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We didnt always live in Coast Street. We lived in too many The Garage is not prettier than my house.

than my house. But it has a

other places to remember. It is small, but only because its too crown, its not gold though. It is green with purple that blossoms in
small for all of us. Its a total of six plus one living in my new house: small groups. It might be the best garage because the other ones
mama, papa, Andrea, Roselyn, the new baby, my grandpa and me. dont have a crown like mine and its also closer to my house.
It wouldnt be so crowded if we were smaller. The outside is nice. the people are nice. Except the lady across us.
The new house has a nice color. Its yellow, soft and has a
dark brown roof as a hat. Big green bushes hug my house with two
big eyed windows that stare back. Following is a big weightless
white door that seems like powder.
The inside is small,but it has enough space to walk around.
Everything inside is older than me but also smaller. The table and
sofa gets crowded easily and so does the kitchen. Not even a large
dog would fit comfortably in the restroom near the living room. After
climbing the stair steps smaller than my feet there are three
crooked teeth-like doors. One led to my grandpas room, the other
to my unlockable bathroom, and the other to our room. It
sometimes steals my breath or leans into my personal space. I
often prefer to stay in the kitchen.
Next to the kitchen we have a small space outside. In that
small space we put our dog luna. It doesnt have dirt or grass or
flowers, or anything like that. its covered in concrete and cement.
The only green you could see is the pots with the green plants my
parents put.
Outside my new home is nicer. The sky blue, the grass wet
and green, plus its full of space and air. Nice fresh air thats quiet
until its dark. Then there are the cats. Its just cats and cats and
more cats. They hang everywhere. Theyre in the bushes, on the word count 385
grass, on the roofs, under the cars,or near my garage.

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