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Lizette Montero

Mr. Long

CSU Exposit RW


Pride Essay

By far my greatest accomplishment of my high years has been showing with the Merced High

FFA. Even before I came into highschool I was introduced to FFA thanks to my older brother who was

apart of it. Raising swines throughout my highschool career has been pure fun. Being able to show every

year at the Merced County Fair is something that I always look forward to every summer. I love how

close you get to people in your chapter and even from different cities just in that one simple week. Some

things that showing and raising an animal consist of is making sure that you wake up early to make sure

that you feed and care for your swine. Also includes that you shower them and making sure that they

are healthy. Throughout the process of caring for my pig I have learned many life lessons that I will be

able to apply as I get older such as being responsible by making sure that I pay for things such as the

feed, swine itself, and other extra things that may be required. Another thing that showing has showed

me is Another thing that makes me proud about being able to show a swine with Merced FFA is how

you are trusted to represent the program which is something that I really cherish.

Overall, I hold a lot of pride in being about to represent my high school at the country fair while

showing the animal that I have been rising throughout that year. I am so grateful that I get to experience

these things thanks to the help of my family for being able to provide for me do that and also thanks to

my school's FFA program that allows me to be apart of the great thing. I am so thankful that I will be

able to carry these memories that I have made thanks to this amazing school project.

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