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Mejia Torres Diego, grupo 3B, Ingles III, Facultad de Ingeniera Ambiental,
Universidad Santo Toms sede Villavicencio.

Chapter 1 (The death of Karen Silkwood)

This chapter was about a car accident, in November 13 in1974, a girl was found
into a car, Karen Silkwood, she was 28 years old. Some people said she was
driving in the wrong road, but some also people said it wasnt true because Karen
was a good driver. She had an accident in her car because she was so tired after a
long day. People took her to the hospital and her boyfriend was very mad because
he waited her that night for an important papers. After the accident nobody found
that papers.
Chapter 2 (The new job)
1972, Karen got a new job in a nuclear factory as a secretary but she felt tired of it.
She saw there are new jobs and she talked to her manager who gave her the new
job right away.
On her first day she learned a lot, the coworkers told her that everything it is safe in
the laboratory. She needed an identity card to get in the laboratory. But one of her
coworkers told her that she needs a pretty smile in the ID (identity card) he thought
she would be stupid girl because she is pretty.
Mrs. Phillips show her all the laboratory and asked to Karen called her Susan.
When they were in the lab they saw six people into the room with gloves and a big
box. Karen asked about the box and Susan answered it has fuel rods and uranium,
Susan also told her she must take the gloves off every time she leaves the
laboratory and check her hands in the scanner. If the alarms sounds it is because
there is some radioactive dust in her hands and she has to take a shower.
She though the job was easy.
Chapter 3 (Karen and Drew)
Karen is an ordinary girl, she have new friends in the factory where she works and
she likes Drew.
She and some of her coworker were in a coffee and she is talking with Susan and
a man talked behind her. The man said she is the most beautiful girl in the factory
and he also invited her for a pizza in a restaurant. Susan said she should accept it
because he is Draw and he is a good man, finally she accepted it.
When they were in the restaurant he smiles to her all the time, he also listen to her
and laugh together. In few weeks they became closer in the factory.

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