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What kind of media institution might distribute your medie

product and why?

For this question, I had to think about various different institutions and what type of
films they had released in the past, and whether there was any type of cumulative
focus between these films, as this would give my product a favourable advantage
because my film is in the Action genre.

A film institution that has repeatedly released films within the action genre is 20th
Century Fox, one of the 6 major American film studios. 20th Century Fox are
responsible for the production of action films such as Deadpool (one of the films that
I previously researched prior to my product creation) and Mr and Mrs smith, a film
based on a husband and wife trying to kill each other but also save each other at the
end of the film. I chose 20th Century Fox as the institution to release this production
under because although the film is generally based around younger actors, 20th
Century Fox have also previously worked with young actors, one such has with the
film Life of Pi, a film where a teenager is stranded on a lifeboat after the ship he was
on had sunk, along with a tiger which he manages to tame. Because of this
institutions previous work with teenage actors, I feel that this company would fare
well with working within an action film that fits with their previous releases, but also
working with teenagers as they already have produced very successful films like Life
of Pi, which grossed $609,016,565 on Box Office.

Because 20th Century Fox is an international company (meaning their films are
distributed throughout most countries in the world), I feel that this film would be made
to release internationally instead of just being released in Britain because I feel that
this film would have the potential to be shown in different countries because of the
relation to the younger generation that this film strongly holds, so that way more
young people can see the film and maybe be influenced by the protagonist of the
film, which the character aims to do within his actions and choices throughout the

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