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25-word Summary

Looking for trouble by Catherine Savini teaches students how to analyze

a prompt and ask critical questions that develop an interesting paper
with deeper thoughts.

Questions for the class

How did the summary of Misery influence you?
Did it motivate you in a positive way?
Did it create a overwhelming illustration making writing seem even
more stressful?

How do you start a paper?

Do you start with a thesis, an outline, or do you start with the body
paragraph and add the thesis after the paper is finished?
Advertisement analysis
In this advertisement about this new H.H Scott
radio it
persuades the audience with a descriptive overview of the product using
strong pathos and ethos. Elaborating on the usage of these two forms of
rhetoric the advertisement is for a product called The 99 which one
can assume is named due to the small price of $99.95. The
advertisement continues describing the convenience of the product
telling the audience that it is a simple as plugging in a lamp. Attempting
to convey sense of simplicity and quality within the product. However,
when describing the price and quality which are the two highlighted
points that the products success relies on, the ad conflicts with itself
when saying, Even though the 99 only cost $99 the quality is Scott
H.H through and though. When the reader reads even though, it
sounds like a disadvantage making it sound like there are products
cheaper than the Scott H.H
99. Instead, the ad should have read, Not only is the 99 under $100 it
contains the unmatched, satisfactory quality that Scott H.H delivers.
Another flaw within the ad was when the ad was in its final sentences.
The conclusion of the ad is the most important and has to grab the
audiences attention, however, the ad attempts to confirm the quality of
Scott H.H with this sentence it is made by the same engineering
team thats won every important high fidelity award. Essentially, the ad
destroys its product because of the poor diction and the lack of details
and statistics to prove its reliability.

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