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Legal issues:


- Images
- Buttons
- Fonts
- App itself
- Video
- Sound
- Adverts

- A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation or
place. Comments on the app
-making money of events (not true statement)
- Defamation of the council
- Saying there are creations shop sin Cambridge when there are only certain (facts need to be

intellectual property rights

- Intangible property that is the result of creativity, such as patents, copyrights, etc.
- The design the looks of it
- Things you write, make or produce
- The names of your product or brands

Personal data protection act

- The Data Protection Act (DPA) is a law designed to protect personal data stored on computers or
in an organised paper filing system.
- Releasing any information such as email to the public or selling information to other companies
- Identity theft, criminals can get a hold of information and use it however this wont be a problem
on my app

Cyber stalking
- The repeated use of electronic communications to harass or frighten someone, for example by
sending threatening emails.
- Comment sections
- Anything that the user can input information
- This is highly unlike;y because I am not giving the option to input information

Ethical issues:

misrepresentation of a person
- The action or of giving a false or misleading account of the nature of something.
- how are you representing Cambridge?
- Don't alienate a place or a group of people or religion.


- Behaviour that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.

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