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Frances Foster

April 7, 2017

My 5 year goals and plans

For the next five years I hope to get everything in place to be successful in my goals in

life. I don't plan to go straight into school, I plan to take a year off in order to work and save up

as much as I can, along with getting married and living on base with my significant other while

he serves his time in the Marines. With doing this I hope to lessen the amount I may have to

take out a loan for. I hope with the money I save and other means I can accumulate, I can

attend Cinema Makeup school or Cosmix School of Makeup Artistry.

I plan on becoming a makeup artist in the movie, tv and or modeling industry, to do this

I'm going to take the Complete track which is a 28 week course. I chose this field due to my love

for art and makeup and placing the two together in the special effects are of makeup felt ideal,

also I chose this career because I felt I would be happy doing this as a career it made me think

of the saying If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. Many people choose

careers as only a way of just making money and spend their days wishing they wouldve chose

something else in life to make a career out of. While I'm going to school and then when I'm

finished with school I plan to work also. Depending on where I chose to go to school will

determine whether I move down south to LA or Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

After completing 7 months of schooling, I plan on applying and interning for experience

along with other private jobs in which prosthetic makeup is needed in the meantime as I'm just

starting out . As I accumulate experience I hope to gain clientele in which I can acquire jobs

from. I also plan to make a small business on the side putting myself out there for doing just
beauty makeup for special events such as weddings or other big party occasions or modeling/

photo shoots. All and all my ultimate goal is to be good enough at special effects to go on the

competition Face-Off and also to open my own company for hire, while making a name for

myself in movies for prosthetics and makeup on actors.

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