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Clashing Cultures Unit - Final Product Ideas and Tools

Product Suggested Tech Tools

Podcast - Host an episode of a podcast where you Opinion Podcasts; Voice Record
interview characters from your novel about cultural Pro 7; Garageband; any mp3 voice
collision and its impact on them recorder

Graphic Novel / Comic - Create a graphic novel or comic Pixton; ToonDoo;

strip depicting pivotal moments of cultural collision and
their effects

Infographic / Timeline - Map the process and effects of Tiki-Toki; Canva;;
acculturation and assimilation in your novel Piktochart; Venngage

Readers Theater - Write and perform a Readers Celtx

Theater that dramatizes scenes from your novel related
to the theme of cultural collision

Skit - Write and perform a skit that dramatizes the theme ^ Same as above
of cultural collision in your novel

Song or Rap - Write and perform an original piece of GarageBand, SoundPrism,

music inspired by the theme of cultural collision in your BeatMaker, RhymeZone (for help
novel with lyrics)

Visual Art - Convey your response to the prompt through Physical/material art work OR
visual art, including drawing, painting, sculpture, print, Adobe Photoshop Sketch,
design, photography, crafts, and/or filmmaking ASketch, ZenBrush

Students choice - Propose your own product idea

(discuss with your teacher first)

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