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Catedra de Termotehnicé ‘Sem.1 an univ. 20011/2012 Masini Termice si Frigorifice Setul I de probleme obligatorii pentru studentii an. B+C Facultatea Energetic, disciplina “Bazele termodinamicii Tehnice a 1. $i se calculeze presiunile absolute in bar, Pa, mmFlg, mmH,0 si kgffom? daca: a) presiunea manometrica este p,= (1,5n+0,5) bar »b) presiunea vacuummetricd este p,=(755-4n) mmHg Presiunea atmosferiea este p,~752 mniHg, ¥ Rezultatele vor fi prezentate sub forma unui tabel. 2. O pomp aspira un debit D,, = (100-2n) th apa calda dintr-un rezervor in care presiunea este p, =n bar si temperatura ¢, = (100+ 40in7) °C si alimeteazi un generator de vapori ridicdnd presiunea pind la p, = (50 + 37) bar. Se cer sd se calculeze: a) lucrul mecanic specific de pompare si puterea pompei dact np=0,8; ») entalpiile apei la intrare si iesire din pompa si variafia temperaturii ape. Apa se considera fluid incompresibil cu p =1000 kg/m? si c= 4,18 ki/kg'K 3. Un gaz se afla la presiunea p, =1 bar si ocup& volumul P, = 2,5 litri, stare din care a) este comprimat pand la presiunea p, =(5+7)bar dupa legea pV = const. b) este comprimat pani la presiunea_p, =(5+n)bar dupa legea pV" = const. ©) este inciilzit izocor pind la presiunea p, =(5+n)bar d) este incalzit izobar pana cénd volumul devine V, = (10 +0,5n)litri Sa se calculeze lucrul mecanic schimbat cu mediul exterior. 4. intr-o magina termic&, agentul de lucru, in stare gazoasé are la intrare presiunea 28710" kg si debitul ri =(0,5n)kg/s. in Py masin& agentul se destinde pana la presiunea atmosferic’ p, =1 bar. S& se caleuleze puterea masinii dacdi destinderea are loc: a) dupa legea pV = const. ) dupa legea pl“ = const. P,=(10+0,5n) bar, volumul specific y, 5. Manometrul montat pe un rezervor cu volumul V = (0,42) m* care confine CO>, indic& presiunea p,, = (15+) bar, iar termometrul temperatura 1, = (20+2n)°C. Presiunea atmosfericd este Pom 760 mmilg, S& se determine: a) Cantitatea de gaz confinuta de rezervor in kmoli, kg si m*y ) Caldura necesari pentru a incalzi rezervorul pind la temperatura final (700 +10n)°C, utilizdnd tabele de calduri specifice medii si adevarate. 6. O cantitate v = 0,001n kmoli dintr-un gaz perfect, care are masa molara M = 40 kg/kmol si cdldura specifica molara Cy = 32 ki/kmolK, se afla initial la presiunea p= 1 bar si temperatura f; = 27 °C. Din aceasta stare gazul sufera: 2) 0 transformare izocord astfel incét T, = (2+ 0,05n)T,; b) o transformare izobara astfel ineat T, =(2+0,05»)T,; ©) transformare izotermica astfel incat p, = (2+ 0,05n)p,; 4) 0 transformare adiabaticd astfel incét7, = (2 + 0,05")Z, ; ¢) 0 transformare politropicd in care T, =(2+0,05n)F, si p, =20bar. Se cer si se caleuleze: 1)presiunea, volumnl si temperatura in starea final, 2)schimbul de caldura si lucru mecanic pe fiecare transformare; 3) variafia energiei interne si entalpiei pe fiecare transformare. Calculele vor fi centralizate intr-un tabel, Se vor reprezenta toate transformirile pe aceiasi diagrama, in coordonate p-V 7. Gazele evacuate dintr-o instalatie, pe un cos, au temperatura ¢ = (200+2)°C, presiunea p = (760 —0,ln)mmHg si compozitia volumica CO.=(10+0,5n) %, Hz0=(50-0,2n) % si restul No. Se cer si se calculeze: a) Masa molara, constanta si exponentul adiabatic al gazelor. b) Densitatea gazelor la starea de la cos si la starea normala. ©) Fuxul de cAlduri cedat de gaze prin ricire la presiune constant pand la temperatura fam=20 °C dacd debitul de gaze este Vy =(2000+15n) miy/h. Se cunose :Cyyco, = 42KUKMOLK; Cypey =36 kfkmol-K; Cy, =30 ki/kmol-K Moo, =44kghkmol; Myo =18 kg/kmol ; My, =28 kg/kmol Caldurile specifice se consider c& sunt valori medii, independente de temperatura. Not: 7 este numérul de ordine din apelul grupei. Termenul de predare: sAptiména 7 ToLOR MARIAN CRISTIAN erord 2208 SERIA & 15 11.20N, [m= 14] A, 8) Teanec momormebnes Oe Poy «(15m 4 0,5 )boo bh) prunes vocmumrmedied ute py = (F55- qpt|aam vs } + Trumnes otroarfanes ot py 225% ment DY Pon = UiSm40,5) bo = Us. 14 40,5} bor = 21,5 bor ree asim Vy - cs bon = 19026 bor. ry Poteite Sever yee g oe Pim = 21,5 +105 fa \02k. 10° Pa, Phe a tm tA g026: 10° & ioe oe Ce eae tod = 21,946 «to an HO Ta = teow stot = 3022 toFreom Heo 0,201 Pa Paaten = 21,816 oils L.o22.107= 2, 9362 to mm, Fon ‘ ‘ ' fe - 2+ Seero 7G kgf lem” B55 ' ee ar gye 4horwr~ 22, 9349 Fa tls” tents EEE. og SE ee \q = (955 - eS 2 5 py = (5S ~4 Jomo = (255-4214) mao lg Weg et oanllascagimalley Pa = 72mm Vg By = Gata Hy Peto cmees Hay Vetaata ese Oe 639 bon = 0,932 bor 750 Po = #52 40, _ 1,026 bey Pye Py =0,932+ 108 Py 1002 6 «to Fy Po ~ s Pefa-s -R9706 +” fo fee 0,922. jot _ 678-107 mento 0,98) ¥, foes Noomeele joe WO2™ Oso) : ol estan as tof 20,R atedd pene WO fee ee Loan kat hom Faye Opaseee 0% fa = 1,0026 ies cence 1 Ve 2 Toffee 21 ae SF + + 1 Hg | wrtlao, Stok |22,a38 WweTt | 2238 | re 52 |ooaax| oo} 104 BT ya Von Yy 25 hi UIE comput PEPE By ke tormeutnck YTS | we weld wees Pomel punts 4 ‘ es Ny = lles0,5m) Ohi Ro Re (Sam) bar shige Bago pV =2ormat Xo jarisam? bea aepe Leto prison’ = Usam) bs 9) obor yor eee) Vaxan dk dewrene ay we nentart marca rnic dovrnbet es emectad ecteruer aoe ekaGre aod eT San oe FGF | N 26h se 2st = = 0/0825 aS 1% ay gs (Sam) bon = (SHa)ber = vaben = 12:10? fe ES Pets 2 wike 52454? = 19 wR, > = te 5 a oS joPXo 2510 me 2 IB. Lom en 19 10S F eee PY = omar sy ls ates ee 2 " \ rey _" \ kooat oN = tone ( ay ecosted Rin v|™ e » 1 = ear ey NI = Qin V)) = See omni oes Ny 2,S107> i? weowak bon 0052 = = 2%956-eomt 7 by) Pa elsam bon © (F414) ber = 19 bon = ee wy vy = v4 ayy ht v0 Ri i, => er Pe QQS-1S9) Um = 14 arte Se So ee) zee y om 4 1a oi CTE fs oy eee i 19 Ww? HE = ~ oY aC} bs te 2 -Ka ta = (pty 2% wet as 2 comi(’ SY 2 comb. y ee a vk Lats \ 2 =| a Wee ‘ worn. NEVE -Kal _ = OR €) VN = comfort aE: Fi aa fh, =(Srm) ben = (Sy ih) = 19 ber 2 i210 fe Tee Tr TP Sera 2 te tiv so \ a) T= combo} . ee Vy =(10 + uni = . a(t0 495m )\Bbi = lio40,5 Wb = (oy AGE = val, Na = HR (073s n> 25 19S p93 VR 107 ren 0,14 & =) = 9M a tone es Prem bor ° by Woo sta Ram Ye UES aS qracto pos © Pmnmets 0) Roem renecomic 19e ube de pompou x pote yor’ does cup b) enbadent oft to ymbhoma WARE dyes PORN’ xt somohe tempenchane op! Bye ie Comndnd am Wad vorenguns WIR w Pe tooo eg / wn® ae eae hgh fk ~ (Soaam ) boo dy, = Woo -am.). Hb moo = 2st )tTh = (Woo -2¢ JHA -ratlh io" hon = 14 bor 4, = Goo age ten mm]? © = Wwose fn tu )"e =(\oo +40. 263)"C| Boone eae Core 4233159 = 494,35 6 fr=lsoaam) =(So4rd-h) = (S04 tn) - Gabor Fd wpcompra br comet tv) F~ yo00 ka fan™ 4 en 4 kJ I kk P= mlb, = bly | ee We \ nie fy Get \o00 ky hy = lor . Pe bad [ae le ent a ee sooo 201 ° ~ 8% \o*W b) Poet, (Ale sop) 424,35 = 200,45 kIlkak 3 Bebe by > b= (4 re002) 4965 +9618 = = 200,154 7600 = 9600.45 kK kg “7, 72 26 4006 8 Brad, 44 . \ es care AT= 7,- 7, = 3143,44 - 438,35 » 265509 Ik, 2 GY x 0,001 m Keng zt Kea IKonok Coe ATT Hmek kk Fi -1 bow Aye a) o hemrfeumon oem offal west T= +005 m)7, ee _ T a) 2 hombrmcy pobos oleh excst “aan ©) o howkemnere voter ofS weal P(t ged) Py a)» toate achobe les ont west “Tye (240,05 m)T, 2) 0 hemksurnew whogied jess 7, -(240,05m)T, # pr2ober- Be ax guasarnte yekasrnad A tompnabers tn Tey Firat BO a aaetnoue ees Rt heen fomatermen 3) vovche onengie ‘ahene enllpa x ficor broraatsuren . ; Boel te O04 Vsemor - iy = 0,00) m Krmoki | W=40 iy Nrook Cry 32k IKrnol R= thn = ooh | Ayesttis = seas Shea a) 7,2(240,05m)T, = (v4 005-M) °° 15 = 10,40" eet eVie%e mete em SAS es a, ir) 3 = 2,014 83143 i 2101 +83!) 3300115 gua od Sea, V+ Vi 034% m3 Coe nin 7 ~ 10% Po. 410/40 S ayeaOnl a: \ 300, 15° Q wn GAP TO ie eer Se aCe ae Ga) = ae ee. n 3 = 2.56696. 5to25. IE, 444 kJ | | ope See. Soe Klhg Pe a5 wR a ee. =08,- eee I AV A6G - Ly = 144. kT o% ky ec i ee Mayet, -@ u = ain +N (Papa) = tyne - 9a¢am? (2691052 95) = = F444 $9,349 = 16% .105 = Hol Werod Ky vy 2 Lie (pWv <6 | atvdp o, 6a Kg /kg k ASa Cy to egy tn] 06. 0,08 © H u 8) Tee 24 0,08m)T, = (24 0,084} 300, IB = (240, #)-300,'5e 410,40 RePrset <10° fb N NI = 810,40 Se ee eee a nagaaae a 220,15 , , QTE as Es RY ose ere » (glo, 40 300,15 ) 29,5608 510.25 220, 582K, 2 es (Ceav = PWV -N, )= 10 (oa42 0,298 ) 2 0,583 WF KY — k : S801 408 Au 4Q (WA os Sap colo oisap so) = 222) 98 Se re ae - a Oe Ea Ale AUS PAN = “SM91, 484 \o° (oaaa -o383) = == Sq0Al 49 +105. ¥, 59% = -SVOH, HoF4 SAO = 292, 59LKT ASz ep tn E Bm E 20,6 stn B14 op. tm 24a 96 900-0384 K] q qT 4 390,15 ® 5 5. 2 iso \lom es oe *). B asee5m) hy ie toe8 4) ) f, - 2.109 Pe. eyo TT, +200 15 0,348 5) eI er a ee Nate tas (ray Se ah feat gi TeYi= eovt -y yp. cota Tie Py € Ty tet RT, Ren LE Long. $843 , 200,15. m2, f ee 49) = SHS F2- HAAY = - 4592, 36 KY av=Q, - Susln Ad = Rm 73143 = Jen =o 4o 4) Tre(ra0esm]T, =(240,08- 14} - 300,15 = (240.7) 300,75 = 210,40" Ik PVN — comat e eee k- E mk oe TS] Toles V2 0849 frelesojosm) a 2 (219,05 14) loo = 27.105 fo k & \ fle mete SV 3 WS, ean 24.105 fs, asc vo ‘a s DT Ss FE NL 2 OFA = YE 08312 0,349 at PY, = 0,2F-0,369- 2 0,094 m* 0,56. P34, we E epee ee (ONS) aloo) 40 (13-1 ) 4) 4656 008 e ype ee tae rs : iro AY -Qy-y, SaU= 279 ky AS <0 3) R-(210,08mIT, > T= 810 40 % F,- roben = 20 10° R eet V.= 349 en? = PV 2et ae ~(% m1 5 =a a % A = 7 -(% eee oa = 40 Vo 30a Se ae ~ 39.407 9 ee Is BN, = Wagto fos > - 4aiys. ish? =) ae 3 Nye SSE to ey, snazuaneet yo 9ed |, Vs S2euk 10 mm? a 0,310 7m Liss: ( yoy = 56. 83) porta (seers = 10 40 ) 2 A656 oP Usi = 40-13 Ro + C510 25) = = 095 -(-510, 25) ~ -4566,73 ak + oe m-\ ‘ 19,6 ( #040 300,15) = Ke) 0, 56. 0,270.6. S)025 = \e6,2%0 Ky, Av~ Qo 4ly, 2166304 As Qe, asee. ty £0783,03 KY we beao4 mb 166,304 6343422 = -63FEF 22 @ E Reeth so 9 ¢ fn ee. PSUS I, 2.10% i th =< 300)5 40 we 0784 - 621,49 = 020,67, Kalk, 02.0,98 - 2028577129 = Momonre bud —vacheS Taay> (hS am) ber =ho4 20PC Yolen = 760 rear Mg a) Csnhboteo de go? comnts Inu a ico} font MG my enohane ge woemver 1 wxoretd pone fy ae alton ageahes motg N odeverde. phromd thé de by tabguns Mads Lindts 4, =Goosiom)? © Pe = 48% 2404293, '5 = 324,15 C =(is5im bo = (1.5414) ber = '5,5 bon 215,540 * Pe 1 = lto¢2m Pe = Rosey | = | Vv =(o,4m) mm? = (0,4: 14 on? = 5,6 om, latre 4G0 nono * 's — Pee hon .tooh, . oisto® 15,5. 10> ole SIs 10% FS Tt 1 > ae tome. = (Foo 410-14 c= $40 =Fhoy 95 =I 13 ape ee a = na = 124 Wb-2 2124.32 =44 kg liomek . = hy 5 en eg ey sone RI fat, S22) 4068) 2 10> 5 eso ~ O,001593:10° = |p 3 ty on we Og ak be 4 ban ng m, Yy : On eae 2) Vy = 50m? Me SS 82WS aya ie 2 ee iV wlo,4 myn? cor combere CO, Wa J = Ome], FROG + (94,972.53.420] WIS 200 x Ba ee : = T3826 4 LIS. OARS ~ 53,226 4 0194 = 540236] lherolh h Sy | = st oea - eam = 46,308 KY Ket 5 e ‘ 4 al y = 95,70! 1 ee We KT /kgk Qacmaeal rie — “so I (cere) eon x ; Wid 15. 32415) = 186,09, 499. “ 23623 2¢ ky Mealy, obv@13 4(47,563- 46,08 ) 2 ae 17,15 -Foo Tee 40,4154 095 0 = Wes ia ee Mi hak th E Cer) ~ 9-043 (so Bas) = \92,50l. 392 = 1049 40,702 KY py My 1g, 513-105. 56-2 Rate RBA. a2IT aoe 189194 10> _ xegona4 000006926 105 = 6,926 fa. N, moe Bo Yye 9 = 3963.22,4 Vy we HH ST eed m m= SARE 4403 Fined 4 a Te WRI RRB ga _ 20,090 +(x gia sgoea). HF 15 -Fo0 13) Dopag 4 oad. GIFT 30,099 4 0, O63 = 20.162 Ka Keno? fe L-T,) = 6,826 - 10,24 (Wis ba 3218 = Past Fi2ys 4,9 ky Meolit L = ey 24,408 4 (29,519 -2%408) . 214, "8 -F00 (lees yoo Z y = 29,yog 4 0,109 . OTS = 24,4084 0,01 = 29,426 KJ I Kamel K. T; Pag nze—@3iy = 2nNze cy BALE 2 wo, seco KUlne Te W,-7,) 6426 “V0,S563 -FI2— SIIOS 4 KJ @ piles 0.5m) ber 2,€7.10° ont Thy N, eat in + 105m) Kg /a Pen Riese nn - Saupe tate pe somatont b) dupe Sate pr = comatomt — [ pelie v0,5m) ber =\t0 00,5. 18) bon = (04a Vb = be ae a In = log. We) Rg ia 2 ,@- 10° Xs F105 moz(o, 6m) fa =the = 10 © fo 0,16 elk In a) PY = tommnbernt yom = ™ +2600 -7kg IA EAGoe At = 26200 kg. a Shoo ~ We ints _ a Vem =V 225200 Kg. 16 meg S etl oP cet. ty he iG = = -299et, Paes kg Lt2aget .20,93d 3 pv commtomt a Le, : (vide maak Lig , r T, v 7.10%, 4032. °F Tie ecnt > Ty © ty rT. MM \ = a = ‘ oR oy Rey 25200. €314,3 os Te eee 20,0098 % -94EF A, I, =948 3A Eo (Gray, 2" act, ees 4 a, geet cemcliA Sane. = a || 0. z +~\2004m)°e Bx V¥60- Of m) enon 11 00, - (10 +0,5m)% W,0 =(50-02m)%, Nz at a) Moro mdars jcombonto 9 exponents odiobohe of gordon to thous mernolo 5} hen bbeo gu Q thono ct bo cor to Qo \ c) Fluxah de eldubo add de yor pre power puarame tormtonty —pome to temperstins baby 20% does gibhd Fe ger of Vy = eo 0 + 15m Jot 4 Cue tg, 72 KT [himoh- kk + Emp CHO = 36 Kp] kena =k Cay eso Ky [KenkK Meg = tt ka Iemoh My gwit Kgl knnoh My aoe by [Konod rales ee eae: = 244293, 15s 499,15 °K = - i H, A360 =9. 1A EEE nH = 104d «to Po, p= lo -o1m) mon Wg 4 = Bebo mamlle - WEE oop, 750 eo, = bo 40,5) % 3 = (10 49,5.14 )% = (10 + F) H~ A% Blo = (S0-o2mi% = (60-02. 11)% = (50 - 2,8)% = 47,2 % N, ='35,¢%, Folm 20% e = 20827819 2293/5 r © Nie clase lam)o eleocotave) = zion dln. Meahen 2, Ui<% = ee the Wy pon Nes mh Boga + Ge 35. joo MAR ee BP. 22 L742 + 2,496 4 10,024 ~ 26 big | Arma C= GaR fomartec ve Rey E3143 219,48 légk Roe oie : e tem = 28° %, ‘os ; mere Teo, = % 0,95 T1hg k eimster, a 2 leche a AG ene [0 Tho = ©. 2glBgk co 3498 IS 9 Cua Pal Wee Gh bee lee Ve emo 02) Be %® 10% Tika k Bo loo (ai9F@ i N= io? . 2 4 Sy. MF 2¢ 1 2 903 : po 3872 Chom = 1023-0,95 + 0026-2 + F081. 1.0%. OOIIFH+ 00524 1OBIF = = 010702 MY /Aa kk e 834) y= 19977206 13 R e e & 4 y eee ie: Sree Sc auil Kemet: = 2" oss =- [t+ ton? -¢ 20,3 on Vig 2240 om Ih Peet nS fy aR = mR T Ty y, . * es ie ee el Ty T 4 TR oe 2erornulh 2 eAeTgk ws a ONS? | co 028 Kg 243,15 & + 23143 24ST 0G ie s Senne -0,0008F Kmol/A 31992 Ble] =" O25) 4g = 0, lo%O2 AS 5 gk = IK = - Seraregkw x £ B Reston] vow } Tee | Qs ake se Gs & : | é fin feels Tiel ex - x rt 2 f eT ay| 2 K kK Jt _|essy] em foo] | 3 J ie] fey |e) hoc ilies 5263 104 | vay 4 4 Veal eales|e 4 035M | | sayy vols] ser hhokore, lee T é Peet | lie p49 9942) 300,15) 2194} o2.@ 5Q2 | 0, FAS 19011 Fa 228,5%) oe nes | Nrolcnd §12,4.|0% 345% a al 14.10, 349] o,1§[ 300,15] s00'6) 34 cgay) 223 Tot |BeShes "4 75} 34 5923 5 5 S sees z : : = oa Res Fog AIH 3005] Alo4] gg MATASY | aT) . fobor,| 08 | 2 | asyaloar] 2%S]atoy| ies, 30 | 4 5%6, 35] 173303] -6390) ~ ci vot | 9 7/3/4166, 30 j 3.03] 6709] - Cio ce e 4

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