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- Thesis: We should send humans to Mars not just for science, but for the
positive societal impacts that could be achieved by reaching the red Martian
- Unification of people in a common goal
- Inspiration for our youth to pursue STEM fields
- Exigency: We are behind in Math and Science education on a global scale,
divided country.
- Critics: Expensive, money could be used elsewhere. Solution, reduce costs by
innovating cheaper solutions, i.e. mention Zubrins plan
Setting the stage:
- Major challenges to overcome before the mission starts
- Main voices, Zubrin, Nye and their outlook
- Critics: Why not spend the money on education or for social reasons
- Rebuttal: We could gain far more than just science and technology, could
jump start youth interest in STEM fields and help unite the people of the
country together into a common goal.
- Fundamental will of humans to want to explore Quote from Zubrin
American STEM fields falling behind:
- Talk about the IEC global ratings for STEM field education
- Talk about the Moon landings and how they sparked the imagination of kids
around the world, including here in America
- Talk about how a manned Mars trip could help boost American interest in
STEM fields.
Divided Country:
- Recent election causes split within the country
- Mars mission will require help from both parties and could unite the political
and societal spectrum to pursue a common goal.
- Restore pride in our country and a technological leader on the world stage
- Increase industry by providing jobs for manufacturing components and
boosting engineering and science production to achieve a vast project like a
Mars trip
Current state of Mars mission
- Talk about the current stage we are in regarding the trip, with NASA
- Talk about SpaceX and their plans, along with Elon Musk
- Talk about financial challenges and solutions provided by Zubrin and Musk
- Recap of the societal gains that could be made from the trip
- Mention the exigency again and why it should be done ASAP
- Leave the reader with a powerful quote from Zubrin.

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