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Megan Butler

Butler 1

May 2, 2017

English IV

Mrs. Harris

Glow in the Dark Animals

Have you not always want to see a glow in the dark cat or sheep? For the

past couple years scientists all over the word have been able to create them. As the

years go by the more successful the experiments get. These experiments originated

from scientists studying marine biology and has led them to performing

experiments which produced findings to help situations in todays world.

The beginning of glow in the animals originated from deep blue sea. As

scientists have been studying the bioluminescence in the marine life they keep

finding other information out. For example, scientist found out that the glow of the

animal depended on the presence of a protein called Luciferin.(Kumar) Also the

Adenosine Triphosphate molecule has an important role in producing the light. The

ATP molecule is found in all living things including humans. In 1961 Osamu

Shimomura found a molecule that glows in jellyfish under ultraviolet light.(Combs)

With scientists finding more of these molecules comes their curiosity to what they

could do with it.

How do scientists make other animals glow? The earliest find is researcher

Osamu Shimomura found the protein that produces the glow. After figuring this out
they found out they could attach the protein to other proteins, letting the scientists

to make any protein they please glow green. Another way performed by the

University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Medicine was to inject the florescent protein

pig embryos. As a result of this the off spring of these animals carry the same

florescent protein. With every experiment there is always a reason of why they

preform it.

What is the reasoning behind these experiments? These experiments are

preformed to help create medicine and therapies for patients that are cost-effective.

(Opma) Also its preformed to help cure feline AIDs. Organs from genetically

modified pigs, therefore, could be studied to solve the problem of rejected organ

transplants in people. (Markert) Researchers in Japan plan to breed families of

monkey that develop neuro-degenerative diseases to help them to better

understand Parkinson's and motor neurone diseases.(Bloomfield) With dogs and

humans having many common diseases, using the glowing dogs help understand

human fatal diseases.

These marine biology experiments have come out to help many situations in

the world today. We all still are left to wonder when these experiments will be tested

on humans so see if they do as the results say. As a result of all of these

experiments there are still consequences come with them, for example altering a

living organisms genes and cells.

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