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Name Meagan Smith

Date February 10, 2016

EDUG 506 Subject Matter Standards & Applications

Module Assessment

1) Summarize how to write a lesson based on Wiggins and McTighes Backward
Design. Provide an example of each stage. Which TPE does it show evidence of?
Explain the TPE connection.
Wiggins and McTighes Backwards designs is a theory that pushes teachers to begin the
designing process of a lesson with an end goal/objective. The steps include: identify desired
results, determine acceptable evidence, and finally, plan learning experiences and instruction. In
the first stage, identify desired results, the teacher will choose a specific set of goals, standards
and curriculum expectations that that they want their students to reach. For instance, I chose the
standard CCSS RL 1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in
stories. In Stage 2, determine acceptable evidence, teachers must determine what their students
need to do to accomplish those goals. In this, teachers must think as an assessor thinking how
will I know if theyve achieved the goal in stage one? Finally, in the third stage, plan learning
experiences and instruction, teachers will finally plan out instruction according to the goals
identified in stage 1 and 2. Here, I would move to the procedures which would have students
tangibly learn the goals describes in stage one. This relates to TPE 3.2. In this TPE it explains
that curriculum should be organized to match specific goals, such as the ones identified in stage 1
of Backwards Design.

2) Then, choose 1 addition concept or module activities/reading from below, provide a

classroom example, and explain how they deepen your understanding of the
following TPEs:
Blooms Taxonomy is about the product of the students learning. For Blooms, teachers must
be in the mindset of what is the goal? For example, this would be the first part of planning a
lesson (according to backwards design). After choosing your standard, you would need to
identify an objective. For instace with the standard, CCSS RL 1.9 Compare and contrast the
adventures and experiences of characters in stories. . After choosing your goal, you will create
your objectives while referencing the various stages of Blooms Taxonomy. For this particular
standard, I chose to use the objecting for the creating level. My objective was Create a Venn
Diagram explaining the differences and similarities of the experiences of characters.
Webbs DOK is more about the process of achieving those goals. For example, this would be
the formal and summative assessments a test, a worksheet, etc.

These help me understand TPE 3, Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student
Learning. Using these concepts allows teachers and future teachers like myself see the value in
planning and organizing lessons with purpose.

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