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Merced High School

P.O. Box 2167. Merced, California 95344 (209) 385-6466

May 2, 2017

Recommendation for Rayveon Slaton

It is with great pleasure that I write in support of Rayveon Slaton. A well mannered, courteous
young man Rayveon is a hard working and serious student. During his four years at Merced High,
he has maintained an outstanding grade point average, enrolled in a rigorous and demanding college
preparatory program. He is also respected as a popular leader among his peers for his fine
personal traits.

Rayveon demonstrates a mature sense of priorties and values. He sets goals for himself and has
been very successful in achieving these goals through perseverance, talent and commitment.
Pursuing a future career in the field criminal justice has been a long time goal of Rayveons. I am
confident that he will achieve this goal, as he has others, as he possesses the intellectual
capabilities, dedication and responsibility to his commitments that is essential for success. He has
an inquisitive mind, excellent work-study skills and is a conscientious, industrious worker.

Rayveons high motivation and industrious attitude toward his academics is paralleled by his
dedication the MHS football and track programs. He has been a faithful member of the schools
team for 4 years achieving many personal honors and awards.

Examining the past four years at Merced High for Rayveon, I feel very strongly that he is ready to
meet the challenge of a college education and is willing to give his all to fulfill his goals. Rayveon
is the type of young person who makes us all proud and confident of todays youth. I give him
my highest recommendation.

Val Fogelberg

Val Fogelberg
Merced High School

Home of Scholars and Champions

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