
Helm: LT Matsutari Anjin (couldnt resist), endomorphic Japanese from the reconstructionist colony on Haven. If youve read the Cycops comic, he looks like Tanaka. Practices Kenjitsu, archery, various japanese arts
(origami, bonsai, etc), and reads early literature voraciously. Limited understanding of poker, but has done well at the shipboard game, due to stoic mien, which makes bluffs easier. Closest friend is the Navigator, due to
common origin. Quiet, reserved, but not shy.
Navigator: LTjg Michael Walker, a mesomorphic Amerind from Haven. Does not do well at poker, but keeps trying. Hobbies include silver working, camping, and drawing, and is learning archery from Anjin. Voluble,
friendly, and open-going.
Chief Engineer: LCDR Gretchen MacDonald, a sandy-haired, tall woman, with freckles, and an affected Irish accent that disappears under pressure (shes American, of Irish descent). Shes a bit of a sexual predator at times.
Her hobbies include computers, music, and men. A flirt and social butterfly when off-work, on-duty, shes professional, but still friendly. In an emergency, all pretence is off, and she becomes brisk, brusque, and focussed.
Transporter Operator, 3rd class Galan Red. Medium height, scrawny, brown hair and eyes, this 20 year old enlistee is still somewhat unsure of himself, and still amazed at the universe off his homeplanet.His homeworld,
Darvan VII, is a benign autocracy, where citizens are designated by caste and identified by color, Red being equivalent to a lower class background today, just above the poverty line.

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