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Merced High School

P.O. Box 2167. Merced, California 95344 (209) 325-1000

Home of Scholars and Champions

Joseph Gaestel
205 West Olive Ave
Merced, Ca. 95348
April 24, 2017

Dear selection committee:

This letter of recommendation is for Jared Xiong

I have been teaching since 1998 at both the secondary and college levels and only on a
few occasions have I had the privilege of instructing a really gifted student. Jared has a
real thirst for learning and the desire to achieve. His effort in my classes have shown me
he has the ability to think critically and understand complex issues both inside and outside
of the classroom.

I have known Jared since his freshman year having him in several of my computer
programming classes. Jared has always been very focused and enthusiastic about doing
his best in school. Jared is a phenomenal problem solver. I find his logic and thinking
skills exceptional. I feel his passion for school will transfer effectively to the real world and
his chosen career in Computer Science. .

I highly recommend that Jared receive the scholarship he is seeking.


Joseph Gaestel
Joseph Gaestel
AP Computer Science Principles
Business and Technology Education Department Chair
Merced High School FBLA Adviser
Merced High School

Home of Scholars and Champions

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