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NPAmigo is composed of four functions (especially the last two functions, which

are very helpful for us to convert .txt command results to .csv. for example, co
nvert cells RET into .csv file)
CFGMML MBSC Basic Information: From multiple CFGMML files summarize one .csv fil
e, including network basic information, such as MBSC Name, MBSC ID, OMU IP, Oper
ator, MCC, MNC, BAM Version, MBSC Mode, EMS IP etc.
CFGMML Search Parse: Search and parse any command from multiple CFGMML files, an
d output .csv file
M2000 Command Parse: Parse any M2000 command query result to .csv files
MML Task Result Parse: Parse out the MML Command from MML task result, and outpu
t .csv file

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