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Phrasal SYNONYM TR Definition Example

act in riayet etmek, We have to abide by what the court says.
abide by accordance, uymak Mahkeme kararna riayet etmeliyiz.
comply with

My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.

back up support desteklemek
Karm ii braklam konusunda kararm destekledi.

patlamak; The terrorists tried to blow up the railroad station.

blow up explode patlatmak, havaya Terristler demiryolu istasyonunu havaya uurmaya
uurmak altlar.

That old Jeep had a tendency to break down just when I

break down stop functioning bozulmak needed it the most.
Eski cipim, ona en ihtiyacm olduu zamanda bozuldu.

enter a building bir yere zorla Somebody broke in last night and stole our TV.
break in illegally girmek Dn gece biri evimize girip televizyonumuzu ald.

patlat vermek,
start First World War broke out in 1914
break out unexpectedly
aniden balamak
Birinci Dnya Sava 1914te balad.
(sava, hastalk)

My mother brought up that little matter of my prison record

bir konudan
mention, again.
bring up raise
Annem, o kadar da nemli olmayan sabka kaydmdan
gndeme getirmek

It isn't easy to bring up children nowadays.

bring up(2) raise ocuk yetitirmek.
Bu gnlerde ocuk yetitirmek kolay deil.

They called off this afternoon's meeting

call off cancel iptal etmek
leden sonraki toplanty iptal ettiler.

After our month-long trip, it was time to catch up with the

catch up get to the same yetimek, yakn neighbors and the news around town.
point as someone
with olmak Aylar sren yolculuumuzdan sonra, komulara ve kasaba
else evresine yakn olup onlardan haber almann vakti gelmiti.

run into, I came across these old photos when I was tidying the
find by chance, rastlamak closet.
accross come up against Dolab dzenlerken bu eski fotoraflara rastladm.

think of,
bir fikir/zm
come up discover, They've tried to come up with a solution.
bulmak, aklna bir
with produce an idea,
fikir/zm gelmek
Bir zm bulmaya altlar.

I am counting on you to make dinner while I am out.

depend on, gvenmek, bel
count on rely on balamak
Dardayken, akam yemeini yapma konusunda sana

reduce the We tried to cut down on the money we were spending on

cut down
amount, kesmek, azaltmak entertainment.
on cut back Elenceye harcadmz paray azaltmaya altk.

My sister found out that her husband had been planning a

surprise party for her.
find out learn renmek
Kz kardeim kocasnn onun iin srpriz bir parti
dzenlediini rendi.

get on with, I found it very hard to get along with my brother when we
get along
have a good iyi anlamak were young.
with relationship Erkek kardeimle anlamak, kkken daha zordu.


Phrasal SYNONYM TR Definition Example

not to be Janik cheated on the exam and then tried to get away
get away
punished, bir iten syrlmak with it.
with escape Janik snavda kopya ektii halde bu iten syrlmaya alt.

overcome a kt bir eyi

I got over the flu, but I don't know if I'll ever get over my
problem, atlatmak/stesinden
broken heart.
get over recover from an gelmek;
Nezleyi atlattm ama krlan kalbimi onarabilecek miyim, hi
illness/loss/ (hastalktan)
difficulty iyilemek

The citizens tried to get rid of their corrupt mayor in the

eliminate, recent election.
get rid of remove
Vatandalar son seimlerde frsat belediye bakanndan
kurtulmaya alt.

give something
birisine bir eyi The filling station was giving away free gas.
give away to someone for
bedava vermek Benzin istasyonu bedava gaz veriyordu.

My boyfriend didn't want to go to the ballet, but he

boyun emek, finally gave in.
give in yield
teslim olmak Erkek arkadam bale gsterisine gitmen istemedi fakat
sonunda boyun edi.

The students went over the material before the exam. They
look through, yeniden incelemek, should have gone over it twice.
go over go through gzden geirmek renciler snavdan nce konular tekrar gzden geirdiler.
ki kez bakmalydlar.

Charles grew up to be a lot like his father.

grow up become an adult bymek
Charles tpk babas gibi olmak iin byd.

vermek, The students handed in their papers and left the room.
hand in submit
teslim etmek renciler, devlerini tamamladlar ve snftan ktlar.

She hung up the phone before she hung up her clothes.

hang up end a phone call telefonu kapatmak
Kyafetini asmadan nce telefonu kapad.

I hate to hold up the meeting, but I have to go to the

make someone
hold up /something late geciktirmek
Toplanty geciktirmekten hi holanmyorum ama lavaboya
or delayed
gitmem gerekiyor.

He tried to keep on singing long after his voice was ruined.

keep on continue,
devam etmek Sesini iyice kaybetmeye baladktan sonra bile ark
(+gerund) keep to
sylemeye devam etmeye alt.

When he started to walk faster and the children had to run to

keep up move at the geri kalmamak, keep up with him.
with same speed as ayak uydurmak Hzl yrmeye balaynca ocuklar kendisine yetimek iin
komak zorunda kald.

atlamak, You left out the part about the police chase down.
leave out omit, cut out
karmak, Polisin kovalamasyla ilgili blm atladn.

take care, ilgilenmek, My mother promised to look after my dog while I was gone.
look after care for bakmak Annem ben yokken kpeime bakacana sz verdi.

It's typical of a jingoistic country that the citizens look down

look down disdain, hor grmek,
on their geographical neighbors.
on feel superior to kmsemek
Komularn, tipik rk lke vatandalar kmserler.

look wait for I always look forward to the beginning of a new semester.
drt gzle beklemek
forward to something Yeni smestrin balamasn her zaman drt gzle beklerim.


Phrasal SYNONYM TR Definition Example

investigate, aratrmak, The police will look into the possibilities of embezzlement.
look into examine incelemek Polis zimmete para geirme olaslklarn aratracak.

The lawyers looked over the papers carefully before

look through,
incelemek, questioning the witness. (They looked them over carefully.)
look over go through,
kontrol etmek Avukatlar tanklar sorgulamadan nce evraklar dikkatlice
go over

search and find You've misspelled this word again. You'd better look it up.
bir listede/ szlkte
look up information in a
Bu kelimeyi yine yanl yazdn. Doru yazlmna baksan iyi
list or dictionary olacak.

have a lot of First-graders really look up to their teachers.

look up to respect for
sayg gstermek
Eski nesil, retmenlerine gerekten sayg gsterirler.

She knew she was in trouble, so she made up a story about

invent a lie about bir hikaye/yalan going to the movies with her friends.
make up something uydurmak Bann belada olduunun farkndayd bu yzden
arkadalaryla sinemaya gittiini uydurdu.

I bought her a present to make up for my appaling

make up
compensate for telafi etmef behaviour.
for Kt davranm telafi etmek iin ona bir hediye aldm.

Make sure of the student's identity before you let him into
make sure make certain, dorulamak, the classroom.
of ensure emin olmak rencilerinizi snfa almadan nce, kimliklerinin doru
olduundan emin olun.

He had drunk too much; he passed out on the sidewalk

pass out faint baylmak outside the bar.
yle ok imiti ki barn nndeki kaldrma dp bayld.

There were three men in the line-up. She picked out the guy
she thought had stolen her purse.
pick out choose semek
Srada adam vard.Czdann aldn dnd adam

Relax. I will pick her up from school.

birini bir yerden
catch, collect; Merak etme. Onu okuldan ben alrm.
pick up learn
I picked up a little Turkish while I was in Istanbul.
stanbuldayken biraz Trke rendim.

As we drove through Paris, Francoise pointed out the major

dikkat ekmek, historical sites.
point out mention
belirtmek Paristen arabayla geerken, Francoise balca tarihi yerlere
dikkatimizi ekti.

We asked the boss to put off the meeting until tomorrow.

put off postpone ertelemek (Please put it off for another day.)
Patrondan toplanty yarna kadar ertelemesini rica ettik.

I put on a sweater and a jacket. (I put them on quickly.)

put on wear giyinmek
Bir sveter ve ceket giydim.

The firefighters put out the house fire before it could spread.
put out extinguish sndrmek (They put it out quickly.)
tfaiyeciler yangn, btn evi sarmadan sndrdler.

misafir etmek, Its late and I cant find a taxi. Can you put me up for the
arlamak, night?
put up accommodate
kalacak yer Ge oldu bu saatte taksi bulamam. Bu gece beni arlayabilir
salamak misin?


Phrasal SYNONYM TR Definition Example

The teacher had to put up with a great deal of nonsense

hogr gstermek,
tolerate, from the new students.
put up with bear
retmen yeni rencilerin btn samalklarna tahamml
tahamml etmek
etmek zorunda kald.

karlamak, Carlos ran into his English professor in the hallway.

run into come across
rastlamak Carlos ngilizce profesryle koridorda karlat.

finish, The runners ran out of energy before the end of the race.
run out of have none left
tkenmek, bitmek
Koucularn direnleri, yarn sonuna gelmeden tkenmiti.

dzenlemek, My wife set up the living room exactly the way she wanted it.
set up organize
kurmak, She set it up.
hazrlamak Karm sofray tam istedii gibi hazrlad.

set out, yola koyulmak, We set off for Ortaky.

set off start a journey yola kmak Ortakye doru yola ktk.

Whenever he sat down at the piano, we knew he was going

to show off.
show off boast gsteri yapmak
Piyanonun bana ne zaman otursa, gsteri yapacan

Day after day, Efrain showed up for class twenty minutes

turn up, varmak,
show up arrive ortaya kmak
(Efrain ard ardna derse yirmi dakika ge kalyordu.)

My second son seems to take after his mother.

take after resemble benzemek
Ortanca olum annesine benziyor.

My oldest sister took care of us younger children after Mom

look after, ilgilenmek, died.
take care of care for sorumlu olmak Ablam, annem ldkten sonra bize, daha kk ocuklara

It was so hot that I had to take off my shirt.

take off undress stn karmak
Hava yle scakt ki tirtm kartmak zorunda kaldm.

start to fly, My plane takes off in five minutes.

take off (2) leave ground
havalanmak (uak)
Uam 5 dakika sonra kalyor.

That's a lot of money! Don't just throw it away.

throw away dispose of (pe) atmak
Pahal bir ey o! Sakn atma.

vomit, My little sister threw up after she went on the roller coaster.
throw up puke
Kk kardeim roller coastera bindikten sonta kustu.

I tried out four cars before I could find one that pleased me.
try out test denemek
stediim arabay bulana kadar drt tane araba denedim.

He applied for a promotion twice this year, but he was turned

reject, reddetmek, down both times.
turn down refuse geri evirmek Bu yl iki kez terfi etmek iin talepte bulundu ama her
defasnda geri evrildi.

These are your instructions. Write them down before you

put into writing,
write down note
not etmek forget.
Unutmadan bu bilgileri bir yere not et.


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