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Running head: AV1 ROBOTS IN SCHOOLS 1

Alona Thomas

AV1 Robots in Schools

ENG 1313-06 Writing in a Digital World

6 April 2017

AV1 Robots in Schools

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A number of young children and teenagers across the country suffer from life threatening

illnesses that prevent them from participating in everyday activities. By dealing with these life

threatening illnesses, they miss out on school or just being a part of a normal and functional

learning environment. A lab in Oslo worked day and night to provide a solution to this problem.

The lab partnered with a technology company based out of Europe and they developed a product

that would help kids all over the world. . The Startup Lab in Oslo along with the technology

company, No Isolation, has developed a robot that will help children be able to actively interact

in a classroom. This robot will soon become a pioneering invention that will change technology

in many aspects.

AV1 is a small robot that was especially developed for children that have long term

illnesses. It can be hard dealing with these illnesses and balancing everyday activities such as

attending school. This robot was designed to help the student actually be present in class even

during period of treatment. AV1 makes it easier to interact with peers and teachers and

[becomes] the pupils eyes, ears, and voice in class, on days (s)he cant be physically present at

school. (AV1, n.d.) . The robot has a 360 degree turn range to allow the student to talk to and

see their peers and has different variations of signals to indicate the students desired activity.

When the student wants to speak, the top of the robot will blink. If the student wishes to stop

participating in classroom activities, the top of the robot will turn blue. The student can control

the AV1 robot by using a phone or tablet with the AV1 software. It can be difficult to return to

school or participate in the classroom with long term illnesses but this robot effectively fixes that

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This robot will soon take over as a pioneering invention that will be able to help ill

children all across the world. According to a SoNews article on the robot, there are currently 8

robots in different schools across Norway (Heide, 2016). According to the feedback given by the

robots, the robots are enabling student participation better than any other device developed for

the same cause. The presence that the AV1 robot provides has gotten positive feedback and the

other students in the classroom respond to and communicate with it well. This makes the AV1

robot one of the most innovative inventions because it provides a unique and helpful experience

to the ill student and ultimately aids them in keeping contact with other people other than family

and doctors. The robot provides the student with flexibility in the classroom which can enhance

their overall learning experience.

The AV1 robot was developed using state of the art technology. The technology used for

AV1 makes it stand out when compared to other interactive devices made for students. The

design makes it easier to use in real life situations in the classroom. The robot has a head and

base that comes equipped with a camera, microphone, and a loud speaker. The head on the unit is

able to move up and down and it can also rotate. This makes it easier for the child to see and

interact with the other children in the classroom. The robot can be controlled by the student

through an app on a cell phone or tablet. The innovative technology used in this robot include

a Wi-Fi wireless network as well as 2G/3G/4G mobile networks. [and] it runs on batteries

(yvann, 2017) and this helps the student be able to use the robot in and out of the classroom.

The technology used for this product make the robot a groundbreaking invention because it is

able to provide extensive services for ill students compared to other interactive devices.

The development of the AV1 robot has attracted the attention of many partners and

investors such as the Norwegian Cancer Society, the Childrens Cancer Society, the Swedish
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Children Cancer Fund, and the Norwegian Association of Youth with Disabilities. By connecting

with these different societies who cater to the needs of children with long term illnesses or

disabilities, they are able to expand on their product. This expansion means the creation of more

robots and the branching out of the technology company. The ultimate goal should be catering to

the needs to ill children all across the world. The company currently has expanded to seven

different countries across the Nordics in Baltic and they are also on the verge of establishing

themselves in the Netherlands. This probably the most important pioneering aspect of this

invention. Being able to reach a larger audience in different country not only helps the sales for

the company but also helps the robot become more beneficial to more children in the world.

There are many children missing out in the classroom because of their illness but this robot

makes everything easier for the sick children.

In conclusion, the AV1 robot has many different aspects about it that make it one of the

most innovative and pioneering inventions in this era of technology. This robot not only lets the

ill student interact with their peers, it also aids them in the classroom to enhance their learning

experience. This enhancement is important because the student will spend many hours physically

absent from the classroom and that has an impact on their overall learning experience. This robot

include many different features that makes the student feels apart of the classroom and those

same aspects makes it superior when compared to other interactive devices.

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AV1. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Heide, A. H. (2016, May 24). A robot's quest to end isolation. Retrieved from

yvann, S. (2017, February 22). Child too sick for school long-term? Send one of these robots

instead. ZDNet. Retrieved from


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