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Introduction, present character as a normal person, that have a working place, a family
(girlfriend). Lives here in UK, in London. So the app will start asking questions. Talking about
his personal life, sending pictures, showing how his life looks like.

- Do I know you?
- Who are you?
- What is your name?
- Why are you texting me?
-My name is John. Nice to meet you . (name)
- I am quite busy right now
A app
B user/player

A: I will pick you up from your house at 7.

B: Who are you? / What is your name? / What is going on?

A: Oww, I Think I have the wrong number. Are you John?

B: yes/ No/ Why are you asking?

A: If yes:
Okay so I will pick you up at 7 and we will go there together.
If no:
Who are you?/ What is your name ?
if why are you asking:
I thought we have an appointment to see the property for sale?
B: no/ yes / wrong number etc.

A: Ow, I think they gave me a wrong number. My name is James. Im working for Golden
House Estates Agents.
B: Cool! / dont text me again / pay attention next time

2. Part where user and app will get know each other better. App will send some pictures of
his work. In this part he will try to become a friend with user.

A: Sending a picture of a property.

A: What do you think about this property? Do you like it?
B: Yes/ no / Why are you asking me?

A: I was curious about your opinion. By the way, what is your dream house ?
B: I am okay with a decent one / A luxury one / Not your business

A: Ow, I understand! I really need to sell the house that Ive shared with you by the end of
this week. My boss is putting a lot of pressure on me.
App will send the notifications, asking: Can you talk? I need to ask you something?
B: why do you keep texting me?/ whats up?/ What do you need?
A: I was curious if you can ask your friends if they want to buy this house or whether they
know someone who is interested in buying such a property.
B: Ill do it/ Not my business/ Maybe
A: Okay, thank you!

A: How are you?

B: Im fine, how are you?/ Why are you still texting me ? /

A: Ow, Im sorry I was really busy today. Im in the middle of a divorce. She is blaming me for
everything . Man, Im getting sick of it.
B: Can be any answer cause the app will not respond for everything.
A: I just came back from the court. It was the last divorce trial. Thats it. All is done. After this
many years of living together being together for good and bad, now we are just two
strangers. I cant believe that you can dump such a big period of your life through just one
single trial.
A: And you know what? After trial he was waiting for her outside.
B: Im sorry/ Is there anything that I can do for you/ do you need any help .
A: No Im fine. I just need to get through this Okay I will catch you later.

A: I just moved to my new flat. I had to sell one that I had with Joana. Man, its not so easy. I
didnt know that divorce can be so expensive. We sold the house and I pay off the mortgage.
We shared the rest, you know whats left after all this financial bullshit, and now Im broke
as fuck!
A: sending a picture of the small and ugly flat.
B: How do you like it?
A: reaction of the user/Its not so bad/Its quite cool
B: Man, I feel like my life is going down. Im losing everything.
A: Dont give up/You are not losing/ - Trying to support James
B: My work is shit as well. I cant focus. Im constantly thinking about what happened. My
whole life has changed so quickly.
A: Trying to support
B: This relationship was important for me. I didnt lost only my wife, Ive lost my best friend. I
feel betrayed at the moment.
A: Ow, everything will be okay, dontt worry. I know how you feel. etc.
B: Thank you. I think Im gonna go for a walk. I need some air to think about this.

2 days later.

A: Hey!! Do you remember when I asked you about this property that I have to sell?
B: Yes/No
If yes:
A: Please can you ask your friends, maybe you or them know someone who would
be interested? I have to sell this immediately so I will receive provision. It would help me to
pay off my rent and bills and the costs of the divorce.
If no: (Sending some pictures of middle class house in London, not very expensive
but not super cheap ) So as I told you already, I have to sell this immediately to receive
bonus provision. It would help me pay off my rent and bills and the costs of the divorce.

B: Okay I will send it to my friends. / No I dont know anyone who would be interested.

A: Ow, thank you so much! / Okay, no worries

(the same day but later)

A: Im starting to be tired of my work. I dont have friends here. There are few people that i
like but we do not know well, they just seemed friendly. I was thinking about this and I
realized that now I dont have any friends. Joanna was my best friend, I never really needed
anyone else.

B: no response


3 days later ( wa can put the option here that player can send a message first, asking James
what is happening with him ) (if its possible)

A: Its done. I was expecting that it will happen sooner or later. Ive lost my job. They said its
not about the last weeks. You know all this crap about refreshing the staff and adding some
new faces to the core group

B: Im so sorry/

A: I feel like a garbage, man. Sure, I had enough of this job, but I thought it was just
temporary breakdown. I didn't wanted to lose it. Especially when I need money.

B: dont give up/ Im sure you can find new job/

A: I feel mentally tired with this whole situation. Everything just exploded in the same time.
Why its always me?

B: / you will find better job/ its not the end of the world/ Im sure you can fix it

A: Okay. I have to go. I might try to look for a new job.


A: I need to leave my flat. I dont have enough money to pay my rent and the landlord is
very strict. I think I will go to some B&B for a while to get myself together, find a job and new
place to live.
B: Why dont you ask your ex-wife for a help ?

A: I dont want her to know anything about this. I already feel like a loser. I dont need
another humiliation.

B: I think you should ask her for help/ I know what you feel, I hope you can do this by

A: If 1: Im not going to ask her! Do you know how I feel ? Im losing everything that is
important to me. My life is like a sad story with a series of unexpected events facing me
around every corner.
if 2: Its not going to be easy. But thanks for your support.

B: Why dont you ask your parents for help ?

A: I lost my mom when I was 7. And my dad I dont have any contact with him since
graduating college. We never had good relations. He was - or maybe he still is - an alcoholic.
He never really cared about me.

B: Really sad story/ maybe you should try to call him/

A: I dont even have his phone number. And I dont think he cares about me. He never did so
before, so probably nothing has changed since. When my mom has died he was only giving
me money to buy some food and pay bills. That was the whole contact I had with him.

B: What about the rest of the family?

A: I just dont have any other family.

Become homeless

A: Im running out of money to pay bed & breakfast accommodation. I was trying to find
some job, but its not going to happen that quickly. It takes some time.


A: Its not going well, man I thought itll be easier.

Next day:

A: I had to leave B&B, they didnt let me stay another night for free. They were really kind
and gave me some food. Now Im in the library, looking for a job, charging my phone. It
sounds funny, but it will be my first night on the street. Its not easy to say that. I hope it is not
going to be like that forever.

B: You should go and ask for help/ Try to find safe place for sleep
A: I dont know where to go? I was on the police station and they told me they do not help in
such cases, and that I should go to the charities. But I was never into this, so I have no idea
how to deal with such situation. They gave me a list with some addresses. I will go there and
ask what could I possibly do, and what they can do for me.

B: You should go there and ask for help/ Im sure if you will go there, they will try to do
something for you/ You should ask your ex-wife for help

A: If 1 and 2 - I will go there. As soon as I get some more information I will text you.
If 3: No chance, I am not going to call her. One or two nights on the street wont kill me. I will
figure something out.

Later- afternoon

A: Councils can provide advice to anyone who needs it, but not everyone is entitled to help with
emergency accommodation or longer-term housing. its not so easy. First of all you have to be
qualified as homeless. They have to register me as homeless and check if I am available for
help. They offer me some place to stay though. I will try to get there. Its some kind of a hostel.

B: Let me know when you will get there./

A: I was late.
A: They are taking people only till 10pm and it took it me too long to get there after meeting in the
council. You have to be there to register as a homeless. So I went for to the library for a while to
use the computer. Then I bought some food, and was on my way to the hostel. I was trying to
take a bus, but I didnt have any ticket so the driver didnt let me in. I was walking to this hostel
but it was seriously too far to get there on time. I know its late, but you are the only person that I
can talk to. It seems like it will be my first night on the street. When I was in the council to register
as a homeless I have met the guy who is trying to organize some long term accommodation. He
gave me a few advices for my first night. At the beginning, he said that it is quite hard to get to
the hostel. He told me about few places where I can find a place to sleep on the street and
nobody will bother me.

B: Could have it own answer or no at all because it will be late

Next day:

A: After first night Ive learned a couple of new things.

A: Nights are really, really cold. I found a place close to the hospital. I think that there was a
laundry as there was a massive ventilation with warm air, it smells like in the swimming pool,
because of chlorine. But there was at least warm for a while, until the guy from the hospital, I
think security officer, came to me and said that I cannot stay there. So that was the end of my
warm place for night. It was just too easy to stay there. I was even thinking why there is no one
here, its such a good place and its warmer than in all other places. Well, now I know why

B: So what happened next? Did you find the place to stay for longer? What are you going to do
A: Well, so I was walking for the next few hours on the streets of London, trying to find place to
sleep. I decided to try around tube and train stations, I remember that I saw some homeless near
those places. I finally found something between the Euston Station and the University College
Hospital. I found some boxes and just lay down on the street, next to the guy who was already
sleeping with someone. When i woke up they have already left and there were more people on
the streets, so I decided to leave this place and try to find some food. I went to the local shop and
bought some reduced sandwiches. But it was probably my last meal, cause I do not have any
more money.

Later the same day...

A: I just experienced the worst thing in my life. I have never been so embarrassed before. I was
asking people for money to buy some food. It is awful how people just walk next to you and
ignore you. I felt like I am not a part of the world anymore. I have never been so lonely vefore, no
one cares about me. Im on my way to a hostel to get there on time. I dont want to sleep on the
street another night.

Next day.

A: I survived first night in the hostel.

B: How was it?

A: I didnt know that homelessness is such a big problem. Even families experience this. Do you
understand whole families with children. There was one family who lived there for 6 months
because they couldnt find any accommodation for them. Small boy, he was maybe 6 years old,
called this place home because he stayed there for longer than 2 months. They live there with
more than 60 people. Could you imagine this? What does it mean for this boy? How his life is
affected by the lack of home. It has affected me as well. Now Im walking to the city to find some
food. But Im afraid that it might be our last conversation

B: Why? /What are you going to do now?/

A: I think that I will sell my phone in the pawnshop So that I could have some money. I need it for
food, I dont really want to beg for it anymore. There might be a problem since people do not
want to hire homeless people but Im not going to give up! I hope I will let you know that
everything is fine again soon. Thank you.

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