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Weebly Basics

First go to stu d ents.w and enter you r u sernam e and

p assw ord I set u p for you .

Once you are logged in, it w ill ask you to nam e you r w ebsite.
Keep it sim p le and d ont u se you r first and last nam e. You r
w ebsite nam e w ill be (som ething).w , like mine is
km aiolatesi.w .

After you are d one nam ing you r site, you shou ld p ick a them e.
Click on Them e at the top of the site and then change them e on
the left hand sid e.

Once you have chosen a them e, you w ill start bu ild ing you r p age.
Click on Bu ild at the top of the site.
From here you can d rag elem ents from the left hand sid e on to
you r site on the right. You can d esign you r hom e p age how ever
you w ant.

To ad d a link, you can say som ething like Click here to., then
you w ill highlight the w ord here, click on the link bu tton, then
choose Website URL, and then p aste you r w ebsite into the blank.
See the p ictu re below for help :
Try d ifferent elem ents ou t to create you r hom e p age.

H ave fu n and be creative!

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